Achieving B+ in Calc 1 - Can I Be an EE Major?

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    Calc 1
In summary, the person received a B+ in calculus 1 and is wondering how it will affect their future as an EE major. They are disappointed but the conversation reassures them that it is a good grade and emphasizes the importance of understanding the material. They also discuss the impact on their overall GPA and the importance of continuing to study and improve. The conversation concludes with advice to focus on future courses and opportunities for internships and graduate school.
  • #1
I got a B+ in calc 1!

So I am new to this forum. First post! As you all can tell from my title I got a B+ in calc 1. I am declared as an EE major now, and was wondering how that grade stacks up. I was hoping for a A of course but didnt have the BEST study habits and because of that have an overall GPA of about 2.98. I am in my first year btw. We used the thomas calculus book. I guess I feel a little disapointed in this grade. But shoud I? thanks ahead of time!
Physics news on
  • #2

your life as you know it is now over
  • #3

Yup. What Woopydalan said. Have fun mopping floors and flipping burgers, if that.

In all seriousness, this is one of your first courses. More weight will be put on your later courses and years.
  • #4

Do you know why you got a B+?
  • #5

Perhaps you should consider applying for a job at your local McDonald's.

All jokes aside, you shouldn't be so disappointed at a B+. It's a good grade and of course it's always better to have an A but oh well.

You'll probably find Calc II more difficult so make sure to put some time into studying every day or so.
  • #6

It's of little consequence provided you gained a solid foundation in calculus. The basics will be your bread and butter throughout your engineering courses!

Work on bringing your GPA up. It'll help in obtaining internships/co-ops.
  • #7

B is good, provided you actually understand the material and continue to build upon your calc one knowledge. Just because you are done with calc one doesn't mean you have mastered calc 1 and can move on without ever looking back. You should go back and continue doing problems from your calc 1 sections even when you're in calc 2 or 3. I would guess that you've only fully "mastered" calc 1 when you can do (and understand) every problem in the calc book from basic limits to beginning integration. When you've done every end of chapter question, then you can feel comfortable.

BTW, I just finished calc 1 also. Good luck. BTW, many of the tutors at my school have gotten C's when they took calc, but if you build a real understanding of the material (not just memorize how to solve problems), then you are in a very good position, in my opinion. I've found this website, physicsforums, invaluable to my understanding of subjects. Keep up the good work, but don't slack.
  • #8

I'd also like to add, it is common to get adjusted to things in your first year. Different lifestyle and such.
  • #9

lol well sarcasm aside I think i get the drift. Just was a little frustrated. Had a lot going on this semester and will start the next one more focused. Thanks all for the input. Will be sure to work some problems throught the summer too.
  • #10

Grad schools care more about your junior/senior grades. You should be fine. I got a couple of B+s in my math courses and I still got into grad school (admittedly at a less prestigious school, but one that I was satisfied with).

Related to Achieving B+ in Calc 1 - Can I Be an EE Major?

1. Can I still be an EE major if I only get a B+ in Calc 1?

Yes, getting a B+ in Calc 1 does not automatically disqualify you from being an EE major. It is important to remember that grades are not the only factor considered in major selection. Admissions offices also look at other factors such as extracurricular activities, personal statements, and letters of recommendation.

2. Will a B+ in Calc 1 affect my chances of getting into a good EE program?

It may affect your chances slightly, but it is not a determining factor. Admissions committees understand that not every student excels in every subject. As long as you have a strong overall academic record and can demonstrate your interest and aptitude for EE through other means, a B+ in Calc 1 should not greatly impact your chances.

3. How can I improve my grade in Calc 1 if I want to be an EE major?

There are several steps you can take to improve your grade in Calc 1. First, make sure you are attending all lectures and taking thorough notes. Also, seek help from your professor or a tutor if you are struggling with any concepts. It may also be helpful to form a study group with classmates. Additionally, practicing regularly and completing all homework and assignments can greatly improve your understanding and grades in the course.

4. Is Calc 1 the only math course that matters for an EE major?

No, there are typically several other math courses required for an EE major, such as Calculus 2 and 3, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra. While a strong foundation in Calculus 1 is important, it is not the only math course that will determine your success in an EE program.

5. Can I retake Calc 1 if I am not satisfied with my grade?

Most universities allow students to retake courses if they are not satisfied with their grade. However, it is important to check with your academic advisor or university policies before making this decision. Keep in mind that if you choose to retake the course, both grades will appear on your transcript and may affect your GPA.

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