What is Matrices: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematical physics and mathematics, the Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices which are Hermitian and unitary. Usually indicated by the Greek letter sigma (σ), they are occasionally denoted by tau (τ) when used in connection with isospin symmetries.

These matrices are named after the physicist Wolfgang Pauli. In quantum mechanics, they occur in the Pauli equation which takes into account the interaction of the spin of a particle with an external electromagnetic field.
Each Pauli matrix is Hermitian, and together with the identity matrix I (sometimes considered as the zeroth Pauli matrix σ0), the Pauli matrices form a basis for the real vector space of 2 × 2 Hermitian matrices.
This means that any 2 × 2 Hermitian matrix can be written in a unique way as a linear combination of Pauli matrices, with all coefficients being real numbers.
Hermitian operators represent observables in quantum mechanics, so the Pauli matrices span the space of observables of the 2-dimensional complex Hilbert space. In the context of Pauli's work, σk represents the observable corresponding to spin along the kth coordinate axis in three-dimensional Euclidean space R3.
The Pauli matrices (after multiplication by i to make them anti-Hermitian) also generate transformations in the sense of Lie algebras: the matrices iσ1, iσ2, iσ3 form a basis for the real Lie algebra



{\displaystyle {\mathfrak {su}}(2)}
, which exponentiates to the special unitary group SU(2). The algebra generated by the three matrices σ1, σ2, σ3 is isomorphic to the Clifford algebra of R3, and the (unital associative) algebra generated by iσ1, iσ2, iσ3 is isomorphic to that of quaternions.

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  1. S

    (LinearAlgebra) all 2x2 invertible matrices closed under addition?

    Homework Statement Suppose V is a vector space. Is the set of all 2x2 invertible matrices closed under addition? If so, please prove it. If not, please provide a counter-example. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution well i know that what does it mean to be closed...
  2. L

    Infinite dimensions and matrices

    Homework Statement Find 2 more orthonormal polynomials on the interval [-2,1] up to degree 2 given that the first polynomial p(x) = 1/√3. ( Note: Take the highest coefficient to be positive and enter your answer as a decimal.) Homework Equations This is a web assign equation so the answer...
  3. S

    How to Divide Polynomial Matrices Using Lambda Matrices

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  4. L

    Calculating Gell-Mann Matrices

    This is not a homework, only something embarrasing.. [T_8, T_4 + i T_5] = (3^(1/2) / 2) T_4 + i T_5 from http://phys.columbia.edu/~cyr/notes/QFT_3/lecture3.pdf" I can't see how to get the structure constant (3^(1/2) / 2). T_4 + i T_5 is a 3x3 matrix with a one at (2,3), the rest zeroes. I...
  5. N

    Determining whether sets of matrices in a vectorspace are linearly independent?

    Given matrices in a vectorspace, how do you go about determining if they are independent or not? Since elements in a given vectorspace (like matrices) are vector elements of the space, I think we'd solve this the same way as we've solved for vectors in R1 -- c1u1 + c2u2 + c3u3 = 0. But I'm...
  6. M

    How Do Dirac Gamma Matrices Satisfy Their Anticommutation Relations?

    Homework Statement Given that \gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}+\gamma^{\nu}\gamma^{\mu}=2g^{\mu\nu}*1 where 1 is the identity matrix and the \gamma are the gamma matrices from the Dirac equation, prove that: \gamma_{\mu}\gamma_{\nu}+\gamma_{\nu}\gamma_{\mu}=2g_{\mu\nu}*1 Homework Equations...
  7. S

    Calculating angles between matrices

    Hey all, I was hoping someone could explain to me how to calculate the angle between matrices, ie. two square matrices [ 2 0 0 -1] and [0 1 1 3^(1/2)] under the inner product <A|B> = trace (A^TB) Also, how would you go about determining an angle between...
  8. L

    Designating matrices by (system2 operator system1)

    Hi, I already posted this in solid state physics forum, but no one answered, so I guess this topic might belong to Mathematics. I read a text about crystallography where matrices were designated in the form: (S2 O S1) where S1 is input coordinate system, S2 is output coordinate...
  9. 0

