Alan Guth, Gravitationally repulsive material?

  • Thread starter Herbascious J
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In summary: But there is no residual matter at the end; the universe is completely empty.Affirming bapowell, current vacuum energy may be remnants of the original scalar field responsible for inflation. It was too feeble to become noticeable until several billion years ago. @M Bachmeier, you would be well advised not to indulge in such discussions based solely on 'instinct'. You will notice contributors here regularly offer references to published papers in support.
  • #1
Herbascious J
Does anyone have any resources which explain the nature of Alan Guth's 'gravitationally repulsive material'? I would like to understand a basic explanation of how this material becomes a negative pressure at extremely high temperatures. I understand that this arises from GR and the standard model of particle physics some how. Is it like another state of matter beyond plasma??
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  • #2
This gravitationally repulsive state was suggested by Guth as a part of inflation. His idea is the very early universe contained a region imbued with repulsive gravity - a condition theoretically possible under GR and particle physics. This repulsive gravity provided the kick necessary to initiate inflation causing the universe to double in size every ~10E-37 seconds. It requires enormous energies, far beyond any we can probe experimentally today. The state of matter under these conditions is unlike any we are familiar with. It was still far too hot for leptons [electrons, neutrons, protons] to form, which did not occur until the universe was about 10E-8 seconds old. It was too even too hot for quark to exist until the universe was about 10E-35 seconds. Inflation ended around 10E-32 seconds, so the only 'massive' particles that could exist at that time were quarks.
  • #3
Hi and thank you for the detailed information. I'm looking for a further description of "a condition theoretically possible under GR and particle physics". I would like to know why such high energies create negative pressure (and repulsive gravity) in matter. Is there some basic principle within particle theory that suggests negative pressure at high energies for matter?? Any input is appreciated.
  • #4
Dark Matter... Dark Energy...
  • #5
M. Bachmeier said:
Dark Matter... Dark Energy...
Can you explain why they should be relevant (and in case of dark matter, why repulsing) at very high energy densities?
  • #6
Herbascious J said:
Hi and thank you for the detailed information. I'm looking for a further description of "a condition theoretically possible under GR and particle physics". I would like to know why such high energies create negative pressure (and repulsive gravity) in matter. Is there some basic principle within particle theory that suggests negative pressure at high energies for matter?? Any input is appreciated.
It has nothing to do with "high energy" and it does not happen for just any kind of matter -- it is a special kind of energy, namely an energy density with quantum numbers of the vacuum (usually referred to as "vacuum energy"). Vacuum energy is a very unusual kind of thing; for one, it has a constant density. This means that it does not dilute as the universe expands -- it is persistent. It is *this* property that results in a negative pressure. High densities of vacuum energy are believed responsible for the early bout of ultrarapid expansion called inflation; in much, much lower densities it might also be implicated in the present-day accelerated expansion of the universe.
  • #7
I would have to make assumptions, without evidence.

But I believe the standard model has yet to fully demonstrate a complete and stable standard.

Newtons equations were considered solid and without question for many years.

Instinct is my only answer...
  • #8
Affirming bapowell, current vacuum energy may be remnants of the original scalar field responsible for inflation. It was too feeble to become noticeable until several billion years ago. @M Bachmeier, you would be well advised not to indulge in such discussions based solely on 'instinct'. You will notice contributors here regularly offer references to published papers in support.
  • #9
Chronos said:
Affirming bapowell, current vacuum energy may be remnants of the original scalar field responsible for inflation. It was too feeble to become noticeable until several billion years ago. @M Bachmeier, you would be well advised not to indulge in such discussions based solely on 'instinct'. You will notice contributors here regularly offer references to published papers in support.
Just to be clear, while this is definitely a line of thought that many theorists have considered to be quite enticing, nobody has yet come up with a specific idea that is really compelling. There are multiple ideas for how this could be, but they tend to be rather ad-hoc.

