What is Fusion: Definition and 846 Discussions

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons). The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or the absorption of energy. This difference in mass arises due to the difference in atomic binding energy between the nuclei before and after the reaction. Fusion is the process that powers active or main sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of energy are released.
A fusion process that produces nuclei lighter than iron-56 or nickel-62 will generally release energy. These elements have relatively small mass per nucleon and large binding energy per nucleon. Fusion of nuclei lighter than these releases energy (an exothermic process), while fusion of heavier nuclei results in energy retained by the product nucleons, and the resulting reaction is endothermic. The opposite is true for the reverse process, nuclear fission. This means that the lighter elements, such as hydrogen and helium, are in general more fusible; while the heavier elements, such as uranium, thorium and plutonium, are more fissionable. The extreme astrophysical event of a supernova can produce enough energy to fuse nuclei into elements heavier than iron.
In 1920, Arthur Eddington suggested hydrogen-helium fusion could be the primary source of stellar energy. Quantum tunneling was discovered by Friedrich Hund in 1929, and shortly afterwards Robert Atkinson and Fritz Houtermans used the measured masses of light elements to show that large amounts of energy could be released by fusing small nuclei. Building on the early experiments in artificial nuclear transmutation by Patrick Blackett, laboratory fusion of hydrogen isotopes was accomplished by Mark Oliphant in 1932. In the remainder of that decade, the theory of the main cycle of nuclear fusion in stars was worked out by Hans Bethe. Research into fusion for military purposes began in the early 1940s as part of the Manhattan Project. Self-sustaining nuclear fusion was first carried out on 1 November 1952, in the Ivy Mike hydrogen (thermonuclear) bomb test.
Research into developing controlled fusion inside fusion reactors has been ongoing since the 1940s, but the technology is still in its development phase.

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  1. N

    B A New Way to Make Fusion Reactors More Efficient

    I am quite new to this site. I have been following this technology (fusion) for many years now. It never seems to be any closer to actual deployment. Do you think we are getting closer? What do you think are the major stumbling blocks? The article below I read today. My understanding is that...
  2. T

    New approach to stabilize fusion plasmas

    https://phys.org/news/2019-01-scientists-stabilizes-fusion-plasmas.html By applying more RF power to the unstable 'bubbles' that form in the plasmas.
  3. phyzguy

    What if we had commercial fusion power?

    There have been several recent threads on the feasibility of fusion power. There is reason to be hopeful. This study from MIT claims, due to the breakthroughs in high-temperature superconductors, that an economically feasible Tokamak can be built in the foreseeable future. For the purpose...
  4. Basil Currie

    B What is the Most Efficient Fuel for Fusion Reactors: T-D, D-D, or D+He-3?

    Hi, Does a T-D or a D-D fusion release more energy? Even if D-D needs higher temperatures, would it produce more energy in a fusion reactor?
  5. N

    I Why do stars only produce up to iron and nickel

    I know it's a common question but I've found no answers online so far. My professor has made a point out of saying that fusion reactions after iron and nickel do release energy but just not enough to keep the star from imploding. This didn't make sense to me. How would fission release energy if...
  6. H

    Current State of Nuclear Fusion Power

    When I was an undergrad doing research in a university lab, the director of the lab also consulted at a Nuclear Fusion company. I remember like it was yesterday him making a statement that commercial Nuclear Fusion was going to be a reality within 10 years. That was 1977. What happened? Lack...
  7. bbbl67

    I Were Population III stars powered entirely by p-p fusion?

    In modern stars, the more massive a star is, the more likely that it is powered by the CNO fusion cycle, where Carbon, Nitrogen, an Oxygen act as catalysts for creating helium from hydrogen. In stars over 1.3 solar masses, this is the primary fusion process. Below that that level it's a mix of...
  8. Frankenstein19

    What factors affect enthelpy of fusion?

