What is Universe: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The universe (Latin: universus) is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe. According to estimation of this theory, space and time emerged together 13.799±0.021 billion years ago, and the universe has been expanding ever since. While the spatial size of the entire universe is unknown, the cosmic inflation equation indicates that it must have a minimum diameter of 23 trillion light years, and it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe, which is approximately 93 billion light-years in diameter at the present day.
The earliest cosmological models of the universe were developed by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers and were geocentric, placing Earth at the center. Over the centuries, more precise astronomical observations led Nicolaus Copernicus to develop the heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the Solar System. In developing the law of universal gravitation, Isaac Newton built upon Copernicus's work as well as Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion and observations by Tycho Brahe.
Further observational improvements led to the realization that the Sun is one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way, which is one of a few hundred billion galaxies in the universe. Many of the stars in galaxy have planets. At the largest scale, galaxies are distributed uniformly and the same in all directions, meaning that the universe has neither an edge nor a center. At smaller scales, galaxies are distributed in clusters and superclusters which form immense filaments and voids in space, creating a vast foam-like structure. Discoveries in the early 20th century have suggested that the universe had a beginning and that space has been expanding since then at an increasing rate.According to the Big Bang theory, the energy and matter initially present have become less dense as the universe expanded. After an initial accelerated expansion called the inflationary epoch at around 10−32 seconds, and the separation of the four known fundamental forces, the universe gradually cooled and continued to expand, allowing the first subatomic particles and simple atoms to form. Dark matter gradually gathered, forming a foam-like structure of filaments and voids under the influence of gravity. Giant clouds of hydrogen and helium were gradually drawn to the places where dark matter was most dense, forming the first galaxies, stars, and everything else seen today.
From studying the movement of galaxies, it has been discovered that the universe contains much more matter than is accounted for by visible objects; stars, galaxies, nebulas and interstellar gas. This unseen matter is known as dark matter (dark means that there is a wide range of strong indirect evidence that it exists, but we have not yet detected it directly). The ΛCDM model is the most widely accepted model of the universe. It suggests that about 69.2%±1.2% [2015] of the mass and energy in the universe is a cosmological constant (or, in extensions to ΛCDM, other forms of dark energy, such as a scalar field) which is responsible for the current expansion of space, and about 25.8%±1.1% [2015] is dark matter. Ordinary ('baryonic') matter is therefore only 4.84%±0.1% [2015] of the physical universe. Stars, planets, and visible gas clouds only form about 6% of the ordinary matter.There are many competing hypotheses about the ultimate fate of the universe and about what, if anything, preceded the Big Bang, while other physicists and philosophers refuse to speculate, doubting that information about prior states will ever be accessible. Some physicists have suggested various multiverse hypotheses, in which our universe might be one among many universes that likewise exist.

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  1. newjerseyrunner

    B How are neutrinos distributed in the universe?

    @mfb mentioned in a thread about dark matter how neutrinos don't conglomerate in galaxies and it got me wondering where they are. Considering that they move at nearly the speed of light, I understand why they couldn't be captured by galaxies, but what about large scale structures? Do neutrinos...
  2. Drakkith

    I Age of the Universe as Measured by a Non-Co-Moving Observer

    In a recent thread I incorrectly stated that an observer moving at a high velocity relative to a co-moving observer would measure the age of the universe as more than the co-moving observer would. Apparently that is incorrect, and the age of the universe measured by the first observer would be...
  3. J

    B Why is the age of the Universe finite?

    I am assuming scientists say that the universe is 13.8 billion years old with respect to time on earth. If so, how come the infinite energy present at such a small scale didn't make gravitational time dilation infinite during the first stage? Wouldn't time dilation make the universe infinitely...
  4. Daleri Mc Rileda

    B How is the Age of the Universe Determined?

