What is Mathematics: Definition and 996 Discussions

Mathematics (from Greek: μάθημα, máthēma, 'knowledge, study, learning') includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (analysis). It has no generally accepted definition.Mathematicians seek and use patterns to formulate new conjectures; they resolve the truth or falsity of such by mathematical proof. When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, mathematical reasoning can be used to provide insight or predictions about nature. Through the use of abstraction and logic, mathematics developed from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity from as far back as written records exist. The research required to solve mathematical problems can take years or even centuries of sustained inquiry.
Rigorous arguments first appeared in Greek mathematics, most notably in Euclid's Elements. Since the pioneering work of Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932), David Hilbert (1862–1943), and others on axiomatic systems in the late 19th century, it has become customary to view mathematical research as establishing truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions. Mathematics developed at a relatively slow pace until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that has continued to the present day.Mathematics is essential in many fields, including natural science, engineering, medicine, finance, and the social sciences. Applied mathematics has led to entirely new mathematical disciplines, such as statistics and game theory. Mathematicians engage in pure mathematics (mathematics for its own sake) without having any application in mind, but practical applications for what began as pure mathematics are often discovered later.

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  1. M

    Personal Statement Undergraduate

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  2. Ty K

    Teach Biology or teach Biology and Mathematics

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  3. N

    Links between sub-fields of mathematics

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  4. P

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  5. newjerseyrunner

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  6. N

    Why do I keep messing up on my math exams?

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  7. S

    Branch of study: geology + chemistry + mathematics

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  8. Multiple_Authors

    Insights Proofs in Mathematics - Comments

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  9. rose123456789

    I want to study applied mathematics on my own

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  10. E

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  11. C

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  12. A

    What is the best mathematics book for physicists?

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  13. B

    Mathematics or Computer Science

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  14. B

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  15. J

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  16. Ackbach

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  17. A

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  18. T

    I don't think I learned any mathematics as an undergrad

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  19. K

    Foundations Theoretical Books on Mathematics

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  20. B

    Could you help me about my mathematics note-taking skill?

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  21. Andreol263

    Applied Which book I should get to learn mathematics?

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  22. E

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  23. T

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  24. C

    Writing correct mathematics -- functions within functions....

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  25. Perry

    A prank by Richard Feynman - How to"understand" physics and mathematics?

    I am not sure if this is the right part of the forums to post this, but I was reading the book Surely you're joking Mr Feynman when i reached this part: This got me thinking. How does one "understand" physics and mathematics? It's certainly more than remembering some formulas. What do you think?
  26. Christian Grey

    Other Mathematics book to understand Susskind's lectures?

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  27. TheOracleIsBack

    Programs Can I make it through a Physics degree?

    Hey! So I am in a bit of a situation, let me explain: I did my GCE A Levels (British high school curriculum) and did not do too well in Physics in particular, due to some serious health issues. I am now in university. I started out taking a biology major and, after continuously dealing...
  28. B

    Undergraduate Research and Mathematics Graduate Programs

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  29. D

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  30. EverGreen1231

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  31. Y

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  32. C

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  33. P

    MSC in "Space Engineering" - Pre-requisite mathematics

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  34. andrewkirk

    Mathematics of entanglement in quantum erasers

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  35. T

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  36. T

    Mathematics or Math:General for Physics

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  37. A

    How should I proceed in my study of physics / mathematics?

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  38. C

    Math for Modern Quantum Mechanics J.J. Sakurai

    Hi Guys, I am taking a quantum mechanics course next semester that follows Sakurai's book. I was wondering if there was some mathematics I should study over break in preparation for this course. I have taken so far: Calc 1-3 ODEs PDEs Linear Algebra An elementary course in group theory Ill...
  39. K

    Other Master Mathematics: Suggest Books to Read in Order for Profundity

    Suggest good books to read in an order for one to gain profundity in the particular subject. This may seem to be a rather baffling task, due to the amount of subjects and it's vastness, but if it is done, it could certainly be extremely useful, especially for people like me who are highly...
  40. J

    Quantum Good books on QM with rigorous math

    I want to learn QM but in a way that i can learn both the deep mathematics, the physical intuition behind QM and the intuition behind the maths behind the QM(not many books have this). Note that this is my first attempt to learn QM and i will be watching some video lectures online,so i won't be...
  41. john Snow

    What book to study to prepare for IT Mathematics?

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  42. StephanMarcus

    Algebra I want to understand mathematics

    Hello, I'm a 25 year old norwegian male currently studying in my spare time. I have to take a few tests (high school level maths and physics being the most relevant ones) so I can attend university in the near future. My goal is to complete a master's degree in computer science or neuroscience...
  43. B

    Advice for a potential career in Pure mathematics

    I use to hate math during high school. However some eight years after graduating and being in the military help with my attitude towards math. I am reviewing a GRE math review book and I haven't been able to put it down. I just learned quadriatic equations and am pursuing into intermediate...
  44. Sudharaka

    MHB Mathematics & Autism: Research & Insights

    Hi everyone, :) It's quite interesting to note that there are several research papers written about Mathematics and its relation to Autism. Have any of you done any research on these topics? I find it quite intriguing. :) Brain organization underlying superior mathematical abilities in...
  45. EternusVia

    Welcome to Graduate School Research in Mathematics

    Hi everyone, I'm currently researching graduate schools in mathematics. I would like to go for a PhD. My question is, do I apply directly to the PhD program? Or do I apply to the Master's program and apply for the PhD afterwards? What do people normally do?
  46. Y

    Math for Physics: Essential Calculus for 1st Year Physicists

    Hello, I need some book which covers all the essential mathematics(especially calculus) required for first year Physics. I am not sure whether I should first study the math rigorously or just concentrate on applications. Any advice is welcome.
  47. IonizingJai

    Vector Algebra: Finding Resultant Forces at Optimal Angles | Expert Help

    Question: At what angles must be the two forces ##\vec A+\vec B## and ##\vec A-\vec B## act so that the resultant may be : $$\sqrt{ A^2+B^2}$$ Attempt at solution : Let the given forces be ##\vec F_1=\vec A+\vec B## and ##\vec F_2=\vec A-\vec B## . Now, Resultant vector : ##\vec F_1 + \vec...
  48. E

    Answer: Common Core Math: Multiply & Divide 2-Digit Numbers Intuitively

    47 x 62 = ? (40+7) x (60 + 2) 40 x 60 + 40 x 2 + 7 x 60 + 7 x 2 2400 + 80 + 420 + 14 2480 + 434 2914 Consider a rectangle with dimensions 47 units by 62 units. The rectangle can be subdivided into four smaller rectangles: 40 x 60, 40 x 2, 7 x 60, 7 x 2. So when kids multiply two...
  49. titasB

    Masters in Mathematics: Seeking Suggestions & Resources

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