What is Travel: Definition and 996 Discussions

Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the case of tourism.

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  1. Mr C Odd

    Time dilation in a magnetic field

    Hi all. I was wondering if time is dilated whilst traveling in a stable magnetic field that is generated by the object travelling, and if so, does this vary if you reduce or intensify the magnetic field? Also, what happens if the object is generating two opposing magnetic fields, would...
  2. alexi_b

    Finding the time it takes for two stacked blocks to travel

    Homework Statement The coefficient of static friction is 0.604 between the two blocks shown. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the lower block and the floor is 0.104. Force F causes both blocks to cross a distance of 3.44m, starting from rest. What is the least amount of time in which...
  3. RandyD123

    B Time Travel into the Future: What Would Be the Reason?

    Although we can't technically do this currently, what if we could? What would be a reason to send a person on a mission into the future? If Bob travels at near the speed of light from Earth for let's say 5 years and then returns to see Alice. Alice has, and in fact the entire population of Earth...
  4. K

    I Interstellar Travel vs Universe Expansion: Is Andromeda Reachable?

    I read in a so called sci-fi website from my country that as the universe is expanding we may not be able to get to certain galaxies in a possible interstellar travel. That information seems ok for me. But then there was a comment by a reader concluding from the website post that there is coming...
  5. S

    Does Light Travel Through Fiber Optic Cable Generate EMF?

    Does light traveling through a fiber optic cable generate any sort of detectable electromagnetic field? Please forgive the stupid question. It’s something that popped into mind recently and google hasn’t adequately answered for me. I’m not a scientist or physicist. :blushing:
  6. KezPhysics

    How long does it take a 1ms pulse of light to travel 20m

    Homework Statement If you create a 1 ms light pulse by turning a flashlight on and off, how long will the pulse take to reach the other side of the room 20m away? (in air at standard T and P) what is the length, in m, of the pulse? I realize that light has a wavelength and when you pulse it...
  7. R

    How do electromagnetic waves from the sun vary in wavelength?

    How does the sun emit or radiate its electromagnetic waves? https://imgur.com/odqclja Is it like the first picture where it might be spaces in between the waves or more like the picture under it where the waves are uni formally (I think is the right word) with no space in between them? Or...
  8. opus

    B Parametric Equations- Ball travel

    Suppose a baseball is hit 3 feet above the ground, and that it leaves the bat at a speed of 100 miles an hour at an angle of 20° from the horizontal. I've got the parametric equations in terms of x and in terms of y, and I have values plotted and a graph sketched. My question is in regards to...
  9. LYCON

    I Exploring Time Travel: Is It Possible?

    How can we travel back and forth in time? And is it really possible?
  10. K

    B Is airspeed irrelevant in determining airplane travel time?

    I've seen across the internet the explanations of why (ignorind wind) the time an airplane takes to travel from one place to another on Earth is the same regardless of its direction of flight. The explanations usually rely on using reference frames. But I thought of one that I think is more...
  11. M

    Can a photon travel slow enough to be seen by the naked eye

    Please see my attachment of a recent observation of light traveling through a medium. There is no source, just my observation The packets of light appear to be visible, distinct , moving at different speeds, and display the various colours for each wavelength. Is this normal / possible in a...
  12. M

    Space Travel & Relativity: Is it Possible?

    I had a bit of a thought experiment the other day, does relativity mean that technically you couldn’t travel faster than the speed of light to the observer. But if you were traveling from Earth to another planet, could you technically be traveling faster than the speed of light relative to the...
  13. slow

    B Can time travel affect cell phone communication?

    Hi. Perhaps it falls into a fallacy similar to the attempt to deny the Second Principle of Thermodynamics, misrepresenting the statistical and probabilistic interpretation. I will also expose what causes me curiosity. My cell phone and the base of the service communicate with each other because...
  14. D

    Light speed travel (now "understanding the difference between weight and mass")

    So an object unaffected by any gravity free floating in space has zero mass. Now could this object reach light speed. Or am I confused?
  15. C

    B How to calculate travel time as a function of distance

    I need help calculating travel time as a function of distance using drag equation: F_drag = crossection area * density * ballistic coefficient * 0.5 * v^2. Not posted in homework cause it's not, and I don't know how to solve integrals so I could not fill solution attempt box
  16. sAzt71

    Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light

    Hello, I came to this site, with a question in mind. The speed of light. Nothing travels faster than the speed of light. This is a phrase, most of us are familiar with, to some extent. The word "Nothing" has two syllables, "No" & "Thing". There is no thing, that can, travel faster than the...
  17. Aarav

    B Why can't light travel faster than c?

