What is Forum: Definition and 405 Discussions

An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are often longer than one line of text, and are at least temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes publicly visible.
Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; example: a single conversation is called a "thread", or topic.
A discussion forum is hierarchical or tree-like in structure: a forum can contain a number of subforums, each of which may have several topics. Within a forum's topic, each new discussion started is called a thread and can be replied to by as many people as so wish.
Depending on the forum's settings, users can be anonymous or have to register with the forum and then subsequently log in to post messages. On most forums, users do not have to log in to read existing messages.

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  1. P

    MATHS INTEGRATION, Wont let me post in calculus forum

    MATHS INTEGRATION, Wont let me post in calculus forum :( Homework Statement Integrate 1/(sqrt(2x-x^2)) between 0 and 2. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no idea what method to use to try and integrate it, I've played around with it for hours but it ends up...
  2. QuarkCharmer

    My first post on this amazing forum.

    I have to say, this is the most fantastic website that I have ran across in a long time. I particularly like the helpful (seemingly so far?) community and in-depth coverage of virtually every general question I have had in the past year! I was reading through a thread that linked to an article...
  3. C

    What Hidden Dangers Should New Forum Members Beware Of?

    Hello everybody this is Clarke new to the forum , hope u all welcome me :)
  4. C

    Philosophy Forum: Discuss Ethics Theoretically

    I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for a philosophy forum, in particular one where ethics is discussed -- theoretical ethics rather than bioethics or other applied ethics.
  5. S

    Heat Exchanger Forum - Questions & Answers

    Hi all... can anyone help me thru these questions... a) % of thinning allowance calculation of tubes while expansion b) standard drwg. for tube to tube sheet weld joints c) Inner Radius (Min.) calculation for floating Head Cover In AES Heat Exchanger d) Selection criteria for...
  6. M

    On th average, how many times do you visit the Stat forum?

    I'm using this data to get an idea of how long it might take to get a thread there answered. So please, for the sake of accuracy, don't joke. I'd imagine that since summertime is here, not many people go there.
  7. C

    Expected value of integral = integral of expected value? Need help in the stats forum

    Hello friends, I am having some trouble with a particular statement an author made in a book. Despite being a statistics question, it is at its heart, a calculus question. Perhaps someone here with a better understanding of the subject can help, because I'm not convinced the matter has...
  8. G

    Can You Solve the Mystery of the Man in the Mask?

    This is an outside the box/critical thinking game. I was introduced to this in a logic class. The idea is that I state a short story, and the participants have to "fill in the blanks" by asking yes or no questions. Note that the literal answers to yes or no questions can be very misleading...
  9. P

    Cosh2x+2sinh^2x, not sure if this goes in this forum

    Homework Statement Express the function cosh(2x)+2 sinh^2(x)= in terms of exponential functions. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i have an answer but I am not sure if its right can someone check please. =1/2 (e^2x+e^(-2x) )+1/2(e^2x-e^(-2x)) if this is right i need some help...
  10. O

    LaTeX Troubleshooting LaTex Issue in Forum Post

    I hope you can help me with this problem. A few days ago, I began a post with a LaTex equation in it, but never completed the post (I got the answer I needed). I'm trying a new post today, and no matter how or what I enter as LaTex, when I preview the post I see the equation I tried to use a...
  11. K

    Equilibrium on Incline: Solving for Fn with Fg and Θ | 3.80 kg Block | N Units

    Homework Statement A 3.80 kg block is in equilibrium on an incline of 38.4◦. The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s2 . What is Fn of the incline on the block? Answer in units of N. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution FgsinΘ=mgsinΘ=3.8*9.81*sin38.4°=24.04...
  12. A

    Why Study Physics? Insights from a Graduate

    I am a graduate of a 4 year degree in Physics education and participating into this forum is right for me. Hope to participate soon in the discussions here.
  13. C

    Is it considered lame to use a CAS when helping people in the DE forum?

