Equations of motion por a free particle in curved spacetime

In summary, the physicist has questions for physics lovers. The first question is whether using the -+++ signature yields the LHS of (3) being equal to -c2. The second question is whether there are TWO geodesic equations. The third question is why the LHS of (4) is equal to zero. The fourth question is whether there is just ONE geodesic equation for massive particles or for massless particles. The fifth question is how to get (5) from (4). The physicist thanks the physics lover for their help.
  • #1
MManuel Abad
Hi there, Physics lovers!

I've got some questions for you!

Denoting by

(1) [tex]ds^{2}=g_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}=c^{2}d\tau^{2}[/tex]

the interval (and [tex]\tau[/tex] the proper time) and using the signature (+---), we have that the equations of motion for a free particle are:

(2) [tex]\frac{d^{2}x^{\mu}}{d\tau^{2}}+\Gamma^{\mu}_{\nu\lambda}\frac{dx^{\nu}}{d\tau}\frac{dx^{\lambda}}{d\tau}=0[/tex]

; the so called "geodesic (timelike) equations", (those capital Gamma are the Christoffel symbols).

Obviously we have the relation:

(3) [tex]g_{\mu\nu}\frac{dx^{\mu}}{d\tau}\frac{dx^{\nu}}{d\tau}=c^{2}[/tex]

'Cuz the LHS of (3) gives us the square of the magnitude of the 4-velocity, and that's always PLUS c2

(FIRST QUESTION: using the -+++ signature we get that LHS of (3) is equal to -c2, don't we?)

Everything is fine. But then I get in trouble. Using an action based on an auxiliary field I found in some place, I get that for a MASSLESS particle, the equations of motion are:

(4) [tex]g_{\mu\nu}\frac{dx^{\mu}}{d\tau}\frac{dx^{\nu}}{d\tau}=0[/tex]

; which people call the "geodesic (lightlike) equations".

SECOND (set of) QUESTION(s): So, we have TWO geodesic equations? (2) for massive particles and (4) for massless particles? If that's so, why does (2) doesn't involve mass m??

THIRD (set of) QUESTION(s):

And why is LHS of (4) equal to zero? isn't that the square of the magnitude of the 4-velocity for a massless particle? shouldn't it be c2?? I thought EVERY PARTICLE (massive or massless) travels in spacetieme with 4-speed equal to that of light!


I've read in many places:

"Well, obviously we get from (4) that:

(5) [tex]ds^{2}=g_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}=0[/tex]

Sorry, but that's not obvious to me. Could someone derive it for me? Please? I know that (5) would imply that the massless particle travels at the speed of light c, even if LHS of (4) is equal to zero, so I THINK that would solve question 4. But I just don't know how to get (5) from (4).

Well, that's all, folks. I hope you help me. Thank you so much since now :)
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  • #2
(FIRST QUESTION: using the -+++ signature we get that LHS of (3) is equal to -c2, don't we?)


Everything is fine. But then I get in trouble. Using an action based on an auxiliary field I found in some place, I get that for a MASSLESS particle, the equations of motion are:

(4) [tex]g_{\mu\nu}\frac{dx^{\mu}}{d\tau}\frac{dx^{\nu}}{d\tau}=0[/tex]

; which people call the "geodesic (lightlike) equations".

SECOND (set of) QUESTION(s): So, we have TWO geodesic equations? (2) for massive particles and (4) for massless particles? If that's so, why does (2) doesn't involve mass m??

What you called the second geodesic equation is actually the condition on 4-velocity for massless particles. The geodesic equation has an analogous form for massless particles


Where the [itex]\lambda[/itex] is an affine parameter, since we can't use proper time with massless particles.

THIRD (set of) QUESTION(s):

And why is LHS of (4) equal to zero? isn't that the square of the magnitude of the 4-velocity for a massless particle? shouldn't it be c2?? I thought EVERY PARTICLE (massive or massless) travels in spacetime with 4-speed equal to that of light!

On a space-time diagram light travels in such a way that with a Lorentzian signature, the temporal part always equals the spatial part.


I've read in many places:

"Well, obviously we get from (4) that:

(5) [tex]ds^{2}=g_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}=0[/tex]

Sorry, but that's not obvious to me. Could someone derive it for me? Please? I know that (5) would imply that the massless particle travels at the speed of light c, even if LHS of (4) is equal to zero, so I THINK that would solve question 4. But I just don't know how to get (5) from (4).



Multiply through by [itex]d\lambda^2[/itex] to get[tex]ds^{2}=g_{\mu\nu}dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}=0[/tex]

Given what I've said here, I'm still just a practicing student, and it would be good to have a professional verify/correct/expand on this. I hope this helps though.
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  • #3
Wow! Thanks a lot! You killed two birds with one shot! I didn't know about that affine parameter! Yeah. (5) wasn't obvious for me because I thought: I CANNOT multiply by d[tex]\tau2[/tex], because i'ts zero for a massless particle!

So you use an affine parameter for getting that problem away, and that stuff is then fixed! Thank you!

Wow, so there's just ONE geodesic equation. For a massive particle we can use the proper time as an affine parameter, and for a massless particle we use that lambda, a different affine parameter. And that's because we want to avoid that proper time, which is zero for those massless particles.

So, that condition for the velocities of massless particles is just the same as that of the interval being zero, isn't it? They're equivalent. Thank you so much. You've been very kind, clear and straight :D

Related to Equations of motion por a free particle in curved spacetime

1. What is the significance of equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime?

The equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime are important because they describe the path or trajectory of a particle's motion in the presence of gravitational fields. This is crucial for understanding how objects move in the universe and for making accurate predictions about their behavior.

2. How are these equations different from the equations of motion in flat spacetime?

The equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime differ from those in flat spacetime because they take into account the effects of gravity on the motion of the particle. In flat spacetime, the particle's trajectory is described by the laws of Newtonian mechanics, while in curved spacetime, the equations are more complex and involve the curvature of space and time.

3. Can these equations be solved analytically?

In most cases, the equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime cannot be solved analytically. This is because the equations involve multiple variables and complex mathematical operations. However, in some special cases where the curvature of spacetime is simple, analytic solutions can be found.

4. How do these equations relate to Einstein's theory of general relativity?

The equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime are a key component of Einstein's theory of general relativity. In this theory, gravity is described as the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of massive objects. The equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime are derived from the principles of general relativity.

5. Are there any practical applications of these equations?

Yes, there are several practical applications of the equations of motion for a free particle in curved spacetime. For example, they are used in astrophysics to understand the movement of celestial bodies and the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. They are also important in the field of space travel, as they help us understand the motion of spacecraft in the presence of gravitational fields.

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