What is Statistical: Definition and 655 Discussions

Statistics is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied. Populations can be diverse groups of people or objects such as "all people living in a country" or "every atom composing a crystal". Statistics deals with every aspect of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.When census data cannot be collected, statisticians collect data by developing specific experiment designs and survey samples. Representative sampling assures that inferences and conclusions can reasonably extend from the sample to the population as a whole. An experimental study involves taking measurements of the system under study, manipulating the system, and then taking additional measurements using the same procedure to determine if the manipulation has modified the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational study does not involve experimental manipulation.
Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarize data from a sample using indexes such as the mean or standard deviation, and inferential statistics, which draw conclusions from data that are subject to random variation (e.g., observational errors, sampling variation). Descriptive statistics are most often concerned with two sets of properties of a distribution (sample or population): central tendency (or location) seeks to characterize the distribution's central or typical value, while dispersion (or variability) characterizes the extent to which members of the distribution depart from its center and each other. Inferences on mathematical statistics are made under the framework of probability theory, which deals with the analysis of random phenomena.
A standard statistical procedure involves the collection of data leading to test of the relationship between two statistical data sets, or a data set and synthetic data drawn from an idealized model. A hypothesis is proposed for the statistical relationship between the two data sets, and this is compared as an alternative to an idealized null hypothesis of no relationship between two data sets. Rejecting or disproving the null hypothesis is done using statistical tests that quantify the sense in which the null can be proven false, given the data that are used in the test. Working from a null hypothesis, two basic forms of error are recognized: Type I errors (null hypothesis is falsely rejected giving a "false positive") and Type II errors (null hypothesis fails to be rejected and an actual relationship between populations is missed giving a "false negative"). Multiple problems have come to be associated with this framework, ranging from obtaining a sufficient sample size to specifying an adequate null hypothesis. Measurement processes that generate statistical data are also subject to error. Many of these errors are classified as random (noise) or systematic (bias), but other types of errors (e.g., blunder, such as when an analyst reports incorrect units) can also occur. The presence of missing data or censoring may result in biased estimates and specific techniques have been developed to address these problems.

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  1. H

    Statistical thermodynamics - system of oscillators

    Homework Statement A system of 10 oscillators, characterised by a \beta^ parameter of ln(3/2) is in equilibrium with a heat bath. Determine the probability that the system should possesses Q quanta.Homework Equations p(Q) proportional to e^(-Beta*Q)The Attempt at a Solution I have seen a...
  2. B

    Statistical mechanics question

    Homework Statement Suppose that by some artificial means it is possible to put more electrons in the higher energy state than in the lower energy state of a two level system. Now it is clear that this system cannot be an equilibrium situation, but, nevertheless, for the time that the system is...
  3. B

    Statistical mechanics question

    Homework Statement Suppose that by some artificial means it is possible to put more electrons in the higher energy state than in the lower energy state of a two level system. Now it is clear that this system cannot be an equilibrium situation, but, nevertheless, for the time that the system...
  4. mrspeedybob

    Is the conservation of energy a statistical phenomena?

    Suppose you build a heat engine. On one side you have a hot body, on the other side you have a cold body. Between the 2 you have the heat engine but on a parallel path you have a simple heat conductor. What will happen is that some of the heat will travel through and power the heat engine...
  5. B

    What Is the Rough Estimate for Temperature in Statistical Mechanics Homework?

    Homework Statement Please see attached Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Ok so I've done the first part okay and got S = 17.38 times the Boltzmann constant. Just don't see how to make a rough estimate of the temp.. what is epsillon>?
  6. russ_watters

    News Statistical Crime: Impact of Wakefield's Fraud on UK Vaccination Rates

    This thread is motivated by this thread: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=461228 The effect of this fraudulent study is relatively clear from a scientific perspective: it resulted in a markedly reduced vaccination rate in the UK with an accompanying substantial increase in...
  7. facenian

    Classical statistical mechanics question

    Hello. I read this assertion in a book: if we take at an initial time t_0 a constant density distribution \rho(p,q,t_0) in phase space, then this implies that \rho wil remain independent of time for all t>t_0 because by Liouville's theorem \frac{\partial\rho}{\partial...
  8. S

    How Does Temperature Affect Particle Distribution in Two-State Systems?