    How can the age of the universe be determined when there is no absolute measure of time or distance in the universe. Every other place in the universe has another rate of the passing of time. Since time expands with the expansion of space, trying to use expanded time to measure time is circular...
  5. wolram

    B Speed of light in the universe

    Is it true that the speed of light is only dependent on the size of the universe, if the universe were much smaller would the speed of light be faster?
  6. U

    I Exploring the Expansion of Universe & Motion of Galaxies

    i have a question about the motion of galaxies and the speed limit of light. using Hubble's law, it is theoretically found that after a certain distance(about 4200 mega parsec or something) from a observer, the galaxies are moving faster than the speed of light. consider the following...
  7. Bill McKeeman

    A Transition from opaque universe to release of CMB

    What is known about how long it took to transition from an opaque universe to the release of the cosmic microwave background?
  8. M

    Why Is the Calculated Temperature of the Universe Different from 3K?

    Homework Statement Two scientists detected the cosmic microwave background radiation at a frequency of 160 GHz. What is the temperature of the universe? Homework Equations peak wavelength x temperature = 2.898 x 10^-3 c = f x wavelength The Attempt at a Solution I calculated the wavelength of...
  9. M

    I What does "expansion of the universe" mean?

    [Moderator's note: thread spun off from post in a different thread quoted below.] That seems to me a rather extraordinary claim. Could you demonstrate how for instance cosmological redshift can be explained in a coordinate independent fashion?
  10. wolram

    B The universe is crowded with black holes

    I am not sure if this is true, if it is can these black holes be the dark matter we have been searching for. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160622144930.htm Date: June 22, 2016 Source: Rochester Institute of Technology Summary: Astronomers have presented one of the most complete...
  11. elhumanoid

    Exploring the Possibility of Multiple Universes: A Dream Analysis

    Hi, I don't have any degree in physics whatsoever, but my question is about a dream I had. My last thread got locked when someone got arrogant with their degree or knowhow (and the lack of mine), I'm hoping you would think "outside of the box" with this one. Don't take it as a dumb dream right...
  12. elhumanoid

    Stargazing Is There More Than One Universe?

    Hi, I don't have any degree in physics whatsoever, but my question is about a dream I had. Not to identify a meaning to my dream, but I want to know from YOU who are may be specialized in this following field: I often dream about space, be it me spacetruckin through the cosmos, aboard ISS or...
  13. A

    I Is the total amount of gravity in the Universe conserved?

    In thinking about force symmetry and conservation laws, I think I am right that the total amount of color charge and electric charge in the Universe is conserved, but is gravity conserved? does a Universe at maximum entropy have the same gravity as one say, just after the big bang? Thanks, Mark
  14. T

    I The Infinity of Days in the Eternity Universe

    My question perhaps is assuming there is a multiverse, but its more of a mathematical question. If the universe or universes have existed forever, will the number of days that have been be a countable infinity or uncountable? Thanks
  15. T

    HashMap- Universe of keys small

    Homework Statement [/B] "Direct addressing is a simple technique that works well when the universe U of keys is reasonably small. Suppose that an application needs a dynamic set in which each element has a key drawn from a not too large universe U. We shall assume that no two elements have the...
  16. J

    B What would a universe with two time dimensions be like?

    Just what would a universe be like if it had two time dimensions?
  17. K

    I Different densities of the universe on different angles?

    Does anybody know of a resource that I could use to determine the density of the universe along a specific line of sight? (right ascension and declination)I am investigating inertial forces and looking to identify both the most and least dense directions in space and determine by how much they...
  18. Multiple_Authors

    Insights Where Did the Big Bang Happen? - Comments

    multiple_authors submitted a new PF Insights post Where Did the Big Bang Happen? Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  19. wolram

    B Is the universe expanding faster than expected

    Here they use information gathered form Cepheids, are these parallax measurements accurate? From science daily. Date: June 2, 2016 Source: Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) Summary: Hubble Space Telescope astronomers have discovered that the universe is expanding 5-9%...
  20. P

    I What is the size of the observable universe relative to CMBR

    Reading the Wikipedia article makes my head spin! Somehow the figure https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Observable_universe_logarithmic_illustration.png doesn't seem quite right. I don't understand how the CMBR doesn't define the edge of the universe. If we can see the CMBR that happened near...
  21. Italian_Mike