Usually this kind of idea takes the form of a scalar field that causes inflation, and when inflation ends the field doesn't go away entirely. Instead it "tracks" the matter density for a while, until, at some sufficiently-low density, it "freezes out" and stops changing its value, effectively becoming a cosmological constant.
  • #10
At what point is matter introduced? Shouldn't there be some kind of matter like energy during inflation that will decay into particles?
  • #11
Herbascious J said:
At what point is matter introduced? Shouldn't there be some kind of matter like energy during inflation that will decay into particles?
Inflation comes to end when the inflaton field finds itself in the vacuum. The field retains some potential energy even in the vacuum, which it dissipates by oscillating about the minimum of the potential (sort of like water sloshing about in a bucket). These oscillations manifest themselves as inflaton particles which subsequently decay into hot radiation, effectively resulting in a hot big bang from which conventional, post-inflationary expansion picks up.
  • #12
Generally seems to be no consensus understanding of precisely what drove expansion. The 'gravitationally repulsive material' as has been noted is conjectured to be a state of vacuum energy.

I attempted to initiate a discussion of a related theory but it did not go as far as i had hoped: Can torsion avoid the big bang singularity

In a nutshell:
We use the Einstein-Cartan-Kibble-Sciama (ECKS) theory of gravity which naturally extends general relativity to include the spin of matter. The torsion of spacetime generates gravitational repulsion in the early Universe filled with quarks and leptons, preventing the cosmological singularity: the Universe expands from a state of minimum but finite radius... Thus the ECKS gravity provides a compelling alternative to speculative mechanisms of standard cosmic inflation...

Gravitational repulsion induced by torsion, which becomes significant at extremely high densities, prevents the cosmological singularity...

In 2011, Nikodem Poplawski showed that the Einstein-Cartan theory eliminates the general-relativistic problem of the unphysical singularity at the Big Bang.[7] The minimal coupling between torsion and Dirac spinors generates a spin-spin interaction which is significant in fermionic matter at extremely high densities...

Somewhere I read that including torsion makes the stress energy momentum tensor non symmetric...Including torsion is what appears to be the source of the high density repulsion.

In the Road to Reality, Roger Penrose notes an insight into the effects of including torsion: Apparently the amount of torsion affects the closing of a parallelogram of geodesic edges about a point. He says going in two opposite directions around the parallelogram yields two different points of closure resulting from the presence of torsion.

I'll see if I can find that in his book.

edit: Inflation has some 70+ or so variations. One listing is in "The future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology" provided by Paul Shellard at Steven Hawking 60th birthday celebration...Pg 764.
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  • #13
Herbascious J:

Does anyone have any resources which explain the nature of Alan Guth's 'gravitationally repulsive material'

If you plow through portions of Roger Penrose THE ROAD TO REALITY he has some interesting but commentary...[maybe worth a library read, but not a purchase for the current subject.]

here are a few comments, in no particular order:

In order to achieve this inflationary period, it is necessary to introduce a new scalar field into the menageris of known [ and conjectued physical particle fields. As far as I am aware, this field is not taken to be directly related to other known fields of physics but is introduced solely to obtain an inflationary phase in the early universe. It is sometime releferred to as a "Higgs' field but itdoes not seem to be the ordinary one.

..there are some theories such as supergravity and ECSK theories which employ a non zero torsion that plays a significant role...see Note 19.10 and ppg 31.3

Note 19.10:
...ECSK in which torsion is introduced and considered to describe a direct gravitational effect of density of spin...

and he lists on page 470 half a dozen references...

Page 746: Penrose raises this issue in the chapter SEPECULATIVE THEORIES OF THE EARLY UNIVERSE:
...It might well be the case that there are fundamental asymmetries inherent in natures laws and that the symmetries that we see are often merely approximate features that do not persist right down to the deepest levels...

Also, that the torsion can be coupled to the intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of matter, much in the same way in which the curvature is coupled to the energy and momentum of matter. In fact, the spin of matter in curved spacetime requires that torsion is not constrained to be zero but is a variable in the principle of stationary action...

[I think this is improperly stated.. seems like it should be 'torsion of spacetime'...

Einstein–Cartan theory has been historically overshadowed by its torsion-free counterpart and other alternatives like Brans–Dicke theory because torsion seemed to add little predictive benefit at the expense of the tractability of its equations...

Even Penrose mentioned the difficulties of the math...primes on super and subscripts...and on and on...

