EM Spectrum Limits: Frequency, Temperature & Planck Time

In summary, there is no absolute limit on the frequency of electromagnetic waves according to classical electromagnetism. However, in quantum field theory, arbitrary bounds are introduced to limit infrared and ultraviolet divergences in calculations. The Planck length has been proposed as the shortest length and thus the highest frequency possible, but this is still a hypothetical concept. The lowest frequency possible would be a "flat" signal, but the exact definition of this is open to interpretation. It is also possible that the frequency limits of EM waves could change with the aging of the universe. Ultimately, there is no clear absolute limit on the frequency of EM waves, and it may depend on the theoretical framework being used.
  • #1
I was wondering if there is upper and lower limit (absolute) of frequencies for electromagnetic waves?

My reasoning was as follows: the lower limit is bound by close to 0 Kelvin temperature of emitter and the upper limit of possible frequency for EM wave is by "planck's time" by relationship f=1/T where T is period and T=planck time. [this could imply upper limit on temperature by B.B radiation relationship, I am not confident this upper limit is plausible]

thanx for answers...
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  • #2
I can't speak to an upper limit, but the lower would be when the waveform is flat. That's pretty much what happens with the 'infinite redshift' due to gravity in a black hole.
  • #3
sneez said:
I was wondering if there is upper and lower limit (absolute) of frequencies for electromagnetic waves?

In classical electromagnetism, there's no bounds on the frequency of waves: it goes from 0 Hz (= static field solution) to infinity.

In "standard" quantum field theory, one needs to introduce two ARBIRATRY bounds, to limit the infrared and the ultraviolet divergencies in the calculation. However, as I said, these are ARBITARY and can hence take on any value, as close to 0 Hz or infinity as desired: the point being that any real measurement apparatus will have a finite range and thus, once the calculation is beyond the sensitive range of the apparatus, not make any observable effect.

All the rest is speculative: Planck's scale and so on is speculative, and for the moment of no practical consequence.

If you want to, you could say that there is a lower limit on frequency which will in practice never be exceeded: that is: 1/ lifetime of universe.

Indeed, no measurement will ever make the distinction between a "truely" static field, and one that only exists since the beginning of the universe :smile:
As danger points out, the lower limit is the "flat" signal (= constant field). But how flat ? Since an hour ? Since a day ? Since a year ? All these correspond to (very) low frequencies. The "flattest" I can imagine is the lifetime of the universe.
  • #4
vanesch said:
The "flattest" I can imagine is the lifetime of the universe.
Good point. Now I have to start wondering how inflation and expansion would affect that.
  • #5
as far as the upper limit is concerned; since we know that c is the max speed of EM wave the infinite frequency would imply close to 0 wavelength. Is this possible? Is not space quantized as well? (i read that it is in scientific american, as well as new scientist's article on entagled space. I am aware those are rather new research topics ...and my understanding is lay. ) Would quantized space lay limit on shortest wavelength possible?

its interesting you say 1/lifetime of universe this would imply changing upper and lower limite of frequencies of EM waves with aging of universe. If universe was 1sec old the limit freq would be indeed measurable.

So hypothetically, is there an absolute limit on freq of EM waves? sorry for repeating the question but can a photon vibrate at higher frequency than it carries? I guess not, than since it cannot carry infinite energy it must have a limit on frequency. All this comes form the fact that photons are produced when electrons change orbits or nuclei decay.

im not sure I am making sense out of this.
  • #6
sneez said:
as far as the upper limit is concerned; since we know that c is the max speed of EM wave the infinite frequency would imply close to 0 wavelength. Is this possible? Is not space quantized as well? (i read that it is in scientific american, as well as new scientist's article on entagled space. I am aware those are rather new research topics ...and my understanding is lay. ) Would quantized space lay limit on shortest wavelength possible?

Yes, but all that is still hypothetical (maybe true, maybe not). I'm responding within the framework of currently known theories (which are most probably not accurate to address your question, but which do have theoretical - though probably wrong - answers).

its interesting you say 1/lifetime of universe this would imply changing upper and lower limite of frequencies of EM waves with aging of universe.

Well sure ! How are you going to have a 0.00001 Hz wave in a 1 second old universe ?

If universe was 1sec old the limit freq would be indeed measurable.

How would you measure a 0.00001 Hz wave if the universe is only 1 second old ?

