Experimental support for SR & GR

In summary, a list of experiments that support the theory of special and general relativity would be beneficial.
  • #1
Chi Meson
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
I would like to create (with everyone's help) a list of experiments etc that support SR and GR.

These should be reproducable experiments, or profound predictions that have been upheld, as well as objects/systems that use SR/GR calculations on an everyday basis.

I would predict that such a list could get lengthy, so hopefully just a description of the "experiment" and maybe a web page that shows data would be most appreciated.

If this thread takes off, I'll be maintaining the list starting with the second post.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
No doubt the perihelion shift of Mercurius will get named, but a German schoolteacher named Paul Gerber reached the same result years before Einstein using Newtonian physics and the assumption the propagation speed of gravity is not infinite. Just a note.
  • #3
some older resources online:

Relativity FAQ - What is the experimental basis of the Special Relativity Theory? --->

Living Review: The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment --->
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  • #4
Can't forget my personal favorite: http://www-astronomy.mps.ohio-state.edu/~pogge/Ast162/Unit5/gps.html .
Relativity is not just some abstract mathematical theory: understanding it is absolutely essential for our global navigation system to work properly!
Besides being a device that depends on Relativity, experiments can be conducted using it as a tool.
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  • #5
Particle accelerators come to mind.

Simon666 said:
No doubt the perihelion shift of Mercurius will get named, but a German schoolteacher named Paul Gerber reached the same result years before Einstein using Newtonian physics and the assumption the propagation speed of gravity is not infinite. Just a note.
I would like to read about this. Do you have a reference or webpage?
  • #6
turin said:
I would like to read about this. Do you have a reference or webpage?

By Googling, I found this on Gerber
"Gerber's Gravity" (Kevin Brown)
(if you have access)
"A simple approach to the experimental consequences of general relativity"
(Peter Rowlands) Phys. Educ. 32 (January 1997) 49-55
[which cites
Roseveare N T 1982 Mercury’s Perihelion from
Le Verrier to Einstein (Oxford: Clarendon) pp 137–44]

I haven't read any of these carefully yet.
  • #7
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  • #11
question: what propogation speed of gravity explains the perhelion shift of mercury? and how does it compare to the speed of light? this could be important.
  • #12
Thanks everyone so far. So far it's been mostly a list of many lists, but I am going through the sites one by one. I'm compiling a nice reference list which I will post here when it's in a coherent form.

So far, the effect I like the most is the "transverse Doppler effect." This is mentioned in the site offered by Chroot.

Do keep them coming folks. Thanks again.
  • #13
OK. I'm looking for a website reference that has data/discussion about the increase of the B-field required to hold a relativistic proton in a circular path (e.g. as required at CERN). I've tried a few googles, but I'm getting overwhelmed by articles that are a little too arcane/advanced. Anyone got something on this?
  • #14
Actually, do you only want references with complete web access, or are you also collecting journal citations?

  • #15
Journals are fine, but the level of difficulty should be so that a BS physicist could follow, so some PhD level papers are "too much." I don't need each and every support of SR/GR. This list was originally intended as a starting point for my AP student's final projects (and the project is to be "paperless").

Ideally, what I'm putting together will be a list in which:

...a brief paragraph description of prediction/result/experiment that supports SR and/or GR, followed by one or two websites that contains some or most of the specific results from that experiment. It does not have to contain all of the data, but should contain a deeper description of the set-up, and significant, conclusive data.

FOr example, I've got two good sites for the Sagnac effect:

I'm right now looking for a site that deals with the Haefele-Keating (atomic Clocks) experiment. There are lots of sites that mention it, and some that provide the final "delta t's", but I can't get one that goes into specifics of the equations used and preditictions made.

BTW, I'm not expecting you folks to write the paragraphs; I'm just hoping to get tuned into experiments I hadn't heard of. So far It's going well. I'll attach a draft here probably next week.
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  • #16
I'd like to add the COW experiment, performed in 1975; it demonstrates the equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass at the quantum level.
  • #17
Could I have more information on this experiment? I googled "COW experiment" and the closest thing I got was a Cesium/barium radioactivity college lab outline.
  • #18
Here's how it looks so far. I've attached the document as an MS Word file. Our system has up-to-the-minute virus protection, so you shouldn't have to worry about any bugs, but play it safe anyway.
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  • #19
I don't follow what you mean by "COW," (is that an acronym?). If you mean the word "cow," then the column of Cs resin in the radioactivity experiment is called a "cow" and the extraction of the metastable Ba (into which the Cs decays) is called "milking the cow." The extraction is performed by titrating an ionic solution that reacts with Ba but not with Cs. My experience with this experiment is that the solution does not do its job (i.e. you get excessive amounts of Cs in your sample).
  • #20
Chi Meson and Turin. The "COW" experiment is short for Collela, Overhauser and Werner, who were the authors of a notable experiment (in the 1970's I believe). However, it wasn't about proving equivalence principle.

