What is Limit: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, the limit inferior and limit superior of a sequence can be thought of as limiting (i.e., eventual and extreme) bounds on the sequence. They can be thought of in a similar fashion for a function (see limit of a function). For a set, they are the infimum and supremum of the set's limit points, respectively. In general, when there are multiple objects around which a sequence, function, or set accumulates, the inferior and superior limits extract the smallest and largest of them; the type of object and the measure of size is context-dependent, but the notion of extreme limits is invariant.
Limit inferior is also called infimum limit, limit infimum, liminf, inferior limit, lower limit, or inner limit; limit superior is also known as supremum limit, limit supremum, limsup, superior limit, upper limit, or outer limit.

The limit inferior of a sequence



{\displaystyle x_{n}}
is denoted by

lim inf










{\displaystyle \liminf _{n\to \infty }x_{n}\quad {\text{or}}\quad \varliminf _{n\to \infty }x_{n}.}
The limit superior of a sequence



{\displaystyle x_{n}}
is denoted by

lim sup










{\displaystyle \limsup _{n\to \infty }x_{n}\quad {\text{or}}\quad \varlimsup _{n\to \infty }x_{n}.}

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  1. L

    Prove a limit exists using formal definition

    Homework Statement Calculate the value of the limit and justify your answer with the ε-δ definition of the limit. lim (x->1) x2 Homework Equations My professor gave us the hint that we have to take δ as 0<δ≤ k0 so that δ(ε)=min{k0,ε/ (k0+2)} I'm guessing that k0 is meant to be any number...
  2. M

    Equation of Perpendicular Line to Tangent Line at f(x)= x√x P(1,1)

    Homework Statement find the equation of the line perpendicular to the tangent line at the given point f(x)= x√x P(1,1) Homework Equations f(a+h) - f(a) / h The Attempt at a Solution ok so first i replace (f(a) and f(a+h) in the equation x√x, and then i get 1. a+h√a+h - a√a / h, then i...
  3. M

    Use the Definition of a Limit to Find a Complex Limit (z->i)

    Homework Statement The lim(z->i) of [z^2+(1+i)z+2] using the epsilon-delta proof. Homework Equations z=x+iy Triangle Inequality: |z+w|<or=|z|+|w| The Attempt at a Solution For every epsilon>0, there exists a delta>0 such that |(z^2+(1+i)z+2)-(i)|<epsilon whenever 0<|z-i|<delta I'm not sure how...
  4. marcus

    Dittrich's "Continuum Limit of LQG" is a landmark paper

    People interested in quantum gravity research may wish to take note of Dittrich's September 2014 paper which I believe represents a significant step towards constructing the continuum limit and the physical Hilbert space of LQG. It will be on the third quarter MIP poll. I'll get the link...
  5. I

    Boundary points and limit of f(x,y)

    Let f(x,y) be defined by f(x,y) = [x2y2]/[x2y2 + (x-y)2] a) Find the domain of the function f. b) show that (0,0) is a boundary point of the domain of f c) Compute the following limit if it exists: lim (x,y) ---> (0,0) f(x,y) The Attempt at a Solution a) I first change the value (x-y)2 to...
  6. T

    MHB Finding limit of a funciton with square roots.

    I have to find this: $$\lim_{{x}\to{3}}\frac {\sqrt{6x - 14} - \sqrt { x+1}}{x-3}$$ So I do this: $$\lim_{{x}\to{3}}\frac {\sqrt{6x - 14} - \sqrt { x+1}}{x-3} * \frac{\sqrt{6x + 14} + \sqrt{x+1}}{\sqrt{6x + 14} + \sqrt{x+1}}$$ The top part is easy since $$(\sqrt{a} - \sqrt{b})(\sqrt{a} +...
  7. A

    Evaluating a Limit: Examining lim h->0 ((8+h)^⅓ -2)/h

    Homework Statement Evaluate lim h->0 ((8+h)^⅓ -2)/h. Homework Equations Hint: Let 8+h=x^3The Attempt at a Solution I've uploaded a picture of my calculation. But I am not sure if that is the final answer or is there a following step to get the answer.
  8. J

    Deriving the rayleigh-jeans limit of planck law of radiation

    Hello there, Plack law of radiation $$ B(\nu) = \frac{2\,h\,\nu^3}{c^2(e^{h\nu/kT}-1)} $$ I want to show that for small frequencies, Reyleigh-Jeans law: $$ B(\nu) = \frac{2\nu^2kT}{c^2} $$ is correct. I take the limit of Planck law as ##\nu \to 0## using l'hopital rule: $$ \lim_{\nu \to 0}...
  9. H

    What is the purpose of the Parker limit in astroparticle physics experiments?

