What is Signal processing: Definition and 131 Discussions

Signal processing is an electrical engineering subfield that focuses on analysing, modifying, and synthesizing signals such as sound, images, and scientific measurements. Signal processing techniques can be used to improve transmission, storage efficiency and subjective quality and to also emphasize or detect components of interest in a measured signal.

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  1. K

    Digital signal processing

    what is the difference between zero state step response and step response in an linear time invarient system?
  2. 1

    Programs Transferring MS Coursework for PHD: EE Signal Processing

    Say I enter PHD w/ an outside MS. What percentage of coursework can I usually transfer? How many semesters classes need I retake? I'm thinking of an MS in signal processing in EE, if that makes any difference. thanks.
  3. M

    Digital Signal Processing - signals, reconstruction, filters

    Homework Statement No problem statement - just the following questions. Homework Equations 1.Display on a CRT is most similar to what reconstruction filter? 2.How many samples are required to represent a given signal without loss of information? 3.What signals can be reconstructed...
  4. F

    Discrete and continuous signal processing

    First, I'm not an engineer, so I don't know this topic very well. Anyway, we were covering Fourier Transforms in one of my analytical methods class (chem major; NMR was the topic) and the phrase "discrete signal processing" came up. In our particular case, we collect individual points on...
  5. K

    Peak detection using MATLAB (signal processing)

    I'm doing signal processing using MATLAB. But facing problem when doing Peak Detection. This is the signal that I used for the processing: This is what i wish to do: a) the horizontal line is the threshold point and b) the circle is the peak detection Can anyone help me...
  6. T

    Is Signal Processing a subset of Control Theory?

    This is an unusual question in this forum but I couldn't think of a better place. I'm new to Signal Processing. Currently I'm looking into localization methods using multiple sensors. This requires, I assume, some sort of "controlling" matrix that will eventually approximate the location of...
  7. M

    Pressure Signal Processing: Integration, Differentiation, RMS, Smoothing

    I want to ask how to process a pressure signal so that the signals can be smoothed / linearized, e.g. integrate, differentiate, rms, additive smoothing?
  8. E

    Career Opportunities in Signal Processing and Machine Learning

    Hi all, I'm considering doing a masters in either signal processing or machine learning. I have a bachelor's in electrical and electronic engineering, and have a bit of experience (internships mostly) in both industry and research. I was wondering if there are a lot of career opportunities...
  9. S

    Cleaning Up Signal Distortion Using FFT: Devising an Effective Method

    Homework Statement hello! i'm given a signal h(t) = v(t)*g(t) where g(t) is a distortion/noise that got added and has a very low frequency compared to v(t) i need to devise a method to clean up g(t) The Attempt at a Solution i'm thinking of to do the fft on the signal h(t)...
  10. S

    FFT Signal Processing to Clean Up Distortion/Noise

    hello! i'm given a signal h(t) = v(t)*g(t) where g(t) is a distortion/noise that got added and has a very low frequency compared to v(t) i need to devise a method to clean up g(t) i'm thinking of to do the fft on the signal h(t), and remove the lower frequencies and do the inverse...
  11. E

    Audio Signal Processing: changing spectrum directly

    Hi all, I'm having some trouble understanding the consequences of directly changing the frequencies in the spectrum of an audio signal. Let me give you an example: Let's say I have some audio signal, which I convert to a spectrum (in LabView, using a direct cosine transform (to avoid...
  12. B

    Exploring a Career in Digital Signal Processing

    Career in DSP! I am doing b.e electrical and electronics from bits-pilani , india. I have just completed my second year. I had a course on signal and systems(fourier, laplace, sampling etc.) in my fourth semester.It has aroused my interest in dsp field. Can anyone here guide me on how to...
  13. J

    Signal processing + parameter estimation

    Is parameter estimation in DSP concerned with things such as bit error rates, maximum likelihood detection etc ... ? If not, can someone point me in the right direction so I can find some learning material. thanks
  14. C

    Very challenging Digital signal processing.

