What is Functional: Definition and 415 Discussions

In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm where programs are constructed by applying and composing functions. It is a declarative programming paradigm in which function definitions are trees of expressions that map values to other values, rather than a sequence of imperative statements which update the running state of the program.
In functional programming, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning that they can be bound to names (including local identifiers), passed as arguments, and returned from other functions, just as any other data type can. This allows programs to be written in a declarative and composable style, where small functions are combined in a modular manner.
Functional programming is sometimes treated as synonymous with purely functional programming, a subset of functional programming which treats all functions as deterministic mathematical functions, or pure functions. When a pure function is called with some given arguments, it will always return the same result, and cannot be affected by any mutable state or other side effects. This is in contrast with impure procedures, common in imperative programming, which can have side effects (such as modifying the program's state or taking input from a user). Proponents of purely functional programming claim that by restricting side effects, programs can have fewer bugs, be easier to debug and test, and be more suited to formal verification.Functional programming has its roots in academia, evolving from the lambda calculus, a formal system of computation based only on functions. Functional programming has historically been less popular than imperative programming, but many functional languages are seeing use today in industry and education, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Wolfram Language, Racket, Erlang, Elixir, OCaml, Haskell, and F#. Functional programming is also key to some languages that have found success in specific domains, like JavaScript in the Web, R in statistics, J, K and Q in financial analysis, and XQuery/XSLT for XML. Domain-specific declarative languages like SQL and Lex/Yacc use some elements of functional programming, such as not allowing mutable values. In addition, many other programming languages support programming in a functional style or have implemented features from functional programming, such as C++11, Kotlin, Perl, PHP, Python, Go, Rust, Raku, Scala, and Java (since Java 8).

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  1. A. Neumaier

    Functional dependence of the size of the visible universe

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  2. evinda

    MHB Why do we deduce that the functional is continuous in respect to the other norm?

    Hello! (Wave) Let $V=C^1([a,b])$. Show that if $J$ is a continuous functional in respect to the norm $||y||_1:=||y||_{\infty}+||y'||_{\infty}, y \in V$ then it is also continuous in respect to the norm $||y||:=||y||_{\infty}$. Also, show that the inverse of the above claim does not hold. Let...
  3. evinda

    MHB Is there a contradiction in assuming that $J$ is linear over $C^1([a,b])$?

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  4. A

    Functional Derivative: Evaluating & Understanding

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  5. C

    Functional derivative of normal function

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  6. W

    Functional Dependence (In Table/General)

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  7. S

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  8. K

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  9. Einj

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  10. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Calculating Functional Derivatives: Understanding Notation and Examples

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  11. AXidenT

    Functional Analaysis or Abstract Algebra or Fields?

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  12. A

    Density functional theory and partial charge transfer

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  13. A

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  14. T

    Finding the functional extremum

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  15. G

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  16. F

    Functional Analysis vs. Complex Analysis?

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  17. P

    How Do You Compute Gaussian Functional Integrals in Quantum Field Theory?

    I am new to path integral and struggling with the computation involving Gaussian functional integrals. Could anyone show me the steps of computing the following integral? \int D \phi e^{-S}, where S = \int dx~d \tau [(\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x})^2+2 i \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial...
  18. T

    Functional relation and implicit functions

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  19. D

    Functional Analysis book for beginners

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  20. Pythagorean

    Researchers claim only ~8% of human DNA is functional

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  21. P

    Functional equation problem ( edited )

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  22. Bleakfacade

    Functional relationship between pressure and position(1d).

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  23. T

    Need a Functional Analysis book

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  24. DavideGenoa

    Continuous functional s.t. $f(x_0)\ne 0$

    I read that in any locally convex topological space X, not necessarily a Hausdorff space but with linear operations continuous, for any ##x_0\ne 0## we can define a continuous linear functional f:X\to K such that f(x_0)\ne 0. I cannot find a proof of that anywhere and cannot prove it myself...
  25. F

    Solving tricky functional equation

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  26. D

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  27. J

    Functional and composite function

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  28. M

    Functional analysis: Shoe set is not dense in C([a,b])

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  29. D

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  30. Matterwave

    Is Functional Differentiation Applicable to Quantum Field Theory Functionals?