    I am reading some papers about astroparticle physics and I see something like Parker limit (monopole). So what is the purpose of setting up this limit ? It is be used to get the expected number of particles per unit area per unit time for later experiments ? Thanks
  10. 462chevelle

    Squeeze Theorem Limit

    Homework Statement Lim (cos^2(t))/(t^2+1) t->∞ Homework Equations squeeze theorem -1<=Cosx<=1 The Attempt at a Solution I have -1<=Cos(t)<=1 (-1)^2<=Cos^2(t)<=(1)^2 (1)/(t^2+1)<=(Cos^2(t))/(t^2+1)<=(1)/(t^2+1) I took both of limits of the 2 outsides as t->0 i got -1...
  11. R

    Solving a second-order linear ODE in an infinite limit

    Homework Statement So this is part of a broader problem about the quantum harmonic oscillator, but there's one particular bit of mathematics I'm stuck on. We have the differential equation: y''(x) +(ε-x2) y = 0 And I'm told that we're to examine how y behaves as x tends towards...
  12. DivergentSpectrum

    How to limit processing demand simulating electromagnetic trajectory

    so suppose i have a wire given parametrically by C(t)=x(t),y(t),z(t), and i run a current of I amps through it. to find the total B field i would sum up the contributions over the length of the wire, and (please tell me if I am wrong) the total B field due to the wire at point p=xp,yp,zp would...
  13. Dethrone

    MHB Is Absolute Value Necessary for Proving Limit with Epsilon for $\frac{1}{x^4}$?

    Prove that $\lim_{{x}\to{0}}\frac{1}{x^4}=\infty$, given a $M>0$ So we need to prove that $f(x) > M$: $\frac{1}{x^4}>M$, $\frac{1}{M}>x^4$, $\frac{1}{M^{1/4}}>|x|$ Is that right so far? Is the absolute values necessary in my last statement?
  14. M

    Limit Proof Confusion: How does sN+2 cancel with sn-1 in this limit proof?

    Hello Folks, I am solving a limit proof that has the following attached solution. Question: Assume all sn ≠ 0. and that the limit L = lim abs(sn+1/sn) exists. Show that if L<1. the lim sn=0 I Understand the solution except for one part which is also attached.. sn = sN*sN+1/sN*** sn/sn-1 Can...
  15. W

    One sided limit with two answers?

    Say we have a function that is defined as y=3 except at x=2 and 5 where there are two vertical asymptotes. would this function have a two sided limit? what if I were to take the limit when x approaches 3? would that be y=3?. what about one sided limits? If I were to take the positive limit as x...
  16. T

    Solving a Limit Problem: Can't Grasp the Solution

    So I've been trying to solve this limit problem for some time. Here is the problem:- \lim_{x\rightarrow 0} {\frac{6sin(x) - 2sin(3x)}{tan^3(3x)}} I cannot use l'hopital's rule to solve it. I've tried taking 2 as a factor, then trying to use a trig identity, but I couldn't figure a...
  17. F

    MHB Cardinality of an interval as a limit

    Let $I$ be an interval and $A_{n}$ be the set of $k/n$ where $k$ is an integer. Prove that $|I|$ is the limit as $n$ tends to infinity of $\frac{1}{n}|(IA_{n})|$ where $IA_{n}$ denotes intersection. My plan was to split it up into cases for the different type of intervals and come up with...
  18. S

    Instantaneous Velocity of Particle at t=1 with s(t) = 2t2-4t

    Homework Statement Estimate the instantaneous velocity of a particle with position function s(t) = 2t2−4t at t = 1 using the four intervals [0.9, 1], [0.99, 1], [1, 1.01], and [1, 1.1]. 2. The attempt at a solution At t=1, y = -2 Slope of a line: a = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) = (y2 +...
  19. N

    Show lim (as n->inf) of 1/n*{2n/(2n+1)}^2 exists without finding limit

    Homework Statement Show that lim(n→infinity) 1/n*{2*4*...*2n/(1*3*...*(2n-1))}^2 exists without finding the limit. Homework Equations probably the following: Let {xn} be a sequence such that xn≥xn+1 and xn≥M for every n. Then the series is convergent. The Attempt at a Solution I know...
  20. J

    On limit of function and proof of chain rule

    Definition of 'Limit of function (f) at x=p' Let E be domain of f and p be a limit point of E. Let Y be the range of f. If there exists q∈E such that for all ε>0 there exists δ>0 such that for all t∈E for which d(t,p)<δ implies d(f(t),q)<ε. Then we say that f(t)->q as t->p. 1) Suppose f...
  21. Dethrone

    MHB Proving $2- \epsilon < y$ for Limit w/ Epsilon

    Suppose we are given the function $y=2+\frac{1}{x^2}$. Prove that given $x>\frac{1}{(\epsilon)^{1/2}}$, where $\epsilon > 0$, then $2- \epsilon < y < 2 + \epsilon$. So the first part is easy: $$x>\frac{1}{(\epsilon)^{1/2}}$$ $$x^2>\frac{1}{\epsilon}$$ $$\frac{1}{x^2}<\epsilon$$...
  22. 9