    Homework Statement Signal x(n)= (1/sqrt(n)) * u(n) 1.Find the energy of the signal. 2.Is the energy finite or infinite? Homework Equations sum|x(n)|^2 = energy The Attempt at a Solution
  15. A

    How Do I Process AR and Speech Signals in MATLAB?

    matlab help! I have a task : Two different signals will be used as input signal u . The first one is an AR model generated signal. The second one is a speech signal recorded with 16bits/sample at 8kHz sampling rate. The name of the speech file is speech.mat **Generating an order 40 AR...
  16. T

    Learn Signal Processing: Questions on Fourier Series & Transformations

    One subject that I've always been interested in, but have never found the proper introduction to is signal processing. I thought PF might be an appropriate place to ask (tough, I'm not even sure which forum it would be most appropriate, but since I'm stronger in math than physics, I'm posting...
  17. F

    Schools Graduate School - DSP, Signal Processing

    Graduate School -- DSP, Signal Processing What are the top graduate schools for signal processing? I am currently looking at Georgia Tech. Any other recommendations? I would like (if possible) courses in radar.
  18. K

    How Do You Use FFT in Matlab to Determine Signal Phases and Strengths?

    Hello all. how to find relative phases, strengths of a signal by using Matlab.
  19. P

    How do I correctly graph FFT results in signal processing?

    Hello all. I am working on a problem for class that is taking some time data and changing it to frequency data. I am using excel and the fast Fourier transform(fft). I am having a problem graphing the results. I am very new to signal processing. I am only given the data which is 1024...
  20. A

    Homework Help (Signal Processing)

    Hello All, I am currently taking Signal Processing & Linear Systems. I've come across my last problem for homework but can't find a way to do it. If someone can show me in the right direction it will be very helpful. Thanks The Problem: The voltage f(t) = 2u(t) is applied to the circuit...
  21. U

    Electromagnetics or Digital Signal Processing

    I have three courses that I can choose from: Electromagnetics or Digital Signal Processing II or Semiconductor Physics and Theory for my spring? Which do you suggest?
  22. B

    MATLAB Matlab for Signal Processing: Understanding 0:79 in Freq=(0:79)/(2*n*dt)

    Hi, I am pretty new to Matlab and am trying to reduce the noise of a particular signal. I found this pdf online and found it to be helpful. However, I am having trouble figuring out what the freq=(0:79)/(2*n*dt) means. More specifically the 0:79 bit. Any help would be much appreciated...
  23. E

    Signal processing and data correction

    Is it possible to perform some form of data correction by finding the variance/std dev and covariance? I have a bunch data all related to a specific observation. For test purposes, i have 1000 samples of each data for certain condition. I can find the covariance between each data under this...
  24. G

    8-bit binary signal processing

    I am currently working on a project to build a barcode scanner. I have built the apparatus to detect a signal and am able to view this signal on an oscilloscope, however I am wondering if it is possible to build a circuit to output this signal as a binary code on a series of LED's (or something...
  25. S

    Signal Processing question Is the system y[n] = x[n] - x[n-1] time invariant?

    Homework Statement Is the system y[n] = x[n] - x[n-1] time invariant? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I say no, but there's one thing I don't understand. I think if you shifted the input, and then ran those samples through the system, you'd get x[n-n0] - x[n-1]...
  26. R

    Suggestions to begin study communication and digital signal processing

    Hi,I am a graduate student, want to transfer from physics to electrical engineering to study communication and digital signal processing , till now I don't know so much about that. Next semester, I will be a Teaching Assistant in Electrical engineering for the first year.each semester I must...
  27. R

    MATLAB MATLAB signal processing toolbox (sptool)

    Hey guys, I am using the sptool GUI to design and apply filters to noisy ECG signals. I understand the concepts behind lowpass, highpass, and bandpass filters. But I'm confused with the parameters of FDA tool. Here are my questions: 1) In the FDA tool, there is a bandstop filter. what is...
  28. S

    Mastering Digital Signal Processing: Faster Learning & Implementations

    hello everyone, what stuff can i tackle on my own to learn dsp? complex variables and Fourier transforms to begin with - but what else? how do other aspects of EE play into dsp? how do i get functionality fastest!?
  29. C

    Choices between two signal processing classes

    I am interested in DSP, for the coming semester, I can only take one signal processing class, and I have two choices that I am not exactly sure what they really are: 1) Statistical Signal Processing: Detection theory and hypothesis testing. Introduction to estimation theory. Properties of...
  30. G

    Deconvolution - signal processing

    Hi. I have a data gaussian g(t) and data that I suspect is a convolution (g*f). I want to find f(t), so I need to deconvolute (using Origin preferably). If I convolute g*g, I get something very beautiful. If I convolute (g*f)*(g*f), I get something very beautiful. If I deconvolute...
  31. I

    Signal Processing: Musical Instrument Recognition & Resources

    Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with signal processing. I am working with musical instrument recognition and would like some help. What is the main difference between musical instrument signals? Where can I get some resources on signal processing(I am using Matlab, but...