    Hi guys, I'm not sure where to put this question, so I'll just put it here. If a mod knows of a better place, just point me to it, thanks. I'm looking at the functional differentiation equation: $$\left.\frac{dF[f+\tau h]}{d\tau}\right|_{\tau=0}\equiv \int\frac{\delta F[f]}{\delta...
  31. Matterwave

    Functional differential equation

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  32. Matterwave

    Functional differentiation and integration

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  33. B

    Chain Rule of a functional to an exponential

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  34. M

    How to generate functional in FEM

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  35. C

    D-wave superconductivity: Functional forms?

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  36. Saitama

    MHB Solving a Functional Equation Problem: Finding f(3)-f(0)

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  37. S

    Calculate the extreme value of functional

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  38. S

    Calculating the Extreme Value of a Functional with Given Boundary Conditions

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  39. L

    Finding Extremals of a Functional

    Homework Statement Find extremals of the functional ##\Phi(y,z)=\int^{\frac{\pi}{2}}_0((y')^2+(z')^2+2yz)dx## for ##y(0)=0##, ##y(\frac{\pi}{2})=1##, ##z(0)=0##, ##z(\frac{\pi}{2})=-1##Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well I have a solution but I have problem how to start with it...
  40. U

    Maximizing f(x) with Inequality Constraint: Solving a Functional Inequation

    Homework Statement The function f satisfies \dfrac{f(x)}{f(y)} \leq 2^{(x-y)^2} x,y \in D where D denotes domain set of the function, then f(x) can be I have a set of options as well but I'm not posting it now. I will post it if required, later. The Attempt at a Solution I have dealt...
  41. R

    Functional analysis Gateaux & Frechet derivatives)

    Homework Statement https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/622x210q90/833/sqaw.png I am having difficulty understanding the notation <h, f''(x0)h>
  42. C

    What is this functional group, and how do you make it

    On an exam question recently, I had to perform a retrosynthesis on a molecule and it had this functional group on it: it took me by surprise. I decided to cleave the whole thing off, and replace it with a double bond (cuz I know you can make cis diols from double bonds) then things seemed to...
  43. I

    Fourier transform of a functional

    Hello, I was wondering if such a thing even exists, so here it goes... Let's say I have a function x(s) (it is real, smooth, differentiable, etc.) defined on (0,1). In addition, dx/ds = 0 on the boundary (s=0 and s=1). I can compute its Fourier transform (?) as a_p = \int_0^1 x(s)...
  44. D

    Functional Equation with Real Numbers: Solving for f(x) on R->R

    Homework Statement Let a.b,c,d be real numbers such that a ≠ b and c ≠ 0 , find f:R->R for which this statement holds: af(x+y) + bf(x-y) = cf(x) + dy , for all x,y real numbers. Homework Equations Well this is a functional equation, that I know. I have less experience with...
  45. Sudharaka

    MHB Norm of a Bounded Linear Functional

    Hi everyone, :) Here's a question with my answer, but I just want to confirm whether this is correct. The answer seems so obvious that I just thought that maybe this is not what the question asks for. Anyway, hope you can give some ideas on this one. Problem: Let \(X\) be a finite...
  46. Einj

    Question on functional derivative

    Hi everyone! I have a question on functional derivatives. I have a function defined as: $$ F[\{u\}]=\int d^3r \sum_{i=1}^3 \frac{\partial u_i}{\partial r_i}, $$ where u_i(\vec r) is a function of the position. I need to compute its functional derivative. To do that I did the following: $$...
  47. H

    Functional derivatives worksheet

    Greetings, I want to become more fluent using functional derivatives. Does anyone have a link to sets of problems involving functional derivatives or anything like that (e.g., a worksheet from a class where they were used or something)? The lengthier the better, and ideally the solutions...
  48. jk22

    How to solve this functional (recurrence) equation ?

    I'm in a problem where I have to solve the following functional equation : F(n)^2=n+F(n+1) Does anyone know some methods to solve this kind of problems ? A similar equation happens in Ramanujan example of root denesting : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nested_radical#Square_roots
  49. U

    What is the Condition for a Unique Solution in a Complex Functional Equation?

    Homework Statement Suppose f(z) is a possibly complex valued function of a complex valued function of a complex number z, which satisfies a functional equation of the form af(z)+bf(\omega ^2 z)=g(z) for all z in C, where a and b are some fixed complex numbers and g(z) is some function of z and...
  50. I

    How can I solve a non-linear functional problem numerically?

    Hello, I'm not really sure where does this question fit and what title should it bear, but here is my problem: \psi(x) \exp (a\psi(x)^2) = C f(x) given a positive definite f(x), find ψ(x) and the constant C, subject to the condition \int \psi(x)\, dx = 1 I want to solve this numerically...