    Homework Statement What factors affect enthalpy of fusion? Also, does structure affect enthalpy of fusion?
  9. PlasMav

    Exploring Fusion Power and Nuclear Engineering: A Student's Journey at UTA

    Hello, I am a BSME senior with NE minor graduating in August 2019 from UTA. I am very interested in fusion power, space travel, and electrical engineering (lol). I almost wish I had picked EE instead of ME. It's more interesting to me. I just joined an EE student and together we are building a...
  10. KFM

    Help Needed: Magnetic Inertial Hybrid Fusion Reactor

    Can anyone help with this please... Would the following work? Magnetic inertial Confinement Hybrid Fusion Reactor. Peeta Watt lasers are focused on the plasma in the equatorial plane of the multi mega amp plasma pulse within its’ torous geometry between the center post and the merging...
  11. M

    Trying to understand the entropy of different situations....

    I just read a book by nuclear physicist Carlo Rovelli on the subject of "Time" and he says that 'entropy' is the only non-reversible process in the basic equations of physics, and he believes time and entropy are related (if I understand him correctly). So this started me thinking on entropy...
  12. Javier Lopez

    A What is the key parameter in fusion: momentum or energy?

    The released products of a transmutation reaction (I say transmutation when 2 particles reacts to generate more than one) follows the conservation of kinetic energy law. Also particles moving in opposite direction can have equal speed one with respect the other than rather if one of them is...
  13. L

    Other Is trying to go into fusion realistic at this point?

    Hi guys, I posted about a closely related subject earlier, but with more and more research, all I have found regarding fusion energy is pure pessimism, and that it will always be a theoretical hope that just won’t happen. For example, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists basically says that...
  14. Javier Lopez

    I Stopping power for a proton ion gun through a Boron-11 sheet 1mm thick

    Hello, I need the stopping power for a proton ion gun through Boron-11 sheet 1mm thick. I have the following table obtained from here: https://www-nds.iaea.org/stopping/stopping_hydr.html Where the unit is in 1-15*eV*cm2/atom: Then I calculated for 600keV protons at table 5.1eV*cm2/atom. I...
  15. L

    B How much of a star undergoes fusion?

    A star dies when fusion in its core stops. Presumably this means that there is no longer any fusionable material in the core. Does this mean that there is no longer any fusionable material in the entire star or just that the stuff in the center is used up? For instance, suppose the star stats...
  16. O

    A How are positrons used for fusion propulsion?

    Hi, I recently came across Positron Dynamics, a company working on a fusion propulsion system. You can watch this presentation given at Breakthrough Discuss 2018. They also got a grant from NIAC. Rather than trying to create and store positrons, they use Na-22 as a source. They also patented...
  17. J

    CNO fusion using particle accelerator?

    The CNO cycle (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNO_cycle) is a catalytic fusion reaction that produces energy in stars larger than the sun. It converts four protons into a helium-4 nucleus using a cycle of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes as catalysts and releases 26.7 MeV of energy mostly...
  18. NikolaTesla2

    B Doubts in Calculating Nuclear Reactions

    I am not talking about the reactions of simple atoms in chemistry, I am speaking, for example deuterium, heavy water, isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc.I would like to know how to calculate when two atoms merge, to know mathematically what atom will form, example deuterium + deuterium =...
  19. FourEyedRaven

    Other The HB-11 Plasma Pinch: A Solution to Fusion Energy?

    Hi. I have a growing interest in fusion energy. For a couple of very important reasons, it seems to me that fusion energy is a major scientific priority, if not the most important technology to try to develop right now. I have a BSc and an MSc in math and I've always had an interest in...
  20. L

    Programs What major would be the most promising for a career in fusion?

    Hello. Currently, I am a high school junior that has completed AP Physics C: Mechanics with a 4 on the exam, and I am in Calc 2 at the Univ of Oklahoma. I have, over the last two years, developed a great interest in physics, and for a long time have had interest in combatting climate...
  21. T

    B Neutron Star Collisions: Creation of Heavy Elements and Their Fate

    When neutron stars collide, heavy elements, such as gold, are created. Are these elements ejected from the system to be found, say, here on earth? Or do they fall back into the newly created black hole?
  22. T

    B Why don't high mass stars expand and cool?

