Deriving fate of the universe from Friedman's equations

In summary: This subtlety has to do with the fact that in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, a timelike coordinate (i.e., one that is not zero) is defined to be the value of the derivative of a coordinate with respect to that coordinate.
  • #1
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I have been trying to derive the different ultimate 'fates' of the universe from Friedman's equations, for the different possible values of k (shape parameter) and ##\Lambda## (cosmological constant).

There are nine possibilities, according to whether each of k and ##\Lambda## are negative, zero or positive.

The equation I am using is the matter-dominated Friedman equation:##\dot{R}^2 = \frac{8\pi A}{3R} - k + \frac{\Lambda}{3} R^2##, where A is a positive constant, related to the density of mass-energy at a certain time.

The cases where ##\Lambda=0## can be easily done using effective potential techniques, leading to the conclusions that:
- if k = 0 (flat universe), the universe expands without limit, with the expansion rate asymptotically approaching zero
- if k < 0 (hyperbolic universe), the universe expands without limit, with the expansion rate asymptotically approaching a fixed positive rate.
- if k > 0 (elliptic universe), the universe will eventually stop expanding, turn around and collapse.

The main fate (call it F1) that I have been unable to rule out in some cases is the possibility that the scale factor will increase at an ever-slowing rate, so that it asymptotically approaches some maximum value ##R_{max}##. In that case, the rebound and subsequent collapse would not happen, because the point of rebound is never reached.

Another conceivable fate (call it F2) would be that ##R_{max}## is reached and the scale factor freezes there, in a very unstable equilibrium.

For ##\Lambda>0##, I can demonstrate that the expansion continues without limit, and the expansion rate also eventually increases without limit, unless ##k>0##. I have been unable to rule out F1 or F2 for that case.

For ##\Lambda<0##, I have not managed to prove the final outcome for any of the three shapes. For all three cases, I can demonstrate that the scale factor R is bounded above, so that rules out unlimited expansion, but I have been unable to rule out F1 or F2.

The techniques I have tried have involved a combination of differentiating the above equation with respect to t, and also dropping selected components and then using inequalities. THis allowed me to reach the conclusions I have so far, but not all the cases are solved.

Of course, for any given values of R, k, A and ##\Lambda##, one can numerically solve the equation, but I was hoping for a general solution that expresses the ultimate fate based on simple inequalities of those numbers.

I would be grateful for any suggestions.
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  • #2
A diagram and analysis for this is given, e.g., in section 15.4 of the book by Hobson, Efstathiou, and Lasenby.
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  • #3
Thank you George. I managed to track down a copy of that book. When I did and read the relevant parts of Hobson et al, I discover that I have been led astray, yet again, by the aggravating Bernard Schutz, who claimed in the Cosmology chapter of his 'A first course in general relativity' that only one independent equation can be derived from the Einstein field equation in the FLRW universe (he waves a hand at the Bianchi identities as justification but provides no working). So I just used one (the 00 equation), and found I didn't have enough information. I could only derive one of the two Friedman equations.

Hobson et al use two equations from the Einstein tensor equation - the 00 equation and the 22 equation - and from that are able to derive both the Friedman equations. Because the extra equation contains an explicit formula for ##\ddot{R}##, it enables one to answer questions such as whether an expanding universe rebounds (as opposed to asymptotically approaching stasis) in certain circumstances.

This is by no means the first crucial error I have found in Schutz, and I am feeling very close to consigning it to the flames. But if I did that, I'd lose all the notes I've scribbled in the margins.
  • #4
andrewkirk said:
I discover that I have been led astray, yet again, by the aggravating Bernard Schutz

Books are written by humans, and thus almost all books (even the good ones) contain errors. For example

George Jones said:
Unfortunately, there is some subtlety here, and this subtlety seems to have confused Hobson, Efstathiou, and Lasenby (HEL). Most of the subtlety has to do with Woodhouse's "second fundamental confusion of calculus."