    Homework Statement Consider a system of N particles, with two available energy states, 0 and E. What is the ratio of particles occupying the first state, n0, to particles occupying the second state n1?Homework Equations single particle partition function Z=\Sigmaexp(-ei/kt) system partition...
  9. B

    Statistical odds of animal dieoffs

    I am sure probably everyone has seen the news about the flocks of birds and fish that are dying off at different places in the world. The point of my question here is not to somehow explain why they died or if it's the beginning of the apocalypse. Rather I am curious about whether there is a...
  10. M

    Statistical model for soccer prediction

    My goal is to implement a web based software to provide a soccer forecast table like http://www.gymex.com/Predictions.html" as an interesting feature for visitors. I don't have any problem with coding the application but I need a set of clear instructions to start coding. I read an article by...
  11. E

    H problem in statistical mechanics

    Is there some kind of resolution to the Hydrogen atom problem in statistical physics, that is the fact that canonical partition function diverges for E_n = - E_0/n^2 with degeneracy n^2 since Z = \sum n^2 exp(-\beta E_0/n^2) > \sum n^2 exp(-\beta E_0) , which makes the H atom problem seem...
  12. V

    Statistical Physics/thermodynamics

    Homework Statement The atomic nuclei of the atoms in a solid have spin one. Each nucleus may therefore exist in three different quantal states with spin projection m=-1,0,+1. Due to the symmetri of the electrical field inside the solid these states have eneries E=\epsilon for m=\pm1 and E=0...
  13. T

    Statistical mechanics problem.

    I'm kind of stuck on this problem, if someone could help me out that would be appreciated. Consider 2 blocks treated as collections of Einstein oscillators. The first block has N1 oscillators of frequency omega. The second block has N2 oscillators of frequency 2omega. Initially the first...
  14. K

    Statistical anisotropy calculation

    Hi guys, this is not homework, but just something my supervisor asked me to think about, but I'm not sure how to start. Homework Statement How many events are needed to get an anisotropy of 9% at 9 sigma. (We were talking specifically in the context of Cosmic Rays). I just want a...
  15. L

    Statistical Mechanics preparedness ?

    Statistical Mechanics preparedness...? Hello, I am a third year physics major having trouble deciding wether to take Statistical Mechanics this Spring semester. The problem is that there are 2 pre-requisites, Quantum Mechanics 1 and Thermodynamics, and I am only taking Thermodynamics this...
  16. B

    Statistical behaviour of ideal particles in a closed box

    Suppose I have N ideal particles in an enclosure, be it a ball or a cube or some other form. The particles shall bounce off the walls of the enclosure and against each other without losing speed. The velocity of each particle i shall be such that it fullfills |v_i|=\rho, where \rho is constant...
  17. W

    Statistical Error of Centroid of Gaussian Distribution

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  18. S

    Questions in Statistical mechanics.2nd.ed-k.Huang

    page 14-15. ...Let Qi be the amount of heat absorbed by the system during the ith step from the heat reservoir of temperature Ti. ... (a)... (b)... (c) rejects amount of heat Qi to Ti. I want know what the Qi means. if absorbed heat , Qi =Q > 0 (postulate Q is...
  19. N

    Is the Uncertainty Principle Statistical? And if so

    Hello, I'm (only) receiving an introduction to Quantum Physics atm, and today our professor argued that the uncertainty principle doesn't have a definite form: the right hand side of the inequality is dependent on the confidence measure/certainty you choose, in other words 95%, 99% certainty...
  20. M

    Classical Thermodynamics for Statistical Mechanics

    Hi all, It's my first time to ask a question here I am now taking a Thermodynamics course and I have the authority to choose what topics to study in this course. My intention is to be able to study statistical mechanics afterward. So I need thermodynamics that will be useful when studying...
  21. P

    Statistical complications please

    A roadway construction process uses a machine that pours concrete onto the roadway and measures the thinckness of the concrete so the roadway will measure up to the required depth in inches. The concrete thickness needs to be consistent across the road, but the machine isn't perfect and it is...
  22. S