If anone has any insights why spin and curvature might link to form repulsive gravity that would be great. For example, does spin force curvature to 'unwind'? And I can't imagine 'particle' spin...spacetime torsion, ok.
  • #14
He's basically wrong about inflation. It is typically thought that the inflaton is not some entirely new field, but instead one of the menagerie of scalar fields which are likely to exist in any grand unified theory.

In essence, it's almost impossible to produce a grand unified theory that doesn't also happen to have a number of scalar fields in it. All that is required is for one of them to have the right properties to become the inflaton. This is a markedly lower barrier to cross than the one supposed by Penrose.
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  • #15
I have a question; It seems Guth is saying that energy from this inflation scalar field decays into particles. If it was possible to recreate sufficiently high energies (I realize it's not), could we convert matter back into 'inflatons'?
  • #16
Herbascious J said:
I have a question; It seems Guth is saying that energy from this inflation scalar field decays into particles. If it was possible to recreate sufficiently high energies (I realize it's not), could we convert matter back into 'inflatons'?
Yes, absolutely. Even if we could build a particle accelerator capable of such a feat, however, it would be much much harder to actually produce inflation: inflation doesn't just require inflatons, it also requires that the value of the inflaton field be nearly constant and of an appropriate value across a region of space (a very small region of space, but not a single point either).
  • #17
[ If it was possible to recreate sufficiently high energies (I realize it's not), could we convert matter back into 'inflatons'?/QUOTE]

Nobody really knows. Maybe a quantum theory of gravity or a GUT will provide insights. Inflations are theoretical rather than observed as is the inflationary scalar field. All we know for sure, I think, is that such a model matches observations.

Also, keep in mind inflation is a glued on appendage to the front end of our cosmological model, the FLRW model. It's there not because of first principles but because it provides a fit to cosmological observations. And it does NOT explain the origin of the big bang of whatever kind of bang one hypothesizes: it starts about 10-37 seconds AFTER the big bang...close to the Planck regime...but still separated from it:

In the mainstream view of particle [matter] creation discussed in these forums, it seems current theory more closely aligns with some sort of an initial quantum perturbation, a negative pressure or equivalently repulsive gravity, inflationary expansion [a dynamic geometry] coupled with cosmological horizons.

In fact, just what causes particles to appear is not all that clear:

What is a particle?

Here are excerpts [abbreviated by me] about particle/matter ambiguity that I like:

The trouble with the particle concept is that one cannot attribute a permanent existence; It only exists at the moment it is detected. The rest of the time there is a kind of spread out thing---a cloud---a wave---a field---something that is less "particular", something that cannot be detected.

Meopemuk: According to scientific method we are not allowed to speculate about things that cannot be registered/observed/verified. If we do use such unobservable things (e.g., wave functions, quantum fields, etc) in our formalism we should keep in mind that these are mathematical tools unrelated to the physical world……

Stoer: ..
..with the concept of particles alone you are not able to calculate anything beyond classical physics: No quantum mechanics, no atoms, no spectra, no nuclei, no nucleons, no quarks, ... they all rely on unmeasurable concepts like wave functions, field operators, Hilbert spaces, etc. You can't register them, but have to live with them if you want to do physics...

...Inertial and accelerating observers do not agree on the number of particles they observe because the typical definition of a "particle" relies on the definition of a vacuum state which has to be (at least asymptotically) flat; acceleration spoils this concept because acceleration is equivalent to gravity and therefore undermines the basis of special relativistic quantum field theory. ...
  • #18
Naty1 said:
Nobody really knows. Maybe a quantum theory of gravity or a GUT will provide insights.
Quantum gravity isn't necessary. If the inflaton field exists, then inflatons can be produced in sufficiently high-energy collisions, full-stop. This must necessarily be the case, because if it weren't, then inflatons could not decay into standard model particles. Which they had to to produce our universe.
  • #19
If the inflaton field exists, then inflatons can be produced in sufficiently high-energy collisions, full-stop.

What does "full stop" mean?
  • #20
Naty1 said:

What does "full stop" mean?
As in you don't need to know anything more about the inflaton field to know it can be produced in a particle accelerator than the fact that inflation ended, and the end of inflation produced standard model particles.
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  • #21
There is a line of thought that has hung me up on all of this. Perhaps my understanding is off. I believe that particles carry with them aspects like charge, spin, lepton number, baryon number, and even mass, etc. To me this is what distinguishes matter from other forms of energy. Although these attributes can be annihilated (anti-particle collisions) and reduced to pure energy, it seems that any field that gives rise to matter, should in some aspect contain these attributes in some form. Otherwise, shouldn't the energy of the inflation field simply decay into photon radiation? I apologize for my ignorance here, I'm stepping well out of my current grasp of things.