    Calculus Confusion: limit of sin(x)/x

    Today was our first lesson in our high school's accelerated calculus class. The class is our school's most second most difficult math (behind multivariable calc), and prepares you for the AP BC calc exam, but material not present on the BC test is covered in class. It is really a college level...
  23. C

    Calculus 1 Homework problem - Find limit without L'Hospital's Rule

    Homework Statement Lim ( 5+6x2)/(√(x3)) + 2x2 +1) x->∞ Homework Equations not allowed to use lhopitals rule The Attempt at a Solution first, i divided by x2, which yielded (5/(x2) + 6 + √(x)) / (2 + 1/x2 ) then i assumed that thelim x--> infi of 5/x2 = 0, lim x-->...
  24. J

    Limit gives indeterminate form

    Homework Statement limx->∞ e^5x/ln(2x) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  25. J

    Trig Limit Homework Help: Solving (2sinxcosx)/ (2x^2 + x) at x=0

    Homework Statement lim x->0 (2sinxcosx)/ (2x^2 + x ) Homework Equations 2sinxcosx = sin(2x) The Attempt at a Solution denom. factors to x(2x +1) how to proceed?
  26. A

    Limit (sin(4x)/sin(6x)) as x->0

    Hi all, I'm just beginning calculus and I'm having trouble figuring this one out. I need to solve this one without using l'hospital's rule. Homework Statement Find Limit (sin(4x)/sin(6x)) as x->0 Homework Equations We know that limit (sin(x)/x) as x -> 0 equals 1...
  27. J

    Trig Function Limit: Solving lim x->0 sin4x/2x

    Homework Statement lim x->0 sin4x/2x Homework Equations lim x->0 sinx/x =1 The Attempt at a Solution can I write lim x->0 sin4x/2x as sinx/x * 4/2 = 1*2 or am I missing a step ?
  28. J

    Limit of sin(x)cos(x)/x as x approaches 0?

    Homework Statement lim x->0 sinxcosx/x Homework Equations lim x->0 sinx/x = 1 The Attempt at a Solution Pretty sure I need to use above property but I believe cosx/x is undef.
  29. J

    How Do You Solve the Limit of (x^(1/3) - 4)/(x - 64) as x Approaches 64?

    Homework Statement limx->64 (x^1/3 - 4)/(x - 64) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution (64^1/3 -4)/(64 - 64) = 0/0 = not defined
  30. Dethrone

    MHB Unraveling the Complexity of a Limit Problem Involving ln(x)

    I'm having trouble with this limit. It gets complicated really quickly when I apply l'hopital's. Any hints? $$\lim_{{x}\to{a^+}}\frac{\cos\left({x}\right)\ln\left({x-a}\right)}{\ln\left({e^x-e^a}\right)}$$
  31. K

    Limit of a sequence (explanation)

    I kind of know what limits are, or at least believe I do: I think that a limit of a sequence is just an approximation/intuitive way to finding a number (if it exists) to which a sequence tends. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4... tends to +∞, while 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000... tends, "obviously/intuitively"...
  32. Dethrone

    MHB Limit - Values of a and b that satisifies the equation.

    Hi (Wave), back already :D For what values of $a$ and $b$ is the following equation true? $$\lim_{{x}\to{0}}\left(\frac{\sin\left({2x}\right)}{x^3}+a+\frac{b}{x^2}\right)=0$$ I tried l'hopitals rule, but it just got more complicated. My progress...
  33. T

    Precise Definition of a Limit at Negative Infinity

    I'm working through some problems from Stewart's Calulus, 6ed. and am having some difficulty with certain limit proofs. In particular, there is no definition provided for limits of the form: $$ \lim_{x \to - \infty} f(x) = L $$ One of the exercises is to come up with a formal definition...
  34. basheer uddin

    A small doubt in a limit problem

    Homework Statement find limit ##\lim _{ x\rightarrow \infty }{ \frac { { 10 }^{ x } }{ x! } } ## Homework Equations l'hopitals rule The Attempt at a Solution on substitution we get ##\frac { \infty }{ \infty } ## on using l'hopitals rule,what is the result of differentiation of x!? or...
  35. H

    Proving the Limit of a Multivariable Function Using the Epsilon Delta Method

    Homework Statement Apply the definition of the limit to show that \begin{align*} f(x,y) = \frac{x^2\,y\,\left( y - 1 \right) ^2 }{x^2 + \left( y-1 \right) ^2 } = 0\end{align*} I know I'm required to use the epsilon delta method here, no polar stuff either, just straight at it. Homework...
  36. C