    When a high mass star starts to fuse heavier elements, the core heats up the outer layers enough to for them to begin fusion of their own. My question is: because the star hasn't gained any mass, but it has increased in temperature a lot, why doesn't the star expand and cool like a red giant...
  23. Q

    I Can we produce helium 3 from proton-deuterium fusion

    High power laser Peta Watt are available, will it enable to produce helium 3 from deuterium-proton fusion? FYI, there many experiments show 10^9 reaction rate in p-b11 reaction. But we can get better rate? What is the maximum theoretical reaction rate for this easier p-d reaction? Ref. 10-15...
  24. M

    Critical mass for nuclear fusion

    Hello, can you please confirm this statement "Nuclear fusion does not require a minimum mass to occur (critical mass), which is instead a characteristic limit of fission. So you can make small fusion bombs as much as you want."? Thanks!
  25. Deacon James

    Can Compact Fusion Reactors Power Small Cities?

    https://lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/compact-fusion.html HOW COMPACT FUSION WORKS Nuclear fusion is the process by which the sun works. Our concept will mimic that process within a compact magnetic container and release energy in a controlled fashion to produce power we can use. A reactor...
  26. Ryan Doucette

    Nuclear Fusion: Electron Thermal Transport Terminology

    I am an undergrad physics major in my final semester currently taking Intro to Thermodynamics. As a final project, each student must choose a topic related to thermodynamics that is more advanced than what is covered in the curriculum and write a paper and present our findings to the class on...
  27. G

    Can a fusion reactor experience a Chernobyl-like situation?

    With any realistic fusion reactor designs, can you imagine a Chernobyl like situation, where they can't stop a critical reaction? Or no, since no unstable isotopes, reaction can be stopped anytime, the worst thing can happen is no power?
  28. A

    B Is it possible to predict which trick will work for fusing heavy elements?

    Just a simple and bald question. Is it possible to fuse heavy elements like uranium?. I mean, massive stars core fusion process stops at iron. Please don’t blame me for my lack of scientific rigurosity. Thank you in advance. AGZ
  29. Humbleness

    Calculating total amount of energy in a fusion reaction

    Homework Statement In the following fusion reaction, a deuterium nucleus (D) combines with a tritium nucleus (T) to form a helium nucleus (He-4). If the following masses of deuterium and tritium are used to produce energy, calculate the total amount of energy produced. Homework Equations E =...
  30. lekh2003

    Commercially Feasible Fusion Reactor

    I read an article: https://mashable.com/2017/12/19/nuclear-fusion-company-plans-to-make-carbon-free-energy/ about a company named General Fusion who aim to use plasma balls and pressurized steam pistons to create a 150 million degrees celsius environment for fusion to occur. I also found a...
  31. J

    B Mechanism for Energy Released via the Strong Force in Fusion

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a mechanism to explain how the strong force leads to an energy release when two light nuclei such as hydrogen fuse together. I get that the products of fusion have less mass than the reactants and that this "missing" mass is converted into energy in accordance...
  32. nakedput

    Proton-Boron Fusion: Exploring Its Benefits & Potential

    I've seen many recent stories about this type of fusion reactor. Looks like it might have some serious advantages. I've wondered since about the details of such a system and since it uses only protons to initiate the reaction could such a device be built from an accelerator or device similar to...
  33. D

    Exploring Nuclear Power Technology: A Scientific Perspective

    Hello. My name is Dom Napolitano and I would like to create a thread on Nuclear Power Technology.
  34. Arthur Rocha

    B Nuclear Fusion energy questions

    Hi guys, I have been reading about nuclear fusion and I have some doubts that I did not find the answer. I understand that the reactants are in a more energetic state than the products when the energy release occurs, however: *What triggers the release of energy? *Where does the released energy...
  35. phyzguy

    Can laser-driven H-B fusion be a viable alternative with no neutron output?

    I'm interested in comments on the attached paper. The authors are advocating laser drive proton-boron fusion as an attractive option, given the lack of neutron output. They describe a laser driven method for achieving ignition in a solid target. Any thoughts? Is this even remotely feasible?
  36. Sebastiaan

    A How to calculate the energy of Gamma rays in fusion

    Lets say you have your basic fusion reaction D + H → He3 + γ + 5.49 MeV Now exactly how much of the energy is carried away by the gamma ray and how much by the Alfa particle ?
  37. A

    Fusion power, still the king of power?

