Further Geological Effects of Chicxulub Impact Found

In summary, the Chicxulub impact left giant ripples on the seafloor, known as megaripples, which were likely caused by the tsunami waves as they approached the shore. The orientation of these ripples is consistent with the impact site, and their size is comparable to those found in Glacial lake Missoula. The location was ideal for preserving these ripples, showcasing the immense power of the Chicxulub asteroid impact.
  • #1
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When a giant tsunami wave spread out from the site of the dinosaur killing Chicxulub impact, it left traces of its passing in giant ripples on the seafloor (as described in this news article in Science):
Screen Shot 2021-07-16 at 2.56.23 PM.png

When Kinsland and his colleagues analyzed a layer about 1500 meters underground—one associated with the time of the impact—they saw fossilized ripples. These “megaripples” were spaced up to 1 kilometer apart and were an average of 16 meters tall, they reported in an Earth & Planetary Science Letters study posted online on 2 July.

Kinsland believes the ripples are the imprint of the tsunami waves as they approached the shore in waters about 60 meters deep, disturbing the seafloor sediments. (Tidal waves gain their massive height only when they reach the ramp of the coastline.)

Kinsland says the orientation of the ripples was also consistent with the impact. When he drew a line perpendicular to their crests, he says, it went right to Chicxulub. He adds that the location was perfect for preserving the ripples, which would have eventually been buried in sediment. “The water was so deep that once the tsunami had quit, regular storm waves couldn’t disturb what was down there.”

The research article is here (but not accessible to me).

The size of these ripples is comparable to those found in the Glacial lake Missoula, due to its sudden monstrous outflows.

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  • #2
BillTre said:
When a giant tsunami wave spread out from the site of the dinosaur killing Chicxulub impact, it left traces of its passing in giant ripples on the seafloor (as described in this news article in Science):
Thanks :smile:
  • #3

Wow, these giant ripples are incredible! It's amazing how the impact of the Chicxulub asteroid had such a massive impact on the seafloor. I wish I could access the research article to learn more about these megaripples. It's also interesting how they compare to the ripples found in Glacial lake Missoula - it just goes to show the power of natural forces. And the fact that the location was perfect for preserving them is just incredible. This really puts into perspective just how devastating the Chicxulub impact must have been for the dinosaurs. It's fascinating to think about the ripple effect (no pun intended) of this event on our planet's history.

Related to Further Geological Effects of Chicxulub Impact Found

1. What is the Chicxulub impact and how did it affect Earth's geology?

The Chicxulub impact refers to the massive asteroid impact that occurred approximately 66 million years ago in what is now the Yucatan Peninsula. This impact is believed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs and had a significant impact on Earth's geology, including creating a massive crater and causing widespread earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

2. What new evidence has been found about the further geological effects of the Chicxulub impact?

Recent studies have uncovered evidence of further geological effects of the Chicxulub impact, including evidence of massive wildfires and a significant decrease in global temperatures. Researchers have also found evidence of a global layer of impact debris, indicating the widespread impact of the asteroid.

3. How did the Chicxulub impact impact the Earth's climate?

The Chicxulub impact had a significant impact on Earth's climate, causing a sudden and dramatic cooling period known as the "impact winter." This was caused by the massive amounts of dust and debris thrown into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun and leading to a decrease in temperatures.

4. What role did the Chicxulub impact play in the extinction of the dinosaurs?

The Chicxulub impact is believed to have played a major role in the extinction of the dinosaurs. The immediate effects of the impact, such as the intense heat, earthquakes, and tsunamis, would have killed many dinosaurs. The long-term effects, such as the impact winter and widespread destruction of their habitats, would have also contributed to their extinction.

5. How does the discovery of further geological effects of the Chicxulub impact impact our understanding of Earth's history?

The discovery of further geological effects of the Chicxulub impact provides new insights into the catastrophic events that occurred 66 million years ago and their impact on Earth's history. It also highlights the interconnectedness of different geological processes and how one event can have far-reaching consequences on the planet's climate and ecosystems.

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