Bending of light and the travel distance

In summary: on the front side, if you turn it over, the back will be the same distance from the front but the distance between the two sides will change according to the metric ..just as in space time ..right?
  • #1
a question has been puzzling me for a while is : "is the distance traveled by a beam of light from point A to Point B in a flat space-time differs from the distance traveled by the same beam of light from the same point A and The Same point B but in a curved space-time ?"
In other words :
Suppose that there is a flat space-time and there is a beam of light travels between two points [tex]A[/tex] and [tex]B[/tex] and the distance between A and B is [tex]d_0[/tex] .
and then we put a large mass in this flat space time and make a curved one , we would find the beam of light has been bent toward the large mass while it is traveling between the same two points [tex]A[/tex] and [tex]B[/tex] which the distance between them is [tex]d[/tex] .
my question is :
"is the distance between the points in the flat space-time [tex]d_0[/tex] differs form the distance between the same two points in the curved-space time [tex]d[/tex] ?"

I appreciate your comments ...
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  • #3
thanks for your comment ...
but i think the delay that happens to light (The Shapiro Effect) is due to the gravitational time dilation near the sun not because of the difference between the distances in the flat version and the curved version of the space time ...
  • #4
Truth_Seeker said:
"is the distance between the points in the flat space-time [tex]d_0[/tex] differs form the distance between the same two points in the curved-space time [tex]d[/tex] ?"

Yes. In the case of flat space time, we calculate the distance between two points A and B using the minkowski metric, namely:

[tex]D=\int_{A}^{B}\sqrt{ds^2}=\int_{A}^{B}\sqrt{-dt^2+dr^2+r^2\left(d\theta^2 + sin^2 \theta d\phi ^2\right)}[/tex]

But in a curved space, say, schwarzschild geometry, this becomes:

[tex]D=\int_{A}^{B}\sqrt{-\left(1-\frac{2M}{r}\right) dt^2 + \left(1-\frac{2M}{r}\right)^{-1} dr^2 + r^2\left(d\theta^2 + sin^2 \theta d\phi ^2\right)}[/tex]

(Note: -,+,+,+ convention and c=G=1)

The two are clearly not the same.

Edit: Note: the distance between any two points for a beam of light is always zero anyways.
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  • #5
Truth_Seeker said:
Suppose that there is a flat space-time and there is a beam of light travels between two points [tex]A[/tex] and [tex]B[/tex] and the distance between A and B is [tex]d_0[/tex] .
and then we put a large mass in this flat space time and make a curved one , we would find the beam of light has been bent toward the large mass while it is traveling between the same two points [tex]A[/tex] and [tex]B[/tex] which the distance between them is [tex]d[/tex] .

Let's assume that A and B are far from the mass M. Even simpler we would find that we can not point the light directly at B we must aim off enough so that after the effect of the mass M the photons hit B. Case 1 no mass is a straight line, Case 2 with mass has two sides of a triangle where the third side is the path from case 1. One side of a triangle is always shorter than the other two sides added together. Or a straight line is always the shortest path.
  • #6
Truth_Seeker said:
thanks for your comment ...
but i think the delay that happens to light (The Shapiro Effect) is due to the gravitational time dilation near the sun not because of the difference between the distances in the flat version and the curved version of the space time ...

I don't think there's any useful way to distinguish between the two interpretations.
  • #7
Nabeshin said:
Yes. In the case of flat space time, we calculate the distance between two points A and B using the minkowski metric, namely:

[tex]D=\int_{A}^{B}\sqrt{ds^2}=\int_{A}^{B}\sqrt{-dt^2+dr^2+r^2\left(d\theta^2 + sin^2 \theta d\phi ^2\right)}[/tex]

But in a curved space, say, schwarzschild geometry, this becomes:

[tex]D=\int_{A}^{B}\sqrt{-\left(1-\frac{2M}{r}\right) dt^2 + \left(1-\frac{2M}{r}\right)^{-1} dr^2 + r^2\left(d\theta^2 + sin^2 \theta d\phi ^2\right)}[/tex]

(Note: -,+,+,+ convention and c=G=1)

The two are clearly not the same.

Edit: Note: the distance between any two points for a beam of light is always zero anyways.

edpell said:
Let's assume that A and B are far from the mass M. Even simpler we would find that we can not point the light directly at B we must aim off enough so that after the effect of the mass M the photons hit B. Case 1 no mass is a straight line, Case 2 with mass has two sides of a triangle where the third side is the path from case 1. One side of a triangle is always shorter than the other two sides added together. Or a straight line is always the shortest path.
thanks for your comments ...
what you both said makes perfect sense ...but ..
let's think about the spatial distance only ( forget about the time component of the metric [tex]dt=0[/tex]) , i know that the metrics of the two versions will stay different but think about it this way :
suppose that we have a flat piece of paper on which we marked two points A and B and we pick the shortest path between the two points (which is a straight line) and draw it and measure the length of this path ... then I curve the paper with me hands so that the straight line we draw would be curved .
obviously the length of path when it's curved is the same as the length of it before i curve the paper , only the way it looks will differ (because of the curvature) .
why don't we say the same about the space in GR ?

thanks in advance ...
  • #8
My preliminary response is precisely because we cannot simply "ignore" the time component of the metric. GR deals with warping of spacetime, not simply space. If you take out the time portion, you're just discussing differential geometry.

Related to Bending of light and the travel distance

1. How does light bend?

Light bends when it passes through a medium with a different optical density, causing a change in its speed. This change in speed results in a change in the direction of the light's propagation, known as refraction.

2. What factors affect the bending of light?

The bending of light can be affected by the angle of incidence, the optical density of the medium, and the wavelength of the light. The angle of incidence is the angle at which the light ray enters the medium, while the optical density refers to how much the medium can slow down the speed of light. The wavelength of light also plays a role as shorter wavelengths are more easily refracted than longer ones.

3. How does the distance traveled affect the bending of light?

The distance traveled by light does not directly affect its bending. However, the longer the distance travelled, the more chances there are for the light to encounter different mediums with varying optical densities, which can result in multiple refractions and a noticeable change in the direction of the light's path.

4. Can light travel in a straight line?

In a vacuum, light travels in a straight line. However, when light passes through a medium with varying optical densities, it can bend and follow a curved path.

5. How does the bending of light impact our daily lives?

The bending of light plays a crucial role in our daily lives. It allows us to see objects through lenses and glasses, and it also enables us to see the colors of the world around us. Additionally, the bending of light is essential in technologies such as fiber optics, which are used in telecommunications and medical procedures.

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