    I Vacuum energy versus expansion of the Universe

    If vacuum energy has a non-zero value, is the vacuum energy density (vacuum energy over a given volume of void space) being reduced over time due to the expansion of the Universe? If so, is there any consequence on the particle-antiparticle creation/annihiliation process? Will there ever be a...
  22. P

    B Universe is accelerating expanding

    if the uverse is expanding and known to be accelerating, at what rate is this acceleration? even at small # over the billions of years, would it not be at speed of light already, and if so, how would observable mass be traveling at the speed of light?
  23. |Glitch|

    I Hubble finds universe may be expanding faster than expected

    According to the paper they used 300 SNe Ia along with Cepheid variables, as a basis for determining cosmological distances. With the exception of 19 SNe Ia, which were calibrated using nearby Cepheids, the remaining 281 SNe Ia were based purely on their light curve to determine their type...
  24. L

    I Universe is a sphere that is centered on any observer? How?

    I read here, http://www.space.com/24781-big-bang-theory-alternatives-infographic.html , that, "What we call the "observable universe" (or the "Hubble Volume") is the spherical region, about 90 billion light-years in diameter, that is centered on any given observer. This is the only part of the...
  25. I

    Life forms that live in decreasing entropy phase of universe

    If there is enough gravity and the universe starts to collapse in on itself, would life forms that live during this phase of the universe get younger as time passes and they would need to expend energy to stay old?
  26. raphalbatros

    B Predicting the future of a deterministic universe

    I was discussing with some friends the other day. We were philosophizing about a hypothetical universe which is governed by the principles of causal determinism. (Go look at the Wikipedia page on determinism for more details about causal determinism.) Our first concern was: Could a computer...
  27. E

    B What is empirically known about the shape and size of the Universe?

    It may be that nothing is, or even can be empirically known about exactly how big our universe is, or the shape of its geometry (flat, round, etc.), but what are some basic, provable facts that can be used to work out a theory or to debunk one? I know this is a very broad question. I have come...
  28. W

    I Exploring the BB Paradox in an Evolving Universe

    I know this has come up before but there is still something puzzling me about the whole BB paradox. This is the problem phrased in the context of our evolving universe. As far we can tell the universe will expand forever ( assuming dark energy is not something variable but is a constant). In a...
  29. E

    Theories and questions on the expansion of the universe

    The universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. Space has no edge. If space is geometrically "round," meaning that a long enough journey could bring you back to where you started, then it could be said that the universe has no outer edge. At the moment of the big bang, the universe created...
  30. J

    I Is the universe a larger version of a black hole?

    Could there be outflows associated with the poles of a universal black hole? Could the pressure associated with the black hole’s dark energy emission cause particles of matter to form and accelerate outward? Is the timeline the time and distance from the black hole? Is this the cause of dark...
  31. W

    I Is Probability Meaningless in an Infinite Universe?

    Suppose the universe is infinitely big, then even the most improbable thing will happen somewhere in the universe, in fact it will happen an infinite number of times. So what we consider to be probable things and what we consider to be improbable things are both infinite. So how do we rule out...
  32. EnumaElish

    I Physics in a universe with instant communication

    Faster-than-light communication is not allowed in this universe. Imagine a sister universe that looks much the same as ours but allows instant communication between any two points. In that universe, simultaneity can be established using instantaneous communication. How would that affect our*...
  33. Jonathynblythe

    How long would it take to inhabit the universe?

    Hello and thank you in advance. I'm writing a hard science fiction story and part of it is how humanity is spreading throughout the universe. What I was wondering was, can anyone explain to me the equation needed to answer this question so the story can have it's realism? In the near future...
  34. wolram

    I New light shed on birth of the universe

    https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/05/160512142915.htm A faint blue galaxy about 30 million light-years from Earth and located in the constellation Leo Minor could shed new light on conditions at the birth of the universe. Astronomers at Indiana University recently found that a galaxy...
  35. A

    A How do we say that the universe we live is 3 dimensional?

    i opine that the universe is not 3 dimensional at all. its not build up of 3 coordinates at all. it is because, we humans could see 3 dimensions it doesn't mean the space metric is of 3 dimensions. suppose there's a super being living on an Earth like planet of some other galaxy whose viewing...
  36. Tap Banister

    I The universe doesn't have volume from outside?

