Circular motion - pointers of a clock

In summary: The second hand must also be at 30°.The hour hand will be at some angle that is 1/12 of 30° or 30°/12.So the time is T = 1hr + 30°/ (30°/12) * 60 min/hr = 1 hr + 2 min.In summary, to find the time between 9h and 10h where the hour and minute hand are equal, we need to equate the angular velocities of the two hands and solve for the fraction of a revolution. This gives us the time T = f * 60 minutes, which is approximately 49 minutes and 1/11 of a minute. After midday,
  • #1
(a) What's the time between 9h and 10h in which the minute and hour pointers are equal? (b) After midday, what's the first time in which the three pointers are equal?

For (a), I tried to do:

[tex]\Theta = \Theta_0 + \omega_{hours} \cdot t[/tex]

[tex]\omega = \frac{2 \cdot \pi}{T}[/tex]

[tex]\Theta_0 = 270^o[/tex]

[tex]\Theta = 270 + \frac{2\cdot \pi \cdot t}{60 \cdot 60 \cdot 12}[/tex]

[tex]\Theta = \Theta_0 + \omega_{minutes} \cdot t[/tex]

[tex]\Theta_0 = 0^o[/tex]

[tex]\Theta = \frac{2 \cdot \pi \cdot t}{60 \cdot 60}[/tex]

[tex]270 + \frac{2\cdot \pi \cdot t}{60 \cdot 60 \cdot 12} = \frac{2 \cdot \pi \cdot t}{60 \cdot 60}[/tex],

But the result of this equation is much bigger than 1 hour. So what's wrong?

I didn't try (b) yet but probably I need some clarification on (a) to give it a shot.
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  • #2
Between 9h and 10h, the minute hand must pass over the hour hand.

On a standard 12 hr clock face, 9h represents 3/4 of a revolution and the 10 hr is 10/12 or 5/6 for a rotation. At 9 o'clock, the hr hand would be exactly on the 9 as the minute hand points vertically to the 12 (0 hr). Then as the minute hand sweeps from the 9 toward 10, it must pass the hr hand, which must be beyond 3/4's of the angle between 9h and 10h.

The minute hand sweeps 360° in 60 minutes or one hour, but the hour hand sweeps only 30° in that same period or 1/12 of the 360°.

Now if the minute hand sweeps some fraction f of a revolution (less than one hr), it must pass over hr hand.

So let the minute hand sweep f * 360°, then the hour hand must sweep some fraction f of 30° from its starting point. Then equate the two expressions and solve for f.

Then the time is just T = f * 60 minutes.

After midday, what's the first time in which the three pointers are equal?
Does this refer to a seconds hand, in addition to minute and hour hands?
  • #3
Thanks for the answer, but I actually found out where the error was.

As I considered the angular velocity in rad/s, the initial angle should be in radians, but I used 270 where I should use 3*pi/2. By doing this substitution, I finished up with the same answer given by your method: 49 + 1/11 min.

About (b), it's the point where the hour, minute and second hands are in the same place (as in midday). By equaling the three equations, I found that t = 0, so the answer should be midnight, right?
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  • #4
Certainly at 12:00 all three pointers are at 12. But the question (b) asks for the first time after midday.

So after midday, the next hr is one o'clock so one has to find some time after 1 o'clock. The second hand sweeps one revolution in 1 minute, the minute hand sweeps one revolution in 1 hr.

The 1 hr mark is at 30° or 1/12 of a revolution so the minute hand must be about 30° + 30°/12.

Related to Circular motion - pointers of a clock

1. What is circular motion?

Circular motion is a type of motion in which an object moves along a circular path. It involves the object traveling at a constant speed while continuously changing direction.

2. How does a clock pointer move in a circular motion?

A clock pointer moves in a circular motion because it is attached to a central axis and is constrained to rotate around it. The circular motion allows the clock to accurately indicate the time by pointing to the correct hour and minute.

3. What are the components of circular motion?

The two main components of circular motion are tangential velocity and centripetal acceleration. Tangential velocity is the speed at which the object moves along the circular path, while centripetal acceleration is the force that keeps the object moving in a circular path.

4. What factors affect the speed of a clock pointer?

The speed of a clock pointer is affected by the radius of the clock face, the length of the pointer, and the rotational speed of the clock's mechanism. The larger the radius and the longer the pointer, the faster the pointer will move. Similarly, a higher rotational speed of the clock will result in a faster moving pointer.

5. How is circular motion important in everyday life?

Circular motion is important in everyday life because it is involved in many natural phenomena, such as the Earth's rotation around the sun and the movement of planets in our solar system. It is also used in man-made technologies, such as car wheels and amusement park rides. In addition, circular motion is a fundamental concept in physics and is used to understand more complex motions and systems.

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