    Hi there, Many of the problems on this part of the forum simply boil down to "I don't know how to solve the ODE: <some strange ODE here>" I kind of forgot how to solve many of these problems myself, so I've just been giving people the answer from matlab's dsolve function. Is this...
  14. P

    Changes to the Richard Dawkins Forum

    Anyone notice that the Richard Dawkins forum has suddenly been terminated? Not only has posting been disabled, but the whole thing will be deleted within 30 days. It has almost the same number of posts as physicsforums. Its causing quite some anger among its members. Heres the story...
  15. N

    LaTeX What kind of LaTex is this forum using?

    I find that this forum supports LaTex which is awesome that we can type formula.But what version is it? I need to know because I don't know which translator to choose when using MathType. Thanks
  16. P

    Quadratic Form x^2-xy+y^2: Determining Sign Consistency

    Homework Statement i have quadratic form x^2-xy+y^2 how can I check if this form has always same sign (+ or -)?
  17. Evo

    Is Scientific Knowledge Just Common Sense? A Look at Hawking's Universe

    Tonight's episode of Naked Science on the National Geographic Channel.
  18. F

    If one does not know physics can a question still be posted on ths forum

    never pro learned physics..but still have questions..can they be asked on this forum? thanks
  19. K

    Older New Person To Physic Forum

    I’m not quite sure what I’m doing on this forum. I was sent a gift subscription to a science magazine and was so delighted with it; I gave a grandson a subscription to the same magazine. We get into lively discussions regarding the contents of the various issues. He challenged me to read Stephen...
  20. N

    How Can New Members Engage Effectively in Online Forums?

    I am a new member to this forum, happy in joining here and hope that I will get all your support to share and get the valuable information from you all.
  21. rhody

    Exploring Google Tools: PF Forum Member Experiences

    Google Tools... I want to know if PF forum members regularly use: Google, alerts... http://www.google.com/alerts" and if getting e-mailed links has helped you find or research information (Note: to busy college students...), or to keep abreast of breaking news ? Have you tried...
  22. F

    Calculators Is there any TI-89 support forum?

    Hi, Do you know any TI-89 support forum? Thanks.
  23. R

    Can You Guess the Movie from a Picture?

    Forum Game -- What's that movie? Similar to the landmark game. First to correctly identify the movie posts a new pic for a new movie. You are then responsible for giving clues (after a couple of days or so if its really a stumper), and deciding the next winner. Here's an easy one to start:
  24. Redbelly98

    Sad News for EE Forum - Remembering negitron

    Dear all, Unfortunately, we have just learned of the death of one of our members, negitron. Since he was a valuable contributor in this forum, I am posting this announcement for those who might not have seen it in the General Discussion forum. Feel free to add your thoughts, if you wish...
  25. DaveC426913

    Where Can I Find a Good Forum for General Computer Questions?

    I'd like some pointers to a good forum where I can go to ask general computer questions - usually to do with my network setup. According to Linksys Tech Support, BOTH my Linksys wireless routers got pooched on the same day. My network is old enough that it may be time to replace them anyway...
  26. K

    How Can New Members Engage Effectively in Online Forums?

    I'm new here.. thanks for accepting me in this forum. I would like to meet a lot and know a lot as well.. looking forward. :)
  27. B

    Error analysis using partial derivatives (wrong forum, can this be moved?)

    edit: Totally put this in the wrong forum on accident. Can it be moved to the Calculus and Beyond forum? Thanks. Homework Statement calculate the error associated with stress and strain Homework Equations First equation is stress, second equation is strain. P is load, A is...
  28. S

    Advanced Astronomy/Cosmology Forum - Get Answers to Your Questions

    are there more advanced forums than this for astronomy/cosmology? I asked a few questions without reply on here so I guess I need higher level forum.
  29. E

    Downloading ALL attached pictures of a forum?