So hypothetically, is there an absolute limit on freq of EM waves? sorry for repeating the question but can a photon vibrate at higher frequency than it carries? I guess not, than since it cannot carry infinite energy it must have a limit on frequency. All this comes form the fact that photons are produced when electrons change orbits or nuclei decay.

Hypothetically, the absolute limit on the frequency of EM waves depends on the hypothesis you will make :smile: If you make the hypothesis that classical EM is strictly true, then there is no such limit. If you make the hypothesis that the Planck length is the shortest length, then you can calculate from that the highest frequency (which is 1/ the Planck time).

BTW, electrons changing orbits or decaying nuclei are not the only way to produce photons ! Slamming electrons or protons together is another way.
  • #7
Hypothetically, the absolute limit on the frequency of EM waves depends on the hypothesis you will make If you make the hypothesis that classical EM is strictly true, then there is no such limit. If you make the hypothesis that the Planck length is the shortest length, then you can calculate from that the highest frequency (which is 1/ the Planck time).

i c, i did not think that this way.

  • #8
There is another potential limit on the upper frequency - if we got all the energy in the universe and used it to emit a single photon - ought that not to be the shortest wavelength photon possible?

Neglecting the practical considerations of undertaking such a task of course.

  • #9
ok, but is that a finite quantity?
  • #10
It seems reasonable that it would be, infinite energy in a finite universe doesn't make a great deal of sense to me (but then again, that's not necessarily a reason why something wouldn't be true).

  • #11
This is one thing that confuses me. Until the concept of 'dark energy' arose, didn't the scientific community think that they knew the energy output of the Big Bang? If that were the case, and dark energy doesn't actually exist, then the total energy of the universe would be known. Am I missing something?
  • #12
Danger said:
This is one thing that confuses me. Until the concept of 'dark energy' arose, didn't the scientific community think that they knew the energy output of the Big Bang?

I don't think they knew, because it is a very tricky subject!
Global energy in general relativity is a weird thing ; most of the time it comes out exactly zero.
  • #13
Okay... that's way outside of my knowledge. I like it when things come out even, but that sounds weird.
  • #14
"It seems reasonable that it would be, infinite energy in a finite universe doesn't make a great deal of sense to me (but then again, that's not necessarily a reason why something wouldn't be true)."

Actually, spacetime needs not be finite. As told in " the science of the discworld", it may look small from the outside (if there was one), but infinite from the inside. I don't see any clear reason for either space or energy to have a finite extent
  • #15
vanesch said:
I don't think they knew, because it is a very tricky subject!
Global energy in general relativity is a weird thing ; most of the time it comes out exactly zero.

True, which is why I add various disclaimers throughout my posts.

Perhaps I should have specified 'useable' energy in may original post, it would have dodged a few arguments, including gato's regarding a finite/infinite universe!

Interesting though these points are, let's resist the temptation to hijack this thread :rolleyes: .

  • #16
well, leaving apart the matter of how much energy there is, how much is available? does anyone knows if there is some limitation on the amount/extent of energy you can get into a single coherent wave? I suppose in early universe, coherence should be higher, but then electromagnetism should look like quite a different thing

Related to EM Spectrum Limits: Frequency, Temperature & Planck Time

1. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. This includes all forms of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

2. What are the limits of the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spectrum has no defined limits in terms of frequency, as it is a continuous spectrum. However, there are practical limits based on our current technology and understanding, such as the Planck time and temperature.

3. What is the Planck time and how does it relate to the electromagnetic spectrum?

The Planck time is the smallest unit of time that has any physical significance, and it is equal to 5.39 x 10^-44 seconds. It is used to describe the time scales at which quantum effects become important. It relates to the electromagnetic spectrum as it sets a limit on the shortest possible wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.

4. How does temperature affect the electromagnetic spectrum?

The temperature of an object can affect the frequency and intensity of the electromagnetic radiation it emits. As temperature increases, the average energy of the particles in the object increases, leading to an increase in the frequency and intensity of the emitted radiation. This is seen in the relationship between an object's temperature and its color, with hotter objects emitting more high-frequency (blue) light.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding the limits of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Understanding the limits of the electromagnetic spectrum is crucial in various fields such as telecommunications, astronomy, and medicine. It allows us to develop and use technology, such as radio and X-ray imaging, to communicate and gather information from objects and phenomena that emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation. It also helps us understand the behavior of matter and energy at extreme conditions, such as in the early universe or inside stars.

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