    Photons do not have mass, so why stop at 299700 km/s??
  18. C

    B Interplanetary travel, Arctic sea ice

    I'm a software developer, no formal astro-physics education, but would like to pose some questions/hypotheticals regarding interplanetary travel, and/or dynamic positioning of Earth orbiting objects using extraterrestrial fuel sources. 1. Asteroid-based hitch-hiking to other planets...
  19. Q

    Engineering Nuclear Engineering Jobs that Require a lot of Travel

    Are there any jobs for nuclear engineering majors that require a lot of travel. International would be preferred. I would just hate to stay in one spot! Any job ideas would help!
  20. BillTre

    New Klingon Travel Center in Stockholm

    The Klingon Empire has opened a travel center in Stockholm, in its quest for world tourist domination. I wonder how many PF'ers work there.
  21. TheQuestionGuy14

    Question about Sci Fi Time Travel

    Hey. I know I asked questions about time travel before, but I'm just really interested in it. So, you know the phrase 'Future events cannot effect past events'. Well, in certain movies (eg. Groundhog Day) time keeps resetting, so future events don't effect past events in this scenario. So...
  22. karush

    MHB How far will the car travel in 10 seconds

    $\tiny{Embry-Brittle \, 12}$ $\textsf{A car, starting from rest, accelerates in a straight line at a constant rate of $\displaystyle 2.0 \frac{m}{s^2}$}$$\textit{How far will the car travel in $10$ seconds}$\begin{align*}\displaystyle \Delta t&=10\\ a&=2\\ d_i&=0\\ v_i&=0\\...
  23. stevendaryl

    I Using Black Holes to Time Travel Into the Future

    This is a possible science-fiction scenario, and I'm wondering if it is scientifically plausible. If someone wanted to take a one-way trip into future, say 1000 years from now, then SR gives you a possible way to do it without dying of old age: Just hop in a rocket ship, accelerate to nearly...
  24. Y

    I Interstellar Travel Without Propulsion or Time Dilation

    I hope this is the right forum for this question. Imagine alien tech allows them to travel 1 million light years to Earth instantaneously. No thrust, vector, propulsion was involved. They didn't have to approach the speed of light, with its attendant increase in mass. Having arrived at earth, in...
  25. Wrichik Basu

    Travel experiences you would love to share

    Who doesn't like to travel to unknown places, away from the hectic city life? Did you experience something great on such trips that is worth sharing? Perhaps Nature had opened up her beauty in front of you, or you have seen something majestic in people's lives that has made you think for a long...
  26. Lunct

    B Can FTL Travel be Achieved With Mass of a Photon?

    Really silly question, but if we assume that our current science is correct, is it plausible that we can move faster than light in a vacuum? Say, for example, can we make the mass of something less than a photon so it then can it move faster than light in a vacuum. I know this sounds like a...
  27. TheQuestionGuy14

    Could Time Travel In Fiction be applied to real life?

    I've watched a lot of time travel movies, most are just pure sci-fi. Bht some movies use parallel universes to explain the time travel in the plot. Here's where my question comes in: Say if time travel ever was invented, but it created parallel universes when people went back. Would this mean...
  28. Jacinta

    Can aeroplanes be technically used as time travel machines?

    So I'm currently on holidays somewhere, and it's one hour ahead of where i live. Since i went on the areoplane and landed to a new country where the time is an hour ahead, this also means i technically landed into the future, right?
  29. T

    I Can light near a black hole travel in -t in external coords?

    Many diagrams show light cones tipping over when closer to a black hole singularity, such that emitted light can have a downwards (negative time) component in the distant observer coordinate frame. e.g this diagram: or this one: or this one: However, other diagrams show that the light...
  30. G

    I Verifying claims about backwards time travel

    Now to be brief about this, I found this article at forbes (not to say that forbes is somehow a even remotely scientific journal) So I understand the part about traveling to the future when a person reaches near the speed of light (as a physical object could not reach the very speedlimit itself)...
  31. R

    Space Travel with balloon assist

    Near space travels with balloons. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/03/05/tech/balloons-fly-edge-of-space/index.html look at above link. balloons goes just 36 km above Earth surface. but Earth orbit is 100 km away. so my thinking is if we pump oxygen outside near helium balloon artificially when u...
  32. R

    B Visual Effects of Light Travel: Analyzing "Journey to Edge of Universe

    Hi, Can someone please anlayse the visual effects for light travel in the documentary 'Journey to edge of the universe' Especially around the 43:12 and the 1:02:20 mark. Can you also tell me if it is or is not an accurate depiction of what we should be seeing theoretically?
  33. Physicsislifetome

    B Is Light Traveling Through Time?