It was a neutron diffraction experiment that showed conclusively that the relative phase of the neutron wavefunction is altered by the presence of a gravitational field.
It was the first indication of how gravity affects a particle on a quantum level.

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  • #21
Thank you Creator.

BTW, good job with trees and stuff (or was that you?)
  • #22
Chi Meson said:
Thank you Creator.

BTW, good job with trees and stuff (or was that you?)

Yep, ... trees, animals, people,...the whole ball of wax.
Glad you like it... :approve: :wink:
  • #23
Chronos said:
question: what propogation speed of gravity explains the perhelion shift of mercury? and how does it compare to the speed of light? this could be important.
I think 'the speed of gravity' is 'c' in GR (hard-coded, not an input parameter), so any experimental result consistent with GR is also support for 'speed of gravity = c'. Putting aside GR, how would you go about testing the difference between the speed of gravity and c, even in principle?
  • #24
One example that routinely comes up in particle accelerators is the increased half-life of particles moving near c. Take the [itex]\mu[/itex]-meson, which has a resting half-life of 1.87 x [itex]10^-6[/itex]s. At a speed of 0.95c, the half-life is measured at 6.00 x [itex]10^-6[/itex]s. This is in accordance with the Lorentz transformation for time dilation,
[tex]\Delta t' = \frac{\Delta t_{0}}{\sqrt{1 - (v^2/c^2)}}[/tex],
confirming that aspect of SR. A little like the GPS, I don't think this was ever done as an experiment with the intent to confirm SR, but the measured quantities do behave in accordance with the theory.
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  • #25
Don't forget all the high precision measurements in Quantum Electrodynamics, which incorporates SR as a building block.
  • #26
zefram_c said:
Don't forget all the high precision measurements in Quantum Electrodynamics, which incorporates SR as a building block.

I think its spelled Zephram. Don't you think, Mr. Cochrane?
  • #27
You know, I've seen both spellings. There seems to be some disagreement within the community as to whether the spelling is invariant in all reference frames, or whether it is permitted to depend on the book/episode/movie you choose to refer to. :smile:
  • #28
zefram_c said:
You know, I've seen both spellings. There seems to be some disagreement within the community as to whether the spelling is invariant in all reference frames, or whether it is permitted to depend on the book/episode/movie you choose to refer to. :smile:

I guess so. In a google search I get 1650 hits for "zephram cochrane", 415 for "zephram cochran", 482 for "zefram cochran", and 6540 for "zefram cochrane" so I guess your spelling is the most common.
  • #29
Wow. Only that few (<10,000 total) ? Somehow I expected more. In any event, my main concern was to bring this thread back to plain sight... it seems its usefulness has not yet expired.

In fact, there is an even better experimental support, and once again it comes from QFT (ie SR+QM+fields). This involves the test of the CPT theorem, which requires that particles and antiparticles have the same mass. This can be measured to very high precision in the neutral kaon system with CP violation. The current experimental status restricts any mass difference between the K0 and its antiparticle, normalized to the K0 mass, to less than one part in 1018... if that's not convincing enough I don't know what is.
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Related to Experimental support for SR & GR

1. What is the experimental evidence for Special and General Relativity?

The experimental evidence for Special and General Relativity is vast and encompasses a wide range of different types of experiments. Some of the most well-known evidence includes the Michelson-Morley experiment, which showed the constancy of the speed of light, the bending of starlight by the Sun's gravity during a solar eclipse, and the measurements of time dilation and length contraction in particle accelerators.

2. How does the concept of spacetime affect the experimental support for SR & GR?

The concept of spacetime, which combines space and time into a single entity, is a fundamental aspect of Special and General Relativity. Einstein's theories predict that the presence of mass and energy warps the fabric of spacetime, leading to effects such as gravitational time dilation and the curvature of light. These predictions have been confirmed through numerous experiments, providing strong evidence for the validity of SR & GR.

3. Can you explain the gravitational redshift and how it supports General Relativity?

The gravitational redshift is a phenomenon where light traveling from a massive object, such as a star, to an observer appears to be shifted towards the red end of the spectrum due to the warping of spacetime caused by the object's gravity. This effect was predicted by General Relativity and has been observed in multiple experiments, providing strong support for the theory.

4. How do experiments involving atomic clocks provide evidence for Special and General Relativity?

Atomic clocks are extremely precise timekeeping devices that use atomic transitions to measure time. Experiments involving atomic clocks have shown that time passes at different rates depending on the speed and gravitational potential of the clock. This is in line with the predictions of Special and General Relativity and has been confirmed through numerous experiments, further supporting the theories.

5. Are there any ongoing experiments or future experiments that will provide further support for SR & GR?

Yes, there are ongoing experiments and future experiments that will continue to provide evidence for Special and General Relativity. One example is the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which has detected gravitational waves, providing direct evidence for the prediction of gravitational waves in General Relativity. Other upcoming experiments include the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) and the Event Horizon Telescope, which will further test the predictions of SR & GR.

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