    Statistical mechanics & the interaction energy

    hi everyone! I am so confused about interaction energy! as you know, in many statistical mechanics books we see there are equations which are taken in a non-interacting system. for example for a two particle system, you can see the total energy is: E = E1 +E2 +E12 while E12 is the...
  23. H

    Partition function in Statistical Physics

    Hi! I am for the moment reading a course in statistical physics where the author has definied not less then three diffrent partitionfunctions. W, Z an Z which are called the microcanonical partitionfunction, canonical partitionfunction (?) and the grand canonical partitionfunction. I...
  24. H

    Statistical Physics: Solving Homework on Ideal Gas Heat Transfer

    Homework Statement For an ideal gas PV = nRT, n is the number of moles. Show that the heat transfer in an infinitesimal quasistatic process of an ideal gas can be written as: dQ = 1/nR ( C_v * V * dP + C_p * p * dV) Homework Equations First law of thermodynamics: dQ = dE + pdv (dE /...
  25. A

    Statistical mechanics - characteristics temperature of the HF molecule

    Homework Statement Spectroscopic data (rotational-vibrational lines) show that the hydrogen fluoride molecule has a vibrational frequency of 7.8x10^14 rad/sec and a moment of inertia of I=1.35x10^-47 kg.m^2. Find the relevant characteristic temperatures of the HF molecule. Homework...
  26. N

    Statistical Thermo for Mechies?

    Hi all. I was perusing the grad course options for mechanical engineering at a local school when I noticed a course in statistical thermodynamics. I know the difference btw classical, chemical, and statistical thermodynamics, and that MEs generally learn classical. What are the ME...
  27. N

    Has Statistical Mechanics Produced Any Results on Self-Organization?

    So I'm not asking if thermodynamics has, but specifically statistical mechanics, because it seems so unlikely that by probabilistic and mechanical reasoning, the phenomenon of self-organization would arise -- and if it has happened, I'd love to find out. I'm not looking for specific papers, as I...
  28. A

    Need statistical data for comparison with my simulation

    Hello, I'm new to this forum so I don't really know if this is the correct section for this question, but I couldn't find anything that fits better. I'm in my last year in school and writing a program for an extended essay (at least that is what google tells me is the translation for the...
  29. O

    Statistical physics at constant temp

    Homework Statement A system of 32 spin-½ dipoles (each of moment μ) is held at a constant temperature in an external magnetic field, where on average, 20 dipoles are aligned with the magnetic field of strength B. a) What is the temperature, in terms of given parameters? b) What is the...
  30. O

    Statistical physics:boltzman distribution

    Homework Statement A square well of length L= 0.6 mm is to be used as a trap for He atoms at 20 K. Consider the values of some of the lowest energy levels of He atoms in a 1-D square well. Explain if it is valid to use the Boltzmann distribution in this situation Homework Equations...
  31. E

    Statistical mechanics: Heat capacity

    I am trying to work out the heat capacity of a body-centered cubic iron lattice using stat.mech., but am having some trouble. Firstly, I assumed that the iron atoms behaved as harmonic occilators, not taking electronic or nuclear spin into account. Is this a good or bad approximation? Then...
  32. N

    Exploring Liouville's Theorem with Susskind's Lectures on Statistical Mechanics

    Hello, so I was watching Susskind's lectures on Statistical Mechanics: He explained Liouville's Theorem qualitatively in the following two ways: No Merging: Two trajectories in phase space will never merge; this seems obvious using the time-symmetry and determinism in classical mechanics...
  33. P

    Equilibrium state - statistical intuition

    Can anyone give me some intuitive arguments about why all the accessible microstates of the system are equally likely in equillibrium state.
  34. R

    Greiner's Thermodyanmics and Statistical

    Can anyone advise me about Greiner's Thermodynamics and Statistical Mecahnics ? I want to master that subject and want a book that I can work through from cover to cover in detail. I can say that my command of maths, quantum mechanics and classical mechanics is at the level of Kreyszing and...
  35. M

    Statistical probability to help with a crime

    Hi There, My maths used to be a lot better than it is these days, i gave up being a computer geek to set up my own business about 7 years ago and i can't work out the following as probability due to this and I'm rather stressed/angry, my attempts with excel are getting me nowhere tonight...
  36. M

    Statistical Signifance with Multiple Sample Groups?