    If we need light speed to travel in time and light already have it , so is light traveling in time
  34. G

    I Does QM allow for a photon to travel at 800,000 km/s?

    I realize this type of question has been asked elsewhere on competitor websites but I want to make it more precise. Usually, the person asks if anything in QM is possible to which the answer is no, for example, a photon cannot have spin 0, hence some things in QM are impossible. But what about...
  35. A

    B Einstein's theory of relativity and time travel

    Hey so from my understanding of Einsteins theory of relativity the closer you travel to the speed of light the slower time is for you, is that right? if it is right does that give to reason that there could be a critical speed past the speed of light for which time for the object traveling at...
  36. A

    A Question About Time Travel & Aging

    Let's assume time travel is possible and we are travelling. We jumped to a TARDIS sort of machine in August 26, 2017 and go to August 26, 2000 then lived there for 4 years until August 26, 2004. So when we come back to August 26, 2017 would we be 4 years older or be the same age we were before...
  37. A

    B Does Time Travel Affect Aging?

    Let's assume time travel is possible and we are travelling. We jumped to a TARDIS sort of machine in August 26, 2017 and go to August 26, 2000 then lived there for 4 years until August 26, 2004. So when we come back to August 26, 2017 would we be 4 years older or be the same age we were before...
  38. A

    B Is Time Travel Possible? Exploring the Speed of Light and the Nature of Time

    I just wanted to share this idea with other people who may be interested: I watched a PBS Space Time episode about the speed of light more accurately described as the speed of causality. And I Submit! That "time" is simply a interaction between atoms. And though an interaction can be...
  39. T

    B How can light travel around an object in space?

    I came across an article about one of the many observations that helped to confirm GR. This observation took place during the 1919 total solar eclipse. Stars that were located directly behind the sun could be seen during the total solar eclipse because the gravitational force of the sun bent the...
  40. J

    Speed of Light Thought Experiment

    A thought experiment about the speed of light. Say I build a 600,000 km long tube around the circumference of the Earth at the Equator. The tube's inner diameter is constant at 54.4505 mm. A snooker ball is perfectly manufactured to its lowest tolerance by a special new machine. Each one is...
  41. A

    So why is space travel so hurdlesome again?

    For some reason, whenever I see these documentaries on space travel, and how NASA explains its projects, they always make it sound like "OMG we'll be able to colonize space MAYBE a million years in the future, with super technology, yadda yadda" and "space travel is so difficult", but aside from...
  42. E

    I Can Photons travel faster than c?

    I've looked up this question on the web, and I've gotten seeming conflicting answers. According to Feynman's path integral - to find the probability of a photon being at A at time 1 and B at time 2 can be determined by taking an integral of the photon traveling over all possible paths. I...
  43. jedishrfu

    Strange Time Travel Stories on Ars Technica

  44. TheQuestionGuy14

    B How to travel back in time according to General Relativity?

    Is there any way to travel back in time in reality according to GR? Let me know!
  45. infinitebubble

    I Photon Sphere and time travel around a Black Hole?

    Reading the post below on event horizon of a black hole (BH) got me thinking about the photon sphere of the BH. We all know light will travel around this photon sphere and how light from a source would completely travel back to it's source if one could see it real time, we all know this from...
  46. LaurelAnnyse

    Future of Space Travel: Ideas for a Fresh Take

    Yeah, pretty much what the title says. Who has cool ideas for the future of space travel?
  47. S

    B How do rockets propel themselves up?

    Well, first thing, I am new to this forum and it looks pretty good and I'm looking forward to reading more from it and post more questions. Well rocket propeling (or anything that uses some material to propel up when shooting it down) seems pretty straight forward at first, you have some gas...
  48. LaurelAnnyse

    Is it possible to build a single-stage spacecraft that can exit the atmosphere?

    Hey there! My name is Laurel, and I'm working on a short story with a friend about, among other thing, space travel. I've just got some questions about exiting the atmosphere in order to fly a spaceship around looking for other stuff. I don't want you to feel you have to over simplify things...
  49. kyphysics

    Anyone know how to calculate wear & tear on car for travel?

    I'm currently working part-time as a secret shopper this summer and have come across these jobs where you have to drive relatively far. The distance can be anywhere from 25 to 60 miles (on average, but possibly more if you want certain jobs). Pay is negotiable. This is what makes it...
  50. Ranvir

    B Why is interstellar travel so hopelessly difficult?

    So, I have been thinking about TRAPPIST-1 and how far away that system is from us. It is 40ly away from Earth, according to our frame of reference. This is often put in a way that makes one think that even at speeds close to that of light, it will take almost 40 years to get there. The muons in...