    Finding the limit of a sequence

    Homework Statement How do you determine if the limit of (1+1/n^2)^(n^2) exists and what it is? This cannot use logarithms at any point. Homework Equations (1+1/n)^n --> e The Attempt at a Solution Let N=n^2 Given (1+1/N)^N --> e, then (1+1/n^2)^(n^2) must --> e also. Is...
  37. S

    Confirm limit of this sequence by using definition of limit

    Homework Statement I'm referring to the question and solution for part (b) in the attached TheProblemAndSolution.jpg file. Homework Equations Definition of limit. The Attempt at a Solution Should the equation with the two things in brackets have absolute value bars instead of brackets...
  38. N

    Limit of trigonometric function

    Homework Statement lim x --> 0 for function y = (-2x)/(sinx) Using L'Hopital's Theorem, I found the derivative of the top and of the bottom and found the limit and got -2. How to find the limit as x approaches 0 without using L'Hopital's theorem. I know my solutions manual uses a...
  39. D

    Battery Amp Limit: Calculating Heat & Current

    So I am in the process of building various solenoids for some projects I have. But the issue I have is that the battery I use is over heating. From my understanding, when I connect a circuit to a battery, the energy gets dumped very quickly and overheats the cell. Is there a way to calculate how...
  40. H

    Relativity and the universal speed limit

    Hey guys, this is a question that has been bothering me since I finished my special relativity course last year. I was told that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Thinking relativistically, I take this to mean no one thing in the universe can travel faster than any other...
  41. N

    Limit as x approaches 0 for given function

    Homework Statement lim x --> 0 for the function sqrt((1/x^2)-(1/x)) - sqrt((1/x^2)-(1/x)) Analyze the cases x > 0 and x < 0 The Attempt at a Solution The solutions book simplifies the expression to 2x/(abs(x)*(sqrt(1+x)+sqrt(1-x))) I know how to evaluate the limit from here. But I'm...
  42. A

    MHB Limit Definitions and Finding the Unknown Quick Question

    Hey guys, Here's another quick question this time from a problem set I'm having trouble with at the moment. Question: So, for a, I computed f(x) = x^5 This is because of the numberator's right side. If 2+h is raised to the 5, this must be the function. Moreover, a=2 because 2 is already on...
  43. A

    MHB Limit Definitions and Extreme Value Theorem Help Needed

    Hey guys, I have a couple more questions about this problem set I've been working on. I'm doubting some of my answers and I'd appreciate some help. Question: For 1a, I just took \lim_{{h}\to{0}} of the function using [ f(x+h)-f(x) / h ] and simplified. Ultimately, this gave me...
  44. A

    MHB Finding Limits Using Limit Laws (Not L'Hopital's Rule)

    Hey guys, I have a couple more questions about this problem set I've been working on. I'm doubting some of my answers and I'd appreciate some help. Question: For a, I used the subtraction limit lawto get lim g(x) and lim f(x) and subtracted the answers accordingly. Then I substituted h=...
  45. F

    MHB How to Solve This Trigonometric Limit as x Approaches Infinity?

    Hi to everyone. I'm new on here (in fact, this is my really first message). I need some help with the next limit, I hope you can help me: \lim_{x \to \infty} \sin (x\pi\sqrt [3] {x^3+3x^2+4x-5}) Thank you so much for your time! :)
  46. I

    MHB Finding Limit on 58(b): UGA Math 115 Homework #2

    is there any other way to find the limit on 58(b). its on page 3 of the link. http://www.math.uga.edu/~clayton/teaching/m115f09/homework/hw2solutions.pdf
  47. TheSodesa

    Finding a limit of an expression when the denominator tends to zero.

    Homework Statement This problem is found in a chapter about rational functions in my review book. The expression is as follows: \lim_{x\rightarrow a} {\frac{2 x^2 + 5x - 3}{x - a}} = \ \text{L} where 'a' is a constant. I'm supposed to find a value of 'a' that allows the limit to...
  48. C

    Chandrashekhar limit for relativistic fermion gas

    hi fellas, I have been working on Chandrashekhar limit, and I found a mass-radius relationship for the nonrelativistic fermi gases using this formula and i got the graph of this R=((18pi)^(2/3))/10 *H^2/(GmM^(1/3) ) (0.5/n)^(5/3) where H=(6.63*10^-34)/2pi G=6.67*10^-11 m=9.11*10^-31...
  49. C

    Understanding Limits: A Question about Inequalities

    Hi, I'm having trouble understanding the following fact about limits : If f(x)<=g(x) for all x on (a,b) (except possibly at c) and a<c<b then, lim f(x) <= lim g(x) x -> c x->c Here's how I interpret the definition : We have two functions f(x) and g(x), and the inequality f(x)<=g(x)...