    Is fusion power still considered to be the most powerful energy source possibly achievable of technology by mankind, or there is any other type of fuel that has passed it? I'm not looking for anything outrageous like a hurricane engine or a black hole engine, but some kind of reaction scientists...
  38. PlanetGazer8350

    I Calculating conditions necessary for nuclear fusion

    I would like to know if there is any formula for calculating the necessary conditions for certain elements to undergo nuclear fusion. I know that before the quantum tunnel effect was proposed, theoretically nuclear fusion reactions shouldn't occur in the Sun; with the increasing energy (affected...
  39. L

    Engineering Career advice to become a Fusion Engineer

    Hello, I am posting to get some career advice about pursuing a career in fusion physics/engineering. With the construction of ITER in France and all the worldwide research into fusion as an energy source, I am extremely interested in the field and I want to help develop fusion technology. I am...
  40. V

    B Schrödinger Equation for the fusion of Deuterium(2H) and a Proton(H)

    In fact I am not sure if this is the right place to ask such a question but I'm going to ask anyways, just tell me if I am in the wrong place. So I doing a little experiment with the Schröndinger's equation, but the problem is I can't find a certain function. You all know the Schrödingers...
  41. P

    What is the energy needed for Deuterium-Tritium fusion to occur?

    Homework Statement How much total energy, kinetic energy and momentum is needed for Deuterium-Tritium fusion to happen when deuterium is accelerated and tritium is the target(v=0)? Which exothermic reactions are caused by the fusion?Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I've calculated...
  42. C

    I Origin of mass converted to energy during nuclear fusion

    When two atoms undergo nuclear fusion, some of the mass is converted into energy, but where is this lost mass from? Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons, but all three have all have set values for mass. What is the origin of this mass that is converted to energy?
  43. R

    Is the Hohlraum the Key to Fusion Energy?

    The Threshold to Fusion Energy I'd like to start some conversation on Hohlraum design, particularly on the opportunity to construct a fullerene capsule as the ignition chamber for indirect-drive fusion. Given more than two decades of evolution in hohlraum configuration* there are many...
  44. J

    B Black holes cause neutron fusion in neutron stars

    I read an article today stating that the possible explanation for the near total absence of heavier elements such as gold and uranium in many galaxies may be due to those galaxies not forming around a central black hole that has in absorbing one or more neutron stars causing fusion of neutrons...
  45. I

    Why does the US prefer fusion warheads to fission warheads?

    I understand that the vast majority of our atomic warheads are fusion devices. I realize that fusion yields are potentially much larger than fission yields, but our most modern fusion warhead, the W88, has a maximum yield of "only" 475 kilotons, while the maximum theoretical yield of a fission...
  46. R

    Who is Dr. Robert, a Multifaceted Scientist and Educator?

    I am a Rutgers and NJIT-educated professor of Physics, now under contract to Farmingdale State College and Nassau Community College, with other recent assignments at LIU Post and the BOCES Regional STEM High School. I embarked on doctoral-level studies in 2010 at Stony Brook University in their...
  47. S

    Danger and risks of fusion power

    As someone who has had an interest in the potential outcome of various scientific en-devours, I have weighed potential outcomes of things that interest people to be good to potential outcomes they may not have yet seen as being bad. I wonder if anyone has asked the questions about how our...
  48. Ethan Singer

    I (Conceptual) Infinity energy via quantum tunneling & Nuclear Fusion?

    I was unsure whether or not to post this question here or in the Nuclear physics sub-section, but it's a relatively simple question: Given that quantum tunneling exists, would it be possible to produce infinite energy via repeated nuclear fusion reactions? Now given the second law of...
  49. Buzz Bloom

    I Why is Deuterium fusion so much easier than Hydrogen fusion?

    This question occurred to me as a result of the discussion in the thread https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/brown-dwarf-minimum-mass.919669. Apparently (1) H+H->D+e+ requires a temperature of >10,000,000 K while (2) H+D->3He requires only about 1,000,000 K. I confess that the references for...
  50. A

    I Classical description of fusion

    Fusion is, in most cases (stars, etc.), considered probabilistic. The Gamow-Sommerfeld factor is used to calculate the probability that two colliding nuclei will undergo fusion, considering the fact that the particles have a chance of fusing by quantum tunneling. However, one can calculate an...