What is Semester: Definition and 256 Discussions

An academic term (or simply term) is a portion of an academic year, the time during which an educational institution holds classes. The schedules adopted vary widely.
In most countries, the academic year begins in late summer or early autumn and ends during the following spring or summer. In Northern Hemisphere countries, this means that the academic year lasts from August, September, or October to May, June, or July. In Southern Hemisphere countries, the academic year aligns with the calendar year, lasting from February or March to November or December. The summer may or may not be part of the term system.

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  1. G

    Math courses for next semester.

    Can someone please tell me what Lie Algebra is all about in a simple manner, I am not a PhD mathematician. I am trying to decide what I should do my independent study on next semester. I was thinking of studying an introduction to Lie Algebra or Mathematical Logic. Which of the two would be...
  2. D

    Tough Semester Ahead: Seeking Advice on Achieving an 85% Average

    I am starting school again shortly, and this is the semester that will determine if i get into the university i want or not. The courses i am taking are all grade 12 and consist of Physics, Chemistry, English, Geometry and Discrete Mathematics. This will be a tough semester for me, and i wanted...
  3. K

    What will you be studying this semester?

    I understand that in the US the academic year has already started, and the rest of us will follow shortly. So let's share, what are you studying this year and courses will you take this semester? I'm starting my MSc program in physics (yippie !), and the first year consists of "A Thorough...
  4. Q

    Beating Calc 2: Can I Survive the Next Semester?

    Hi all, I am not trying to brag but I recently got an A- for my first semester of calculus :biggrin: however the second semester has got me worried. My friend who is a semester ahead of me recently flunked out of the second semester of calculus, and as far as I know, he was an A calculus...
  5. N

    How much calculus is in 1st semester physics?

    im currently taking 1st semester physics, were using the Serway "Physics for scientists and engineers" book, and were going through chapter 22 which is thermodynamics... what elements of physics do i need to be familiar with? Will it be used a lot or not really until E&M?
  6. Sonty

    What classes are you taking/teaching this semester?

    I'm interested in how different systems from different countries "teach their young". I noticed in the College Help area some problems I was doing in my 10th grade and not because I was a genious, but because teachers asked me to. I was surprised. I was expecting questions from QM at least. So...