P.S. - I guess I'm arguing that this field should represent a high energy form of matter. I guess if matter can be reduced to pure photon energy then then reverse must be true and what ever the nature of the inflation field, the energy from it can become particles when released. Fascinating theories, but immensely counter intuitive :)
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  • #22
Herbascious J said:
There is a line of thought that has hung me up on all of this. Perhaps my understanding is off. I believe that particles carry with them aspects like charge, spin, lepton number, baryon number, and even mass, etc. To me this is what distinguishes matter from other forms of energy. Although these attributes can be annihilated (anti-particle collisions) and reduced to pure energy, it seems that any field that gives rise to matter, should in some aspect contain these attributes in some form. Otherwise, shouldn't the energy of the inflation field simply decay into photon radiation? I apologize for my ignorance here, I'm stepping well out of my current grasp of things.
Right. This is what normally happens when we produce massive particles in particle accelerators: they decay. We mostly know about them from their decay products. The recent Higgs detection, for instance, stems from combinations of outgoing particles (typically muons and photons) whose combined energies are around 125GeV.

Many of these more massive particles have decay times of [itex]10^{-10}[/itex] seconds or less (I'm not sure we yet have a handle on the decay time of the Higgs, but I'm sure it's tiny).

If the inflaton couldn't decay into other particles, it would still be around in large numbers.
  • #23
I believe that particles carry with them aspects like charge, spin, lepton number, baryon number, and even mass, etc. To me this is what distinguishes matter from other forms of energy.

Sounds good. That is how particles register. How we observe them. It is what they ARE. In the string theory view, different vibrational energies and patterns, analogoues to different resonant frequencies for example, underly those observed characteristics.

Otherwise, shouldn't the energy of the inflation field simply decay into photon radiation?

also sounds ok ...I think it is Leonard Susskind that mentions there are something on the order of [don't quote me here on the exponent, but it's huge] 1018 photons for every matter particle.

Although these attributes can be annihilated (anti-particle collisions) and reduced to pure energy, it seems that any field that gives rise to matter, should in some aspect contain these attributes in some form.

So if matter particles can transform to energy and energy can transform to matter, seems reasonable that attributes of each somehow reside within. In fact that's kind of what a grand unified theory does: unites strong,weak,electromagnetic and gravity into a single high energy entity. Everything in the universe originated from that initial high energy [bang] state.

On the other hand, as I understand things, the [matter] elements directly from the bang were hydrogen,helium lithium...lighter stuff...I believe the proportions of those can be predicted quite accurately via existing theory. More elements originate from stars [fusion] that formed billions of years later and still more different from supernovas.

see 'nucleosynthesis' for more.
  • #24
Chalnoth said:
If the inflaton couldn't decay into other particles, it would still be around in large numbers.

Ok, so (according to theory) the inflaton decays into the particles we observe. Does this make the inflaton a form of matter (unlike a photon)?
  • #25
Herbascious J said:
Ok, so (according to theory) the inflaton decays into the particles we observe. Does this make the inflaton a form of matter (unlike a photon)?
Quantum mechanically, a photon isn't really that distinct from other forms of matter, except for the fact that it has no mass. It's just one (of many) quantum-mechanical fields. It doesn't form solid objects because of the lack of charge and mass, but then neutrinos don't form solid objects either.

In some ways, an inflaton would be a bit more like a photon than, say, an electron, because it would be a boson (electrons, protons, and neutrons are all fermions). Though I suppose the particle it has most in common is the Higgs, as the Higgs is not only a boson, but is a scalar boson and also has mass.
  • #26
Chalnoth said:
Though I suppose the particle it has most in common is the Higgs, as the Higgs is not only a boson, but is a scalar boson and also has mass.