    Rotation group representation and pauli matrices

    Kindly ignore if some +- signs are placed wrongly in the equations. Thank you. Rotation in three dimensions can be represented using pauli matrices \sigma^{i}, by writing coordinates as X= x_{i}\sigma^{i}, and applying the transform X'= AXA^{-1}. Here A= I + n_{i}\sigma^{i}d\theta/2. The pauli...
  10. G

    Solving System of Equations Using Matrices

    Homework Statement Is it possible to solve this system of equations using matrices? x^2 + y^2 = 42 x+3y+2y^2=6 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I solved the system of equations using the following MATLAB code. I'm kind of confused by the results. Are there two x values...
  11. 1

    Propagator with Pauli matrices

    Homework Statement Consider a 1/2-spin particle. Its time evolution is ruled by operator U(t)=e^{-i\Omega t} with \Omega=A({\vec{\sigma}}\cdot {\vec{L}})^{2}. A is a constant. If the state at t=0 is described by quantum number of {\vec{L}}^2, L_{z} and S_{z}, l=0, m=0 and s_{z}={1/2}...
  12. Y

    What Are the Best Resources for Understanding Jacobian and Hessian Matrices?

    Can someone direct me to a good deep exposition of Jacobians and Hessians? I am especially looking for stuff that pertains to their being generalizations of derivatives of vector and scalar functions as well as div, grad, curl. Book sources or web links are appreciated.
  13. A

    Physic application of matrices?

    I start to learn about matrices and their algebra, but I am wondering what physical application they have. I know that matrices have application in optics, which is called “Matrix Optics”, but do they have other applications? Can you give different and real physical examples with matrix algebra...
  14. P

    Is Matrix Multiplication Commutative?

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  15. C

    Powers of Markov transition matrices

    Homework Statement Prove the following theorem by induction: Let P be the transition matrix of a Markov chain. The ijth entry p(n)ij of the matrix Pn gives the probability that the Markov chain, starting in state si, will be in state sj after n steps. Homework Equations p(2)ij =...
  16. E

    The set of matrices that are their own inverse in R2

    Homework Statement Find all 2x2 square matrices A which are their own inverses. Homework Equations A2=I A=A-1 The Attempt at a Solution I know that the diagonal is comprised of 1s and or -1s and the other entries are zero but I can't seem to show it algebraically. I went the...
  17. M

    Proving the Pauli Matrices Solution for a Given Relation | Help Needed

    Hi, Given the two relations below, is it true and if yes, can anyone help me show that the solution to this must be the Pauli matrices? The alphas are matrices here. \alpha_{i}\alpha_{j}+\alpha_{j}\alpha_{i} = 2\delta_{ij}*1. 1 is the identity matrix \alpha_{i}^{2} = 1 Thank you
  18. G

    Simutanious diagonalization of 2 matrices

    Homework Statement From Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition by R Shankar, problem 1.8.10: By considering the commutator, show that the following Hermitian matrices may be simultaneously diagonalized. Find the eigenvectors common to both and verify that under a unitary transformation...
  19. L

    Designating matrices by (system2 operator system1)

    Hi, I read a text about crystallography where matrices were designated in the form: (S2 O S1) Where S1 is input coordinate system, S2 is output coordinate system and O is the operator corresponding to the matrix. I found this designation is often more useful than the usual...
  20. Peeter

    Otimes notation and tau matrices used in definition of gamma matrices?

    In Zee's Quantum Field theory book he writes \begin{align}\gamma^0 &= \begin{bmatrix}I & 0 \\ 0 & -I\end{bmatrix}=I \otimes \tau_3 \\ \gamma^i &= \begin{bmatrix}0 & \sigma^i \\ \sigma^i & 0\end{bmatrix}=\sigma^i \otimes \tau_2 \\ \gamma^5 &=\begin{bmatrix}0 & I \\ I & 0\end{bmatrix}=I \otimes...
  21. L

    Pauli spin matrices, operating on |+> with Sx

    Homework Statement What is the result of operating on the state |+> with the operator Sx? here, |+> denotes the eigenstate of Sz with eigenvalue 1/2. I am working in units where h-bar is 1 (for simplicity, and because I don't know how to type it) Homework Equations S_i = \frac{1}{2} σ_i The...
  22. P

    How to find eigenvectors of ugly transfer matrices in stat mech

    Homework Statement I'm trying to use the transfer matrix method in statistical mechanics but I'm struggling with the algebra so I'd like to know if there is a simpler way to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. For example, studying the lattice gas model produces the transfer...
  23. E

    Four vector made of Pauli matrices commute?

