A rulebased universe is much more compelling

  • Thread starter octelcogopod
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In summary, the conversation discusses a theory that the universe is created by the emergence of strings, which then form rules and shapes. The conversation also delves into the idea that the self creates its own rules to confirm its existence. There is disagreement about the problem presented, with one person seeing it as a game and the other believing it to be a never-ending source of problems. The conversation ends with a humorous reference to the use of strings.
  • #1
I guess I will forever battle this problem, but one thing is for sure, I'm getting closer to some kind of "solution." So here, I offer you my thesis.

A rulebased universe is much more compelling.

Let's say you start out the universe with nothing.
Then out of nowhere, for some unknown reason, one string appears, now the string has one rule, namely that it has to exist.
A string doesn't have the power to fade itself out of existence, so the rule that it has to exist, must exist.
Then, when the string exists, immediately after, several other rules come forth. The rules of shape, movement restrictions, energy it carries, etc are all formed by the existence of the string itself.
Remember that none of these rules existed before the string existed, the string itself created them because of its own existence.
Without any rules, the string would exist all places at once, it would have the shape of everything and have every possible shape ever.

If we follow this logic, we will see that everyhing in the universe is created by itself.
It would be up to the scientists to create the evolvment sheet and history, but I can give a theory I have.
First you have the rule of existence, then the rules of shape, movement and other things. Then another string emerges, maybe the first string duplicated itself, maybe the string appeared out of nowhere like the first string, who knows.
Regardless, we now hit another problem, because it seems as if the universe could only have emerged out of one single string, because if a second string emerged out of nowhere, there's no rules to say that it would "fit" or be able to bind with the first string.
If the first string duplicated itself, it would have created a string identical to iself and would automatically fit.

Anyway to summarize, the theory is that each and every possible rule in the universe, is created by itself, sort of forced upon itself by its own existence.
The real work of course, would lie in finding out what these rules are and why they emerged.
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
The only strings in the universe are here on earth, for teasing cats and physicists.
  • #3
First off, I can't believe I read the whole post: I do NOT like reading.

If we follow this logic,
I'm getting closer to some kind of "solution."
I guess I will forever battle this problem

Secondly, so long as an individual believes that it is "logical" to "follow" 'thought', that individual will forever battle a "problem", while drifting further away from the "solution"; which was to put 'thought' in its place, drawing upon it when needed, and enjoying observing things forever as they truly are.

Then out of nowhere, for some unknown reason, one string appears, now the string has one rule, namely that it has to exist.
A string doesn't have the power to fade itself out of existence, so the rule that it has to exist, must exist.
Then, when the string exists, immediately after, several other rules come forth. The rules of shape, movement restrictions, energy it carries, etc are all formed by the existence of the string itself.
Remember that none of these rules existed before the string existed, the string itself created them because of its own existence.

Third, perhaps the "string" you are referring to is actually your "self", and that the "rule" that it "has to exist, must exist" and that the "string itself created them because of its own existence" is an effort by your "self" to preserve itself by confirming its existence with "rules", that were invented, by your "self".

Finally, octelcogopod, I believe your thread entitled "Emergence", which is about "strings", is hanging by a thread.

Without any rules, the string would exist all places at once, it would have the shape of everything and have every possible shape ever.

However, there is hope. :smile:

  • #4
So nobody can even contemplate this?
  • #5
it's kind of like a game more than a problem. I do appreciate your effort though, I find it thought provoking, but I tend to agree with Jimmie and psi 5. I only disagree with you're 'problem' because it gets bigger the more i think about it. It's sort of the opposite of a reductionist approach to a problem where you start from a big scheme and you work out all the smaller parts. Eventually, the reductionist approach will provide some adequite solutions. This 'problem' has no end, and is a seed for greater problems. the limit is an infinate number of rules, and an infinate amount of shapes, movements, ways of interacting, etc. it becomes what you started with, everything you can imagine.
  • #6
Psi 5 said:
The only strings in the universe are here on earth, for teasing cats and physicists.
there's also the old adage - give him enough string and he'll hang himself


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What does it mean for the universe to be rule-based?

A rule-based universe refers to the concept that the laws of physics and nature follow a set of consistent and predictable rules, rather than being random or chaotic. This idea is often used in discussions about the nature of reality and the existence of a higher power.

How does a rule-based universe impact our understanding of the world?

A rule-based universe helps us make sense of the patterns and behaviors we observe in the world around us. It allows us to make predictions and create models that accurately reflect how things work. This understanding has led to significant advancements in science and technology.

What are the implications of a rule-based universe for free will?

The idea of a rule-based universe can be seen as conflicting with the concept of free will, as it suggests that everything is predetermined by a set of rules. However, some argue that the rules themselves allow for freedom and choice within a certain framework. This is a philosophical debate that has been ongoing for centuries.

Are there any scientific theories or evidence that support a rule-based universe?

Many scientific theories, such as Newton's laws of motion and Einstein's theory of relativity, are based on the idea of a rule-based universe. These theories have been extensively tested and proven to accurately describe the behavior of the physical world. Additionally, the success of these theories in predicting and explaining phenomena gives further credence to the concept of a rule-based universe.

How does the concept of a rule-based universe relate to religion or spirituality?

Some religions and spiritual beliefs see the concept of a rule-based universe as evidence of a higher power or intelligent design. Others may see it as a way to understand the order and complexity of the universe without invoking a deity. The interpretation of a rule-based universe in relation to religion and spirituality is a matter of personal belief and perspective.

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