    Homework Statement I will present a vary simplified version of the problem I am trying to model. Essentially I took 100 people and split them into 10 groups. To each group I tried to sell them a product. To the first group I priced the product at $5, to the second I priced it at $15, to the...
  37. EnumaElish

    News RAND statistical study on how terrorism stops

    More on http://www.rand.org/news/press/2008/07/29/ Free e-document: http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/MG741-1/ (at the bottom of the page). "RAND makes an electronic version of this document available for free as a public service. If you find this information valuable, please consider...
  38. M

    Solution to the Deal or No Deal Problem (no statistical data present)

    So I've been brainstorming kind of a model that could be used to estimate a range of possible banker's offers given an expected value of x. First, we collect sufficient data on the history of banker's deals and expected values. We then calculate the ratio of each offer to its corresponding...
  39. X

    Statistical physics - average potential energy and gravity field

    Please help me solve this problem: Homework Statement http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/8140/86617607.jpg The attempt at a solution http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/9531/79093945.jpg This is my whole procedure...
  40. D

    A good statistical mechanics book.

    Hello, I've finished the topics about statistical mechanics in Feynman Lectures,and I'd like to study the topic in a deeper aspect. I've had a look at Berkeley Course vol 5(by Reif),I liked it,but I find it rather too introductory. I also had a look at Huang,but I think it is too advanced for...
  41. S

    Statistical mechanics question -

    We're covering probability of the distance for free electrons with parallel spin (long-range oscillations should go to zero) and using that to get a correlation energy. My teacher wants us to elaborate the following 1D case. \int e^{ik(x-X)}dk=\frac{e^{ik(x-X)}}{i(x-X)}\Rightarrow...
  42. W

    The Constraint Based Statistics - Beyond the Entropy Based Statistical Mechanics

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  43. V

    Statistical Analysis: Quebec Referendum Vote

    Hello All, I am stuck on this statistical Analysis. I am wondering which statistical method to use, any suggestions and why? The scenario is as follows Since the 1960s there has been an ongoing campaign among Quebecois to separate from Canada and form an independent nation. Should...
  44. S

    Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics

    A simple websearch reveals many textbooks, lecture notes and articles about Non Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Comments please?
  45. D

    Statistical thermodynamics: number of states of particle in central potential

    Homework Statement Give the number of states (energy of the state smaller than E<0) \Phi(E) of a spinless particle with mass m in the central potential V(\vec{r})=-\frac{a}{\left|\vec{r}\right|}. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Hi, the hamiltonian of this problem...
  46. I

    Statistical Physics Homework: Compare Arbitrary & Boltzmann Distributions

    Homework Statement Consider a thermal system at temperature T where the probability of finding the system in a microstate r with energy Er is given by an arbitrary probability distribution pr that is normalised so that Sum(pr) = 1. Let kB denote Boltzmann’s constant and consider the Boltzmann...
  47. R

    Statistical mechanics of antiparticles

    I have some questions that my teacher was unable (and unwilling) to answer in class, so I thought I'd ask them here. The chemical potential \mu=\left(\frac{\partial U}{\partial N}\right)_{S,V} is given by the derivative of the energy with respect to particle number at constant volume and...
  48. T

    Statistical Mechanics question: calculate energy difference

    Homework Statement In a system of N weakly interacting particles each particle can be in one of M energy states: E_1 < E_2 < ... < E_M At T=300K there are 3 times as many particles in E_2 as in E_1. Calculate E_2 - E_1 Homework Equations This is not my homework, just a tutorial question, I'm...
  49. Z

    Need help in statistical mechanics' canonical ensemble

    In derivation of probability of system at energy E with canonical ensemble, one assumes that the probability of system in a microstate Ei is proportional to the multiplicity of reservoir. Is this probability the conditional probability by knowing that system is at energy Ei with knowing it is at...