Are the Two Equations for Push-Forwards in Differential Geometry Equivalent?

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In summary: The first equation is just another way of expressing$$(\Phi_*v)f=df(v)=v(f)$$where ##v## is a vector field on ##M## and ##df## is a one-form on ##M##. If this doesn't make much sense to you then it might be a good idea to revise the difference between functions, vector fields and one-forms, as these are all objects that are important in the context of manifolds.
  • #1
Hi. For a diffeomorphism between 2 manifolds Φ : M → N with a tangent vector v in M I have the following equation for the push-forward of v
( Φ*v)f = v( Φ*f) where Φ* is the pull-back. I understand this equation but i have also come across the following equation for the push-forward
*v)f = (Φ-1)*v (Φ*f ) . Surely these 2 equations are not the same. I'm confused.
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  • #2
I assume that ##v## is a vector in a tangent space of ##M## and ##f## is a one-form in a cotangent space of ##N##.
Then the RHS of the second equation doesn't seem to make any sense. ##(\Phi^{-1})^*## needs as argument a one-form in the relevant cotangent space of ##M##, but what it is given ##v(\Phi^*f)##, which is a scalar. So the RHS is undefined - meaningless.

Where did you see that second formula? Perhaps it is a typo.
  • #3
andrewkirk said:
So the RHS is undefined - meaningless.
You can use the pullback of a one-form to define the pullback of an arbitrary p-form. For a 0-form this is rather uninteresting though so maybe not what was intended.
  • #4
I'm fairly sure what's intended is that ##v## is a vector on ##M## and ##f## is a function on ##N##. The action of ##v## on ##f## (if they were both on ##M##, which they are not) is defined by

$$v(f) \equiv df (v)$$
(or alternatively, that's the definition of ##df##, depending on which notions you've decided are more fundamental).

If ##f## is a function on ##N## given by ##f : N \to \mathbb{R} ; y \mapsto f(y)## for ##y \in N##, then the pullback ##\Phi^* f : M \to \mathbb{R}## is defined, for ##x \in M##, via

$$(\Phi^* f)(x) \equiv f(\Phi(x))$$
Now, as for your confusion about the equations. ##\Phi_* v## should be a vector field living on ##N##, and hence ##(\Phi_* v)(f)## should be a function living on ##N##. However, in your first equation, ##v(\Phi^* f)## is clearly a function on ##M##, not ##N##. Therefore, it is your second equation which is correct:

$$(\Phi_* v)(f) \equiv (\Phi^{-1})^* (v(\Phi^* f))$$
because now both sides of the equation live on ##N##. One must use ##(\Phi^{-1})^*## rather than ##\Phi_*##, because functions out of a space (as ##f## is) must be pulled back rather than pushed forward.

An interesting question arises when perhaps ##\Phi^{-1}## doesn't exist (for example, when ##M## has smaller dimension than ##N##, and ##\Phi## is an embedding). In this case ##\Phi_* v## is not defined on all of ##N##, but only on the portion of ##N## on which ##\Phi## is invertible. That is, ##\Phi_* v## is only defined on the image of ##\Phi##.
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  • #5
Ben Niehoff said:
##\Phi_* v## should be a vector field living on ##N##, and hence ##(\Phi_* v)(f)## should be a function living on ##N##. However, in your first equation, ##v(\Phi^* f)## is clearly a function on ##M##, not ##N##. Therefore, it is your second equation which is correct:
I suppose it depends on whether ##v## is a vector field or just a single vector in a single tangent space at point ##p\in M##. From the way the question is worded - not mentioning vector fields - I feel drawn to assume the latter.

In that case ##v(\Phi^* f)## is a scalar in the overarching field ##F##, being the directional derivative in direction ##v## of the scalar function ##(\Phi^* f):M\to F##, at point ##p##. The equation then asserts that that is equal to ##(\Phi_*v)f##, which is the directional derivative in direction ##\Phi_*v## of the scalar function ##f:N\to F##, at point ##\Phi(p)\in N##.

I don't know whether that equation is valid, but it is well-defined as an equality between two elements of the same field.

I think more context of the problem is needed to make a clear interpretation.
  • #6
The vector v is a tangent vector in the manifold M. Of the 2 equations I quoted does one refer to a function in M and one refer to a function in N ? Do functions exist only in specific manifolds ?
  • #7
I forgot to say ; thanks for all your replies.
  • #8
dyn said:
The vector v is a tangent vector in the manifold M. Of the 2 equations I quoted does one refer to a function in M and one refer to a function in N ? Do functions exist only in specific manifolds ?
Assuming that ##f## represents a function and not a one-form in this context, which seems likely, then both equations refer to both a function ##f## on ##N## and a function ##(\Phi^*f)## on ##M##. The latter is the 'pullback' of the former and, as Ben pointed out above, is defined by


where ##p\in M##.
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Related to Are the Two Equations for Push-Forwards in Differential Geometry Equivalent?

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A push-forward in scientific research is the process of taking data or findings from one study or experiment and using it to inform or advance a new study or experiment. It involves building upon previous knowledge and expanding upon it.

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A push-forward differs from a replication study in that a push-forward takes previous findings and expands upon them, while a replication study simply repeats the exact methods and procedures of a previous study to verify its results.

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Push-forward is important in scientific research because it allows scientists to build upon and expand their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic or phenomenon. It also helps to validate and strengthen previous findings, and can lead to new and innovative discoveries.

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Examples of push-forward in scientific research include using previous data or results to formulate new hypotheses or research questions, using previous methods or techniques to improve upon them, and combining data from multiple studies to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a topic.

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Potential limitations of push-forward in scientific research include potential biases or errors in the previous data or findings being used, the possibility of overlooking important information or alternative explanations, and the challenge of replicating and verifying results from previous studies.

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