By HEL's own definition on page 248,
... fix the other coordinates at their values at P and consider an infinitesimal variation [itex]dx^\mu[/itex] in the coordinate of interest. If the corresponding change in the interval [itex]ds^2[/itex] is positive, zero or negative, then [itex]x^\mu[/itex] is timelike, null or spacelike respectively.

[itex]p[/itex] in Eddington-FinkelStein coordinates [itex]\left(p,r,\theta,\phi \right)[/itex] is a timelike coordinate, not a null coordinate. To see this, apply HEL's prescription on page 248 to equation (11.6). Varing [itex]p[/itex] while holding [itex]r[/itex], [itex]\theta[/itex], and [itex]\phi[/itex] constant gives [itex]dr = d\theta = d\phi = 0[/itex] and

[tex]ds^2 = \left( 1 - \frac{2M}{r} \right) dp^2.[/tex]

Hence, (when [itex]r > 2M[/itex]) [itex]ds^2[/itex] is positive, and [itex]p[/itex] is a timelike coordinate.

HEL are thinking of [itex]p[/itex] in Kruskal coordinates [itex]\left(p,q,\theta,\phi \right). [/itex]. In this case, applying the page 248 prescription to equation (11.16) gives that [itex]p[/itex] is a null coordinate. Do you see why?

What type of coordinate is [itex]r[/itex] in Eddington-FinkelStein coordinates [itex]\left(p,r,\theta,\phi \right)[/itex]?

By now, you should be thoroughly confused! How can the "same" [itex]p[/itex] be timelike in one set of coordinates and null in another set of coordinates? If you want, I am willing to spend some time explaining in detail what is going on here, and what Woodhouse's "second fundamental confusion of calculus" is.
  • #5

Thank you for sharing your work on deriving the fate of the universe from Friedman's equations. It is clear that you have put a lot of effort into understanding the different possibilities and trying to find a general solution. I can appreciate the challenge of trying to find a simple and elegant solution to a complex problem.

One possible suggestion for further exploration could be to consider the effects of dark energy on the fate of the universe. As you mentioned, your analysis only takes into account the matter-dominated Friedman equation, but incorporating dark energy could potentially provide more insight into the ultimate fate of the universe. Additionally, exploring the effects of other cosmological parameters, such as the equation of state of dark energy, could also help in predicting the fate of the universe.

Another approach could be to consider numerical simulations to complement your analytical work. This could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of the universe and potentially reveal any unexpected outcomes.

Overall, I commend your efforts in trying to derive the fate of the universe from Friedman's equations and I hope that your work will continue to inspire further research in this fascinating area of cosmology.

Related to Deriving fate of the universe from Friedman's equations

1. What are Friedman's equations?

Friedman's equations are a set of mathematical equations developed by physicist Alexander Friedman in the 1920s to describe the evolution of the universe. These equations are based on Einstein's theory of general relativity and relate the expansion rate of the universe to its energy density and pressure.

2. How can Friedman's equations be used to determine the fate of the universe?

By solving Friedman's equations, scientists can determine the future of the universe by calculating its expansion rate and energy density. This can give insights into whether the universe will continue to expand forever or eventually collapse.

3. What is the role of dark energy in Friedman's equations?

Dark energy is a mysterious force that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. In Friedman's equations, dark energy is represented as a term that accounts for the energy density of the vacuum and plays a crucial role in determining the ultimate fate of the universe.

4. How do scientists use observational data to validate Friedman's equations?

Scientists use various types of observational data, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, the distribution of galaxies, and the measurements of the expansion rate of the universe, to validate Friedman's equations and make predictions about the fate of the universe.

5. What are the three possible outcomes for the universe according to Friedman's equations?

Friedman's equations suggest three possible outcomes for the universe: a "closed" universe where gravity eventually overcomes the expansion and the universe collapses in a "Big Crunch," an "open" universe where the expansion continues indefinitely, and a "flat" universe where the expansion rate slows down but never stops.

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