    Hey guys There are those vectors made of Pauli matrices like \bar{\sigma}^\mu and {\sigma}^\mu. So if I have the product \bar{\sigma}^\mu {\sigma}^\nu I wonder if it is commutative? And if not, what is the commutator? Cheers, earth2
  24. R

    Prove the existence of row-reduced matrices with restrictions

    Let A = [a b; c d] a 2x2 matrix with complex entries. Suppose that A is row-reduced and also that a+b+c+d =0 . Prove that there are exactly three such matrices... so i realize that there are seven possible 2x2 matrices that are row-reduced. [1 0; 0 1], [0 1; 1 0], [0 0; 1 0], [0 0;0 1]...
  25. A

    Finding eigenvectors of similar matrices

    If v is in Rn and is an eigenvector of matrix A, and P is an invertible matrix, how would you go about finding an eigenvector w of PAP-1? I'm thinking you have to use a fact about similarity?
  26. M

    Testing for linear combinations using matrices instead of vectors

    I want to see if the matrix w = (1,0;0,1) is a linear combination of the matrices v1 = (1,2;-2,1) and v2 = (3,2;-1,1) where ; denotes a new line in the matrix. I know for example if w and v were 1xn matrices i.e vectors such as w = [1,1,1] v1= [2,-1,3] v2=[1,1,2] then i setup a matrix with...
  27. I

    Intuition behind rotation matrices?

    I probably can remember the matrices by just trying to, but I hate having to "remember" things without actually understanding them. Is there no intuition behind these matrices so that I can remember it (the intuition) and then from it produce the wanted matrix? To me the matrices look like...
  28. K

    Mathematica Solving simultaneous equations with big matrices using Mathematica 7

    Hi all, Please help me to solve my problem in Mathematica that involves simultaneous equations with large matrices. The code is provided in the attached file, Exercise1.nb the errors say like this " General::unfl: Underflow occurred in computation. >> General::unfl: Underflow occurred...
  29. S

    Augmented matrices and solution sets - Please help - exam is tomorrow

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  30. G

    Lorentz boosts and rotation matrices

    I also posted this in the homework help for introductory physics, but it wasn't getting any responses, so I guess it's slightly more advanced. Homework Statement Let L_b(a) denote the 4x4 matrix that gives a pure boost in the direction that makes an angle a with the x-axis in the xy plane...
  31. G

    Lorentz boosts and rotation matrices

    Homework Statement Let L_b(a) denote the 4x4 matrix that gives a pure boost in the direction that makes an angle a with the x-axis in the xy plane. Explain why this can be found as L_b(a) = L_r(-a)*L_b(0)*L_r(a), where L_r(a) denotes the matrix that rotates the xy plane through the angle a and...
  32. B

    Solve for X in AXB=C: Matrices Question 4

    Homework Statement If: A = l 1 -3 l , B = l -1 2 l C = l -12 -11 l l 2 1 l l 3 1 l l -10 -1 l Then, find X if AXB=C Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I don't know how I would start this problem??
  33. B

    Proving Parallel Lines with Matrices: Q3

    Homework Statement If l -1 2 l l x l = l 2 l l 1 -2 l l y l l 1 l Show that the two lines are parallel and so never cross. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have attempted it, and so far all i have done is find the determentant. When i do this, i get...
  34. B

    Solving Matrices for Pmv & Garlic Bread Cost

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  35. B

    Solve x and y for Matrix Equations: 2y-4x-5=0, 3x+y-1=0

    Homework Statement Use Matrices to solve for x and y if: 2y - 4x - 5 = 0 and y = 3x + 1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have done it, but i get a determinant of zero. So is this right? My working is the following: i rewrote both equations in the form of...
  36. C

