From Big Bang to Iron: A Timeline of Creation

In summary, the formation of heavy elements on Earth, such as iron, uranium, and plutonium, can be attributed to two main processes: fusion processes from helium to iron and supernova explosions. These processes are more prevalent in larger, more massive stars that have shorter lifetimes due to their increased energy output. The relationship between a star's mass and its lifespan can be calculated using known nuclear fusion processes and the star's temperature. However, there are still uncertainties in predicting the lifespan of more massive stars due to their ability to fuse heavier elements. The idea of matter being a conductor of gravity, similar to how a ferromagnetic material is affected by magnetic forces, is too vague and not supported by the mathematical basis of physics.
  • #1
crazy mind
If our sun will took around 15 billion years to convert hydrogen (Atomic#1) in helium (Atomic#2) how much time it took, since big bang, to generate heavy atoms like all we have on Earth as iron, uranium, plutonium and etc ?
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  • #2
There are many different processes leading to the formation of heavy elements. The two most important are (1) fusion processes from helium to iron and (2) supernovae explosions for all the heavier elements.

The first stars forming after the big bang were generally much larger than the sun. As a result they burned out much faster and process (1) followed immediately. Finally after they reached the iron stage there was nothing to prevent a complete gravitational collapse leading to a supernova explosion for stars with enough mass (somewhat larger than the sun's) with process (2) creation.
  • #3
Yeah, as mathman said: it comes from heavier stars than our Sun. Stars much more massive than our Sun last only a tens to hundreds of millions of years, depending upon their mass.
  • #4
And, our sun is only about 4 1/2 billion years old. 15 billion years is closer to the age of the universe itself.
  • #5
What I ment reffering to the 15 billion years was the time expected to sun consume all hydrogen, for sure it´s not sun´s age.
Referring to answer about larger stars time to agregate atoms up to iron being faster than time for our sun to consume it own, dear fellows, how can this assumption be assumed and verified ? Or it´s only an assumption.
  • #6
crazy mind said:
What I ment reffering to the 15 billion years was the time expected to sun consume all hydrogen, for sure it´s not sun´s age.
Referring to answer about larger stars time to agregate atoms up to iron being faster than time for our sun to consume it own, dear fellows, how can this assumption be assumed and verified ? Or it´s only an assumption.
Oh, it's a pretty solid result.

Basically, as a star gets more massive, it gets hotter. That means it puts out more energy per unit time. And, as it turns out, the increase in energy output per unit time is faster than the increase in mass, so that the more massive a star is, the shorter it lives.

Here's a little website that describes this in more detail:

The basic idea is that for a relatively low-mass star like our Sun, it is more or less straightforward to calculate how long it will last, based upon the energy release of hydrogen fusing into helium and based upon the Sun's temperature (this tells us how much hydrogen it has to burn to keep shining at the level it's shining). Then you have to know how the nuclear fusion processes in the centers of stars vary with temperature and pressure (which we know based upon terrestrial tests of nuclear fusion processes). Then it's straightforward to compute the relationship between how massive a star is (at least for low-mass stars) and how long it lives.

Things get more complicated, of course, for stars that are able to fuse heavier elements, so the lifetimes get more and more uncertain as the stars get more massive. But it is quite clear that the more massive a star is, the shorter it lives.
  • #7
Thanks Chalnoth for clarifying me on that, but ( always one) being coherent with my rebel mind, all this today explanations can only be rational under standard knowledge and perception of today scientific minds, so what if (another question):
Gravity is the main force to generate atoms aggregation like you described and knowing that matter don´t have known symmetry (two different stable poles) at least on our side of universe, why matter can´t be understood as a gravity conductor, immerse in a gravitational vectorial field, somewhere and somehow generated ?
Thesis analogy: If you can establish a let us say magnetic north and south pole planes (infinite and distant enough) and you have two pieces (let us say spherical) one much bigger than the other and closer enough among them (regarding to pole planes distance) of a ferromagnetic material, and you start analyze magnetic forces, you will find it equations and behavior, including force´s lines, like matter immerse in a supposed gravitational field, including orbits, stability and so on…
I know that seems absurd by let us make a mind exercise.
This idea could justify, as well as yours (current), atoms aggregation ?
  • #8
I'm sorry, but this is just too vague. The problem is that physics is, at its heart, mathematical. To have a hope of describing anything new, you have to describe it in those terms. Anything else just doesn't have the specificity to really judge whether or not it is accurate.

Related to From Big Bang to Iron: A Timeline of Creation

1. What is the Big Bang theory?

The Big Bang theory is the scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It states that about 13.8 billion years ago, all matter and energy were contained in an extremely small, hot, and dense point called a singularity. This singularity underwent a rapid expansion, resulting in the formation of the universe as we know it today.

2. How was iron created in the universe?

Iron is created through the process of nuclear fusion in the cores of massive stars. During their lifetime, these stars fuse hydrogen atoms into helium, and then continue to fuse helium into heavier elements such as carbon, oxygen, and eventually iron. When a star reaches the end of its life and explodes in a supernova, it releases these elements into the universe, including iron.

3. How long did it take for the first stars to form after the Big Bang?

The first stars, known as Population III stars, are believed to have formed between 100 million and 1 billion years after the Big Bang. This is known as the cosmic dark ages, as there were no stars or galaxies yet in existence. These early stars were much larger and hotter than our Sun, and played a crucial role in the evolution of the universe.

4. When did the Earth form in relation to the timeline of creation?

The Earth is estimated to have formed around 4.5 billion years ago, about 9 billion years after the Big Bang. This places it in the middle of the timeline of creation, between the formation of the first stars and the appearance of complex life forms on Earth.

5. How does the formation of iron play a role in the evolution of the universe?

Iron is a crucial element in the evolution of the universe. It is the heaviest element that can be formed through nuclear fusion in stars, and its production marks the end of a star's life. Iron is also a key component in the formation of rocky planets like Earth, and plays a vital role in the development of life on these planets. The existence of iron in the universe also helps scientists determine the age of stars and galaxies, providing important insights into the history and evolution of the cosmos.

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