Electro dynamics, E/B fields inside wire

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the B field inside a wire using Gauss' Law or Ampere's Law, but neither seems relevant since there is no enclosed charge and the wire carries the current. The B field can be found using a circle of radius a and the equation B = μ0I/2πr. However, there is also current outside the loop which may create its own field. The correct equation for B is B = μ0I/2πa. The ExB equation is also discussed, with the final answer being ExB = μ0IVa/2πr^2L. The concept of energy flow is also mentioned, with the conclusion that the Poynting vector will point radially in
  • #1

i'm used to approaching these questions by using either guass' law or amperes law but in this question i don't see how either will help since there's no enclosed charge its a current, and also since the whole wire carries the current and you need to find the B field inside the wire.

could anyone please give me a push in the right direction
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  • #2
Hi Greger! :smile:

The wire is a cylinder of radius r, and you can assume the current (the moving electrons) to be uniformly distributed across the cross-section of the cylinder.

To find the B field at distance a from the centre, consider a circle of radius a. :wink:
  • #3
hey tiny-tim,

thanks for your answer!

I was thinking that for the B field but wouldn't that just be

B = [itex]\frac{μ_{0}I}{2\pi r}[/itex] for a inside the cylinder? And that would be in the ti direction (in cylindrical co-ords)

The reason I didn't think this was right was because I know what the [itex]\frac{1}{μ_{0}}ExB[/itex] is for this particular question and I haven't been able to produce it.

For the E field I've been trying to get it in terms of V,

E = -grad(V)

but integrating across the length gives

E = -V/L in the z direction (since that's the direction of current flow)

using these I am a factor of a/r out from ExB (where a is some internal radius)

does my problem lye with the B field?
  • #4
Hey Greger! :smile:
Greger said:
I was thinking that for the B field but wouldn't that just be

B = [itex]\frac{μ_{0}I}{2\pi r}[/itex] for a inside the cylinder? And that would be in the ti direction (in cylindrical co-ords)

The reason I didn't think this was right was because I know what the [itex]\frac{1}{μ_{0}}ExB[/itex] is for this particular question and I haven't been able to produce it.

Can you show your full calculations for B?

(it looks like you used the wrong I and the wrong r)
  • #5
Yea sure,

I just used amperes law,

[itex]B=\frac{{\mu}_{o} I}{2\pi r}[/itex]

I only evaluated at r since if i picked some a less then r, wouldn't there also be a contribution to the field by whatever is outside that a like,

Picking 0<a<r then doing the same as i did above only using a instead of r would get the I enclosed, but wouldn't there also still left over current flowing through the ring a<r (whatever was left over after selecting a)?
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  • #6
Hi Greger! :smile:

(just got up :zzz:)
Greger said:
I only evaluated at r since if i picked some a less then r, wouldn't there also be a contribution to the field by whatever is outside that a like,

What do you think "enc" means?? :wink:

Try again, integrating round a circle of radius a. :smile:
  • #7
haha good morning!

enc means the current enclosed by the loop right?

but if you pick a circle of radius a<r that will only be the current enclosed by that loop so it would be Ienc and not just I right? If you take a circle at radius r it will enclose all of the current so you can write I?

But what I am worried about is if you pick a radius a<r you are only enclosing some of the current, there's still current outside of the loop, wouldn't that create a field itself?
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  • #8
Greger said:
But what I am worried about is if you pick a radius a<r you are only enclosing some of the current, there's still current outside of the loop, wouldn't that create a field itself?

yes of course, but it wouldn't be relevant to your equation …

your equation only contains Ienc
But anyway you would get

[itex]B=\frac{{\mu}_{o} I}{2\pi a}[/itex]

and ExB with what I have so far would give

[itex]\frac{{\mu}_{o} I V}{2\pi a L}[/itex]

but the ExB I'm trying to get to is

[itex]\frac{{\mu}_{o} I V a}{2\pi r^2 L}[/itex]

but you're still not using Ienc :redface:

(also, divide your answer by the correct answer … what do you get? :wink:)
  • #9
oooo whoops sorry I forgot about Ienc for the a, I'll fix it now,

dividing them you get

[itex]\frac{I_{enc} r^2}{I a^2}[/itex]

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  • #10
Greger said:
Does this imply Ienc =[itex]\frac{I a^2}{r^2}[/itex]?

but how can you get that without knowing the answer?

think! :rolleyes:

(what is current? :smile:)​
  • #11
I get that for a<r, there is less charge moving through the loop of radius a in comparison with the loop of radius r per unit time. So I get that the Ienc has to be lower then I, so in this case its compensated for by a^2/r^2, which is the ratio between the area of each of the circles right?

So is that it? It's enough to say that since a<r Ienc is just a factor less then I and that factor is just the ratio between the areas because for a small area a smaller amount of charge will flow through?
  • #12

Since we're not told otherwise, we can assume that the moving electrons are equally distributed through the wire, and so the number of them is proportional to the area. :smile:
  • #13
Thanks tiny-tim!

I just noticed that this means the poynting vector will point radially in, which is kind of weird cause that means the energy is flowing radially inwards right?

I guess this is a little off the question now but how can the energy by flowing radially inwards? I would guess it to be flowing opposite to the direction of the current ( the direction of the electron flow).
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  • #14
Greger said:
ExB will give - (z x thi) = - (-r) = r, a positive ExB, but I am looking for a negative ExB …

it should be a positive E x B, shouldn't it? :confused:
  • #15
i'm still thinking about what it means to have the the energy flow radially inwards,

like in a circuit i would imagine the energy to flow through the wire in some direction, not radially out of the wire ahah
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  • #16
A current-carrying wire gets hot, and heat radiates outward. :wink:
  • #17
I guess you could say that the heat flows inwards as well since the vector is in the -s hat direction right?

I found similar, more numerical example online and they get a similar result (the energy vector in the -s hat direction).

I guess its hard to imagine the only energy being represented is the resistence, but if R=0 then S=0 since V=IR,

Thanks tiny-tim!

Related to Electro dynamics, E/B fields inside wire

1. What is electro dynamics?

Electro dynamics is the study of the interactions between electric charges and magnetic fields. It is a branch of physics that focuses on the relationship between electricity and magnetism, and how they affect each other.

2. What are E/B fields?

E/B fields, also known as electric and magnetic fields, are two types of fields that are created by electric charges and magnetic dipoles. These fields are responsible for the forces and interactions between charged particles.

3. How are E/B fields created inside a wire?

E/B fields are created inside a wire when an electric current flows through it. This current is made up of moving electrons, which create a magnetic field around the wire and an electric field inside the wire.

4. What is the significance of E/B fields inside a wire?

The E/B fields inside a wire are significant because they are responsible for the flow of electricity and the functioning of electrical circuits. They also play a crucial role in various technological applications, such as motors, generators, and transformers.

5. How can we measure E/B fields inside a wire?

E/B fields inside a wire can be measured using instruments such as a voltmeter, ammeter, and gaussmeter. These devices can detect and measure the strength and direction of the electric and magnetic fields, providing valuable information for studying electro dynamics.

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