    Assign matrices to variables using for loop

    hi. I am trying to assign matrices to variables using for loop in MATLAB. can anyone help me wid dis? Thnx.
  37. S

    Derivative of SVD V and U matrices

    sorry I am new and posted instead of previewing...im currently writing the post
  38. P

    Diagonalization of complex symmetric matrices

    Is every complex symmetric (NOT unitary) matrix M diagonalizable in the form U^T M U, where U is a unitary matrix? Why?
  39. T

    Matrix HELP! - Finding Matrices for AM = -MA

    Matrix HELP! Ok this question is in a cd quiz from a textbook, i have no idea what the question even means or how to do it. Please help! Let M =  7 −3 15 −7 . Find all 2 × 2 matrices A = [ a b b d ] such that AM = −MA. (Note that the solutions wanted should have equal...
  40. F

    Similarity of Diagonalizable Matrices

    Homework Statement A = {{2,1,0}{0,-2,1}{0,0,1}} and B = {{3,2,-5}{1,2,-1}{2,2,-4}} Show that A and B are similar by showing that they are similar to the same diagonal matrix. Then find an invertible matrix P such that P-1AP=B Homework Equations P-1AP=B, or AP=PB The Attempt at a...
  41. H

    MATLAB Using or Creating block matrices in Matlab

    I am trying to put a lot of data into a matrix to call upon later in plotting. From a masterfile, I need to call on the (:,1) values on x and y, and the (:,2) values in x and y. It is easy to construct a 12x3 matrix to contain all of this information, however when I am plotting I want to call...
  42. K

    Mathematica Help me to solve Do-loop for large matrices (Mathematica)

    Hi all, I have difficulties about applying the Do-loop command as it takes very long time to run (more than 24 hours and it keeps running). However, if i do it manually, without Do command, i.e. putting the values of the variables, Mathematica gives me a pretty quick output. Please see...
  43. M

    Hermitian operators without considering them as Matrices

    A Hermitian matrix is a square matrix that is equal to it's conjugate transpose. Now let's say I have a Hermitian operator and a function f: [ H.f ] The stuff in the square is the complex conjugate as the functions are in general complex. If I do not consider the matrix representation of...
  44. B

    Rank of AB: How nxn Matrices A & B Determine Rank

    check that, for any nxn matrices A,B then rank(AB) (> or =) rank A +rank(B)-n
  45. B

    Simultaneously unitarily diagonalizeable matrices commute

    Homework Statement Matrices A and B are simultaneously unitarily diagonalizeable. Prove that they commute. Homework Equations As A and B are simultaneously unitarily diagonalizeable, there exists a unitary matrix P such that P^{-1}AP = D_{1} and P^{-1}BP = D_{2}, where D_{1} and D_{2}...
  46. V

    Groups and orthogonal matrices question

    Let A and B be nxn matrices which generate a group under matrix multiplication. Assume A and B are not orthogonal. How can I determine an nxn matrix X such that X-1AX and X-1BX are both orthogonal matrices? Is it possible to do this without any special knowledge of the group in question?
  47. A

    Simple gamma matrices question

    Hi I've just read the statement that a matrix that commutes with all four gamma matrices / Dirac matrices has to be a multiple of the identity. I don't see that; can anyone tell me why this is true? Thanks in advance
  48. C

    Gamma matrices and projection operator question on different representations

    Typically I understand that projection operators are defined as P_-=\frac{1}{2}(1-\gamma^5) P_+=\frac{1}{2}(1+\gamma^5) where typically also the fifth gamma matrices are defined as \gamma^5=i\gamma^0\gamma^1\gamma^2\gamma^3 and.. as we choose different representations the projection...
  49. C

    Gamma matrices projection operator

    Typically I understand that projection operators are defined as P_-=\frac{1}{2}(1-\gamma^5) P_+=\frac{1}{2}(1+\gamma^5) where typically also the fifth gamma matrices are defined as \gamma^5=i\gamma^0\gamma^1\gamma^2\gamma^3 and.. as we choose different representations the projection...
  50. matqkks

    What is the most convenient way to introduce matrices to students?

    What is the most convenient way to introduce matrices to students?