G-Force Tolerance and Heart Rate

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of an "altered time rate" in a tabletop game, specifically in terms of g force tolerance. The participants consider how the increased heart rate from the altered time rate may affect the body's ability to withstand high g forces, and whether it would be beneficial in increasing acceleration. They also discuss the subjective experience of time in relation to acceleration and how it can be calculated using relevant equations. The conversation concludes with the idea that an altered time rate may enhance g force tolerance by allowing for faster acceleration.
  • #1
This is about my tabletop game again.

Hypothetically speaking, if your heart rate was faster because of an "altered time rate" - anywhere from X2 to significantly more than that times the normal time rate - would that increase your g force tolerance? I'm speaking mainly about a g-force parallel to the length of your body, like if you're a superhero flying around, but horizontal g forces are also a thing in my game verse.

So, assuming these characters can normally tolerate an acceleration of 9 g's, would the elevated heart rate from the "altered time rate" keep blood flowing through the body even if you accelerate faster than that for a while?

A 2X altered time rate (the name for this ability is from GURPS) means that 1 second for everyone at a normal time rate is 2 seconds for you. You subjectively experience things around you as happening at a slower rate and you can move your limbs faster. Thus, you could move faster (though most fights happen in the air in my game verse) and, more importantly, react and strike faster with your limbs. A 2x time rate means you can punch with 4 times the kinetic energy.

I'm thinking that it wouldn't make a huge difference, but I'm not sure. If your heart can normally just barely cope with the blood pooling to your lower body, then increasing the heart rate even by a crazy amount isn't going to increase the force output of each individual pump. Once you hit the limit where your heart can cope with the blood pooling due to its inertia, a faster heart rate isn't going to help you. Also, there would probably be issues with blood vessels bursting.

Does this sound right?
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  • #2
Your heart wouldn’t be pumping twice as fast in that scenario. It would be pumping at the same speed as it always has, measured by everything else in your magic time bubble (most importantly; everything else in your body). If you were to subjectively experience time twice as fast as everything else then acceleration for you would feel halved, e.g: the 9.8m/s2 of Earth’s gravity becomes 4.9m/s2.

This effect applies to anything and you can work out the experience by doubling the time component of whatever relevant equation you’re using. Frequency of light and sound is halved, viscosity of gases and fluids are doubled etc
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  • #3
Ryan_m_b said:
Your heart wouldn’t be pumping twice as fast in that scenario. It would be pumping at the same speed as it always has, measured by everything else in your magic time bubble (most importantly; everything else in your body). If you were to subjectively experience time twice as fast as everything else then acceleration for you would feel halved, e.g: the 9.8m/s2 of Earth’s gravity becomes 4.9m/s2.

This effect applies to anything and you can work out the experience by doubling the time component of whatever relevant equation you’re using. Frequency of light and sound is halved, viscosity of gases and fluids are doubled etc
That's one answer to how to enhance g force tolerance, I guess. It seems appropriate that ATR would make it possible for you to accelerate faster. Thank you for your thoughts!
  • #4
gibberingmouther said:
That's one answer to how to enhance g force tolerance, I guess. It seems appropriate that ATR would make it possible for you to accelerate faster. Thank you for your thoughts!

Does it mean you can accelerate 2x faster and fee the same or that the faster acceleration is felt at 1/2 rate?
  • #5
stefan r said:
Does it mean you can accelerate 2x faster and fee the same or that the faster acceleration is felt at 1/2 rate?
You effectively have twice the energy at a 2X ATR so you can use that to accelerate twice as fast as at 1X but feel the same I guess.

Related to G-Force Tolerance and Heart Rate

1. What is G-force tolerance?

G-force tolerance is the ability of the human body to withstand and adapt to the effects of acceleration forces. It is measured in units of Gs, with 1 G being the force of Earth's gravity. G-forces can be experienced during activities such as riding a rollercoaster, flying in an airplane, or participating in high-speed sports.

2. How does G-force affect heart rate?

G-forces can cause changes in heart rate due to the body's natural response to the stress of acceleration. When experiencing positive G-forces (such as during a rollercoaster loop), blood is forced away from the brain and towards the lower body, causing a temporary increase in heart rate. In contrast, negative G-forces (such as during a freefall) can cause a decrease in heart rate as blood pools in the head and upper body.

3. What is the maximum G-force a human can tolerate?

The maximum G-force a human can tolerate varies depending on factors such as age, physical fitness, and individual differences. Generally, most healthy individuals can withstand up to 5 Gs for a short period of time before experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, and loss of consciousness.

4. How can G-force tolerance be improved?

G-force tolerance can be improved through training and conditioning. Pilots and astronauts, for example, undergo specialized training to increase their G-force tolerance and prevent symptoms of acceleration such as blackouts. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system can also help improve G-force tolerance.

5. What are the potential risks of high G-force exposure?

Exposure to high G-forces can pose several risks to the human body, including loss of consciousness, blurred vision, nausea, and in extreme cases, organ damage. It is important to understand and follow safety precautions when participating in activities that involve high G-forces, and to consult a doctor if you have any pre-existing health conditions that may be affected by G-forces.

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