Biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry?

In summary, I think the biggest challenge facing the aeronautics industry in the future is the cost of designing and tooling for new planes. Airlines are no longer safe and secure companies that can plan $10Bn investments 10years in the future, and the cost of fuel has become a limiting factor. Alternative fuel sources will be needed to address this challenge, and research into jet propulsion and alternative means of propulsion will be required.
  • #1
Hey all, I need to write a paper on what I think is the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry in the future. So I suppose this is technically homework but I think it fits better here and could make an interesting discussion. Anyway, I have a couple of thoughts already but I'd like to hear what you all have to say first. And feel free to be creative, I like my papers to be unique!
Engineering news on
  • #2
ehilge said:
Hey all, I need to write a paper on what I think is the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry in the future. So I suppose this is technically homework but I think it fits better here and could make an interesting discussion. Anyway, I have a couple of thoughts already but I'd like to hear what you all have to say first. And feel free to be creative, I like my papers to be unique!

You're better off listing the ideas you have and we can give feedback on them. We can't ethically just start writing your paper for you.
  • #3
Probably not engineering but financial.
The cost of designing and tooling for a new plane like the 787 or the A380 is now so vast that you are betting the company on each new product.
Combine that with airlines that are no longer large safe and secure companies that can plan $10Bn investments 10years in the future and it gets tricky to go to the bank with a business plan for a new plane.
  • #4
Mech_Engineer said:
You're better off listing the ideas you have and we can give feedback on them. We can't ethically just start writing your paper for you.

Fair enough, I thought I'd let you guys talk first, sometimes it seems like when there's an idea or two put on the table right away people will focus on that and not move onto other things. Anyway, I've had two ideas so far.

Firstly, I was thinking about something along the lines of fuel consumption and reliance on fossil fuels. Then I could probably base my paper on alternative fuel sources. I know of a couple of airlines that have experimented with natural gas and biofuels. I could also include something about how airplanes themselves are changing to adapt to this need. Example: the blended wing design and specifically nasa's x-48 aircraft

The other idea I had was maybe talk about speed. Whether or not this is true, I would need to confirm, but it seems to me like in general aircraft have reached somewhat of a plateau when it comes to airspeed. We essentially rely almost completely on jet propulsion which can only push a plane so fast. And then I could go on to discuss alternative means of propulsion, such as the scramjet and nasa's x-43 project
  • #5
The fuels paper would have a fair amount of available references and is a good topic. Also make sure you include Fischer-Tropsch fuels in your research.

As far as the speed issue goes, there isn't much to say. Concorde proved it could be done, just not economically. One of the big limiting factors was restriction of supersonic flight over land masses. The engines were not the limiting factor. The alternative ideas are so far out there that they are not really considerable. We have decades to go before a passenger rides on a scramjet powered aircraft.
  • #6
hmmm, those Fischer-Tropsch fuels seem like something interesting to discuss. I found an article about the navy making jetfuel out of seawater using the Fischer-Tropsch process. I hadn't thought of the financial part but this is for an engineering class so I'm thinking I'll stick with an engineering topic. Any other thoughts out there on a potential problem? Again, I like to write about things that might be considered unique and I have a feeling a lot of people might come up with efficiency.
  • #7
ehilge said:
Hey all, I need to write a paper on what I think is the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry

This includes commercial, military and private. It's kind of hard to lump these all together. Do you have one, in particular, in mind?
  • #8
Phrak said:
This includes commercial, military and private. It's kind of hard to lump these all together. Do you have one, in particular, in mind?

I haven't had one in mind, but given the choice military is the one that interests me the most. The essay prompt doesn't specify any particular area. Here is the actual prompt:

Write an essay describing what you think are the greatest technical challenges in aeronautics for the next 20-25 years, and why. You can pick one challenge or several. You should address what types of research will be required to address the challenge(s), and what ideas or concepts you think might help to solve them. You will need to explain the challenge(s) and your proposed concepts in sufficient technical depth to demonstrate your technical understanding, and you will also need to clearly explain why the challenge(s) is/are so important.
  • #9
liability and lawsuits

don't forget that many of the aviation "industry players" are not that large and when on group gets a lawsuit layed upon it, the liability can trickle down, wrecking smaller suppliers.

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  • #11
hey ehilge, it sounds like you are applying for the NASA Aerospace Scholarship. the requirements you posted below are the exact requirements for the program. if this is so, why don't you just come out and ask the people for help with your topic. I am sure the people here would be glad to help. I am also applying for the program and am looking for the same information as you. I will tell you this, if you look at the NASA website and fish around, you can find the information you are looking for to do your paper. remember, when you do your paper, they are looking for relevant research as it applies to aeronautics. Good luck to you and I wish you luck on picking your topic!
  • #12
ssven218 said:
hey ehilge, it sounds like you are applying for the NASA Aerospace Scholarship. the requirements you posted below are the exact requirements for the program. if this is so, why don't you just come out and ask the people for help with your topic. I am sure the people here would be glad to help. I am also applying for the program and am looking for the same information as you. I will tell you this, if you look at the NASA website and fish around, you can find the information you are looking for to do your paper. remember, when you do your paper, they are looking for relevant research as it applies to aeronautics. Good luck to you and I wish you luck on picking your topic!

Very perceptive of you :) I actually applied last year for the scholarship program and wasn't accepted. For what its worth, I ended up writing my essay on ways to increase fuel economy and alternative fuels. Best of luck on your application!
  • #13
I think that, unfortunately, politics is the determining factor. Whether that be governmental interference, or corporate economics, it comes down to the same shameful fact: the suits run the show. It sucks, but it's the way of the world.
  • #14
ehilge said:
Hey all, I need to write a paper on what I think is the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry in the future.

The same problem it has always been: gravity!

Related to Biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry?

What are the biggest challenges facing the aeronautics industry?

The aeronautics industry faces several significant challenges, including increasing demand for air travel, rising fuel costs, and a shortage of skilled workers.

How does the issue of air pollution impact the aeronautics industry?

The aeronautics industry is a major contributor to air pollution, with aircraft emissions contributing to climate change and local air quality issues. This has led to increased pressure for the industry to develop more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

What role does technology play in addressing the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry?

Technology plays a crucial role in addressing the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry. Innovations such as more fuel-efficient engines, alternative fuels, and advanced air traffic control systems can help reduce costs and mitigate environmental impacts.

How does globalization impact the aeronautics industry's biggest problem?

Globalization has led to an increase in air travel demand, putting strain on the aeronautics industry's resources and infrastructure. It also means that the industry must comply with various international regulations and standards, adding complexity to addressing its biggest problems.

What are some potential solutions to the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry?

Potential solutions to the biggest problem facing the aeronautics industry include investing in research and development for more sustainable technologies, implementing more efficient air traffic control systems, and increasing collaboration between industry and government to address regulatory and infrastructure issues.

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