Cell Phones vs Chatty Passengers in Driving

In summary: V with comma-separated values:In summary, the study found that drivers with a talkative passenger are safer than drivers with a cell phone conversation. The difference is apparent at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels of performance. The study also suggests that talking to a passenger may actually support drivers by talking about surrounding traffic in a way that helps driver awareness.
  • #1
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While I'm not at all surprised by the results of the study reported in this article with regard to how badly distracted drivers are while on the cell phone, even hands-free, I am a bit surprised it was so much different from having a chatty passenger in the car. I would have thought a passenger would also be a major distraction similar to a cell phone conversation. But, there seems to be a reasonable explanation too.

"Cell phone and passenger conversation differ in their impact on a driver's performance," stated the paper released by the researchers. "These differences are apparent at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels of performance." The study was published in the Journal Of Experimental Psychology.

So, why did drivers with talkative passengers appear to be safer?

One reason suggested by the researchers was that chatting passengers may actually support drivers by talking about surrounding traffic in a way that helps driver awareness.

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  • #2
There was something similair when (hand held) cell phones were banned while driving in the UK. People challenged it on the basis that cell phones are no worse than a passenger or radio.
I think the conclusion was that in talking to someone who is not there you use up more visual processing bandwidth picturing them. While people in the car with you pick up queues about how busy/task-loaded you are and stop talking when you have to concentrate - even non-drivers do this by picking up on your body language.

The ironic part was that it seems hands-free phones are worse than holding a cell phone. Speaking into thin air to someone who isn't there takes even more processing power than talking into a phone.
  • #3
I had been pretty certain on an intuitive level that hands-free use of cell phones was no better than holding the headset, because I never thought the problem had anything to do with holding the phone in one's hand. Now there's a study to back that up.

But, yes, after reading the explanation, it makes sense that a passenger will be more able to know when to stop talking. Or, for that matter, if the driver's attention drifts, and theirs is still on the road, they can shout out, "Look out!" :biggrin: Someone on the phone is oblivious when to pause and let the driver pay attention.

I wonder if it may also have to do with how one is communicating. If you're talking on the phone, all communication has to be verbal. Perhaps there are times when verbal communication is too much of a distraction, but one can still be nodding or making other non-verbal gestures that don't interfere with driving and don't take away so much from one's attention to the road.
  • #4
A good portion of communication exchanged between humans is non-verbal. So maybe there is something you have to make up for over the phone.
  • #5
Moonbear said:
But, yes, after reading the explanation, it makes sense that a passenger will be more able to know when to stop talking. Or, for that matter, if the driver's attention drifts, and theirs is still on the road, they can shout out, "Look out!" :biggrin: Someone on the phone is oblivious when to pause and let the driver pay attention.

I heard a similar study that concluded the same thing. Essentially a passenger in the car is also aware of the surrounding condtions and will know when to stop talking if conditions require it, whereas a person on the phone will not.


Related to Cell Phones vs Chatty Passengers in Driving

What is the impact of cell phones on driving compared to chatty passengers?

Studies have shown that using a cell phone while driving can be just as dangerous, if not more so, than having a chatty passenger. Both activities can be distractions, taking the driver's attention away from the road and increasing the risk of accidents.

Are hands-free devices safer than holding a cell phone while driving?

While hands-free devices may be less physically distracting than holding a cell phone, they still require the driver's cognitive attention. This can still impact their ability to focus on the road and react to potential hazards. It is best to avoid using a cell phone altogether while driving, even with hands-free devices.

Do laws banning cell phone use while driving make a difference?

Research has shown that laws banning cell phone use while driving have had a positive impact on reducing the number of accidents caused by distracted driving. However, it is ultimately up to individuals to make the responsible decision to not use their cell phones while behind the wheel.

What can be done to reduce the dangers of cell phone use while driving?

Aside from avoiding cell phone use while driving, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks. This includes using hands-free devices, pulling over to make a call or send a message, and educating others about the dangers of distracted driving.

Are there any benefits to using a cell phone while driving?

In most cases, the risks associated with using a cell phone while driving far outweigh any potential benefits. It is important to prioritize safety and avoid any distractions that may put yourself and others at risk on the road.

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