Ok, interesting. So does this mean the inflaton is theoretically a force carrier? And like the higgs it has mass. It seems to me that it should be gravitationally attractive. Is there any insight into why this field is repulsive? Is there some negative pressure associated with it? Thanks everyone, I think I'm getting more clear on all of this.
  • #27
Herbascious J said:
Ok, interesting. So does this mean the inflaton is theoretically a force carrier? And like the higgs it has mass.
Yes, it would act as a force carrier. Obviously this force has to be extremely weak, or else we would have detected its effects. Scalar fields produce forces that are rather like gravity, but with a different impact on light compared to non-relativistic matter.

Herbascious J said:
It seems to me that it should be gravitationally attractive. Is there any insight into why this field is repulsive? Is there some negative pressure associated with it? Thanks everyone, I think I'm getting more clear on all of this.
Yes, the negative pressure is extremely well-understood. This is down to the dynamics of how the energy density of the field changes as the universe expands. When the field is in the right sort of configuration, the expansion actually acts to slow down the change in energy density so much that it acts as if it has a nearly constant energy density. As the space-time curvature is proportional to energy density, and as the expansion rate is a manifestation of space-time curvature, nearly constant energy density means nearly constant expansion rate.

And a constant expansion rate (speed/distance) equates to an exponentially-accelerated expansion (if speed/distance is constant, then the further things get the faster they move).
  • #28

Does anyone have any resources which explain the nature of Alan Guth's 'gravitationally repulsive material'?

You should find this interview with Alan Guth interesting...but it does not get into the details you may be seeking...[it's free]

The Man Who Put the “Big” in “Big Bang”: Alan Guth on Inflation
By Davide Castelvecchi | December 6, 2011 |

It's a nice broad view to complement Chalnoth's details.

...What creates repulsive gravity is negative pressures. That’s the feature of the cosmological constant and also of states of scalar fields dominated by their potential energy, which is the way conventional inflation works. Certainly the most plausible explanation for acceleration today, and for inflation early in the universe, was that the universe contains materials that have negative pressures.
One important thing we’d love to know about dark energy is whether or not the energy density is constant over time, as it would be if it were a cosmological constant. Or, it could vary with time — in which case, our best explanation would be that it’s energy of a slowly evolving scalar field that fills all of space...

Also, I forgot I have Guth's book THE INFLATIONARY UNIVERSE, 1997, which is mentioned in the article...Here is one excerpt that touches on the discussion here:

Page 86
To learn about higher temperatures physicists turn to accelerators….
CERN will allow us to study the conditions in the universe at just 5 x 10^-15 seconds after the bang…. The accelerator experiments provide crucial information, but a high energy beam is not exactly the same as the hot gas we believe filled the early universe. The particles in an accelerator all have essentially the same energy while the particles of a gas have a range of energies. In addition, the particles in an accelerator beam are much further apart, on average, than the particles of the early universe. Accelerator experiments show us what happens when two particles collide at high energy, but we must rely on theoretical calculations to infer how the temperature and pressure of a hot dense gas expands.

This was part of my concern about difficulties producing 'inflatons'which I previously posted . But as the Guth interview in SA clearly shows, experimental verifications and observations in general far surpass even what he ever hoped to see.

Related to Alan Guth, Gravitationally repulsive material?

1. What is gravitationally repulsive material?

Gravitationally repulsive material is a hypothetical substance that exhibits a negative gravitational mass, meaning it would repel rather than attract other objects with mass. It is often proposed as a solution to the problem of dark energy in the universe.

2. Who discovered gravitationally repulsive material?

The concept of gravitationally repulsive material was first proposed by physicist Alan Guth in the 1980s, as part of his theory of cosmic inflation.

3. How does gravitationally repulsive material affect the universe?

If gravitationally repulsive material exists, it would have a significant impact on the structure and expansion of the universe. It could potentially explain the observed acceleration of the universe's expansion and the distribution of large-scale structures.

4. Is there any evidence for the existence of gravitationally repulsive material?

Currently, there is no direct evidence for the existence of gravitationally repulsive material. However, some observations, such as the accelerating expansion of the universe, are consistent with its existence.

5. How can we test for the presence of gravitationally repulsive material?

Scientists are currently exploring ways to test for the presence of gravitationally repulsive material, such as detecting its effects on the motion of galaxies or using experiments that simulate conditions in the early universe. However, further research and advancements in technology are needed to confirm its existence.

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