    A friend and I have been debating a topic for the last few days and I would really like a more informed opinion on the discussion. My friend says that IF you could, some how, see the universe from the outside and it appears that the universe is a finite flat, spherical shape, or other shape...
  37. P

    I Size of Universe: Exploring 13.7bn Years of Space

    Hi all, I've just been having an interesting pub conversation with (what I would call) an amateur cosmologist and I posed the following question "the observable universe is stated as being c 50 billion light years wide but (even putting aside issues such as expansion / contraction) if nothing...
  38. M

    B Is the Universe a type of fluid

    Hello, everyone I am new to the site I was wondering if the Universe and gravity are types of fluid? As you can read I am not a cosmologist or even a physicist but I love science
  39. P

    B Is the Universe discrete or continuous?

    Apologies if this question has been asked already. I've been given resources to help me understand, but it's been hard for me to wrap my head around the answer and, for that matter, it is difficult to understand a text when you have to look up every other word (an exaggeration, but you know ...
  40. J

    B Can we identify the centre of the Universe?

    Hi I have two novice question If the universe is expanding and it is all moving apart, how is it that galaxies are colliding? If our galaxy and all others are moving away from some singularity central point. And as we see other galaxies moving away from us at a speed relative to there distance...
  41. Willfrid Somogyi

    I Flat vs Open Universe: CMBR & Type Ia Supernovae

    So CMBR points to a flat universe, and this seems to be the generally accepted model. But in a flat universe is expansion not supposed to slow exponentially, stopping after an infinite time? How does this fit with the observation that distant type Ia supernovae show the universe's expansion to...
  42. S

    Relative proper times in a compactified universe

    Homework Statement Imagine that space (not spacetime) is actually a finite box, or in more sophisticated terms, a three-torus, of size ##L##. By this we mean that there is a coordinate system ##x^{\mu}=(t,x,y,z)## such that every point with coordinates ##(t,x,y,z)## is identified with every...
  43. C

    Mathematics of The Multi Dimensional Universe

    What are the mathematics behind multiple dimensions? Does mathematics allow for the existence of more than four dimensions? What allows the ability to possesses more that four dimensions, if there is already proof? I looked around, but I didn't find much by way of the answer I was looking for.
  44. W

    I Expansion of the universe, a poor choice of words?

    I think cosmologists use a poor choice of words when they say the universe is expanding. I don't dispute any of the science behind the "expanding" universe but I do want to dispute the appropriateness of the phrase to the science. I think people typically understand expanding to mean: getting...
  45. H

    B How do physicist determine the energy of the universe?

    I have heard popularized physics claims that the total energy of the universe may be zero. Supposedly positive mass energy plug negative field energy eg gravity cancel. How is this claim supported by science?
  46. Buzz Bloom

    Tyson Says It's 'Very Likely' The Universe Is a Simulation

    https://science.slashdot.org/story/16/04/23/0051211/neil-degrasse-tyson-says-its-very-likely-the-universe-is-a-simulation I am curious to see how this discussion goes.
  47. B

    I How can the universe be infinitely big?

    I was just watching a video in which the famous physicist Brian Greene was interviewed about his book The Hidden Reality. During this interview, Greene said that it is a matter of significant debate among cosmologists about whether the size of the universe in finite or infinite. In Stephen...
  48. N

    I Is the Block Universe Model Necessary if Presentism Can Adapt to Relativity?

    Is there a scientific difference, if not, why bother with the block universe model given it is unintuitive?
  49. B

    I Calculating average density of the Universe

    Q: What was the average density of the universe at the time the light was emitted by the z = 6.56 galaxy? For the question we know the current average density of the universe and red-shift wavelength z = 6.56. It says to calculate the average density of the universe at the moment when light was...
  50. KarminValso1724

    B Have we observed antimatter in the early universe?

    I have heard before that for every 1 billion antiparticles there are 1 billion and 1 particles of normal matter. Has this been observed directly or just predicted? Have we only observed antimatter through its creation on earth?