Chi-squared dist. converges to normal as df goes to infinity, but

In summary, as df goes to infinity, the chi squared distribution approaches a normal distribution. But when I put these two together, I get something approaching a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.
  • #1
Gold Member
chi-squared dist. converges to normal as df goes to infinity, but...

This is surely going to sound naive, but at least this will make it easy to answer.

For a chi-squared distribution, if k = the degrees of freedom, then
[a] k = μ = (1/2) σ2
as k goes to infinity, the distribution approaches a normal distribution.

But when I put these two together, I get
[c] as k goes to infinity, the mean and the variance become infinite
which would seem odd for a normal curve.
What am I getting wrong here? Thanks in advance.
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  • #2

The curve for every k gets closer and closer to a normal distribution with the same mean and variance with increasing k.
If you scale the distribution in an appropriate way, you get something approaching a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.
  • #3

mfb, thanks very much. That makes sense.
  • #4

Putting k=μ (mean of the normals, I presume) appears weired, k is positive integer ( being the number of normals summed here), and -< μ< ∞ is real. Also that, if all means of the initial normal distributions are not 0, the then the resulting chi sq is non central.
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  • #5

Where is the problem in different gaussian distributions which all have an integer as expectation value?
The chi-squared distribution is positive for positive values only, but for large k, the gaussian distribution is a reasonable approximation (its part <0 is negligible).
  • #7

nomadreid said:
ssd: I did not "put" μ=k; this is a consequence of the definition: see Why should this make it non-central? (contrast this with And since the naturals are a subset of the reals, there is no contradiction when the mean is a natural number.

Please check again. I am talking of μ as normal mean... you are mistaking μ as chi sq mean. "μ =k" CAN NOT be consequence of any literature definition, where ever written...lodge a request for correction there. And of course, I stand correct about non centrality... please go through the derivation of n.c. chi sq.

mfb said:
Where is the problem in different gaussian distributions which all have an integer as expectation value?
The chi-squared distribution is positive for positive values only, but for large k, the gaussian distribution is a reasonable approximation (its part <0 is negligible).
About integer and real part: I did not say that a particular value of normal mean cannot be integer. But I say, taking normal mean as integer is weired. The first loophole arises in context of the present problem as the fact that μ is differentiable but k is not.
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  • #8

I am talking of μ as normal mean... you are mistaking μ as chi sq mean.
In that case, I am not sure of your question, because you referred to the original μ=k, and in the original context, μ is the mean of the chi squared distribution.
please go through the derivation of n.c. chi sq.
I'm also not sure whether this is a suggestion for me to go through it myself, or to write down the derivation here in this post. In the latter case, probably another contributor would do a better job of it than I would.
  • #9

Well, if μ is assumed as chi sq mean, no issues (is it not obvious from my posts). The original post is some what misleading with (unnecessary) involvement of μ as the chi sq mean... where k clearly stands for that. Without clarification, μ has been naturally presumed as the originating normal mean. I understood your problem in a completely wrong way altogether.
Hope it clarifies my statements.
PS. "going through" in common jargon probably does not mean writing down. :)
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  • #10

All's well that ends well. That's what I like about mathematics (and mathematicians): if people talk at cross purposes, it quickly gets cleared up. Unlike in most disciplines. So I guess this thread can be closed.

Related to Chi-squared dist. converges to normal as df goes to infinity, but

What is the Chi-squared distribution?

The Chi-squared distribution is a probability distribution that is used to model the data that arises from a sum of squared standard normal random variables. It is commonly used in statistical analysis, particularly in hypothesis testing and confidence interval calculations.

Why does the Chi-squared distribution converge to normal as the degrees of freedom increase?

This convergence occurs because as the degrees of freedom increase, the Chi-squared distribution becomes more and more symmetrical, with a shape that closely resembles the shape of a normal distribution. This is known as the central limit theorem.

What is the significance of the degrees of freedom in the Chi-squared distribution?

The degrees of freedom in the Chi-squared distribution represent the number of independent pieces of information used to calculate the statistic. In other words, it is the number of categories or groups in the data that are free to vary.

Is the Chi-squared distribution only applicable to specific types of data?

No, the Chi-squared distribution can be used with any type of data as long as the assumptions of the distribution are met. However, it is most commonly used for categorical data or count data.

How is the Chi-squared distribution used in hypothesis testing?

The Chi-squared distribution is used in hypothesis testing to determine the likelihood that the observed data is due to chance. It allows us to compare the observed data to the expected data and calculate a p-value, which is then used to make a decision about the validity of the null hypothesis.

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