    I need help Downloading ALL attached pictures of a forum, the pictures are posted on the website under \attachments. I have tried using Extremepicturefinder and picture ripper, but both programs have trouble following the links and threads. All of the pics are posted under a single category but...
  30. P

    Piezoelectric Sensors: EMCF, Materials & FERAMS

    I wanted to know in depth in piezoelectric sensors,their EMCF,different materials,groups working on material science...As Well As on FERAMS I got some sites like piezoinstitute,csa like that can anybody please help me to find some more...
  31. O

    History Is my contribution to the philosophy forum valued?

    I hope this warrants its own topic, but we'll see. I have spent about 4 years on here, mainly in the philosophy forum. I have had many great discussions on varied subjects, but I am beginning to doubt myself. I searched through all my old topics, and I found that a bunch of them had been...
  32. W

    Where Can I Find a Good Optics Discussion Forum?

    Not too sure if this is the right place to post... any good optics discussion forum that one could go to? any recommendation? Thanks
  33. epenguin

    Teaching Maths: A Forum for Discussion

    This seemed appropriate material for this Forum, I wasn't sure what section. :-p http://www.bryanappleyard.com/blog/2008/04/teaching-maths.php
  34. I

    Welcome Newbie: Discovering the Edge of the Universe

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the board, so thought I'd take a moment and introduce myself. I have a degree in Liberal Arts, but like so many of us, the first time I gazed upward on a dark night and wondered in amazement, I was hooked. I have enjoyed perusing so many of your contributions, and...
  35. A

    Help for forum invader on making an object hover.

    Firstly i would like to apologise for invading your forum with newbie questions... Thanks for your time! I have been researching but as yet have come up with little information. I am currently doing my masters in visual art. The art work I make often involves different levels of interactivity...
  36. M

    What are some recommended mechanical forum websites?

    Hi, everyone, please give me some mechanical forum website, thanks!
  37. Math Is Hard

    Addition to Philosophy Forum guidelines

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know about this new addition the Philosophy Forum guidelines. https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=47294 The intent is not to become obnoxiously strict "grammar police" here, but to create standards that will facilitate communication. We have...
  38. O

    I encountered some of you guys on B forum, just thought i would say

    I encountered some of you guys on B forum, just thought i would say hello.
  39. B

    Ciddor equation. this may be wrong forum, but i dont know where this goes.

    hi anyone here use the ciddor equation before? supposedly there's an equation linking refractive index n of air to the wavelngth of light. its an equation that i need, but for the life of me i cannot find it as its often on websites that you have to pay for and i have noi money. would...
  40. Fredrik

    Definitions (continued from the cosmology forum)

    This is a reply to a comment made in the cosmology forum. That's not correct. Do you really believe that physicists are that dumb? The real story goes something like this: The speed of light is a constant in the real world. Therefore, we define a mathematical model in which the speed of...
  41. S

    New to forum and having major problems with couple problems

    New to forum and having major problems with couple problems! 1)Two cars are towing a housing unit to a new location. The sum of the forces vector F A and vector F B exerted on the unit by the horizontal cables is parallel to the line L, and FA = 3200 N. Fa(angle)=48, Fb(angle)=32 Determine FB...
  42. B

    Ultrashort laser pulses (is this the right forum)?

    hello im currently trying to learn about ultrashort laser pulses. particularly in the areas of group velocity dispersion etc etc. now I am pretty happy with the basics. modelocking a laser to give a dirac comb of finite pulse trains etc. I am happy with the mathematical description of an...
  43. M

    So, since this a physics forum, i figured most of you guys are nerds,

    so, since this a physics forum, i figured most of you guys are nerds, don't have much social lives, but have successful careers, which I desire. For those of you who struggled during your school years, how did your relations with women fare after college? im sure most of you adults have...
  44. D

    Is there a find function for past forum discussions?

    Is there a find function so that I can observe past disscussion threads rather than opening a new one to a subject that has been discussed time and time again. Oops nevermind
  45. S

    Scattering of Waves Formulation (moved to correct forum)

    Homework Statement Consider plane waves incident upon an infinitely long cylinder of radius ,a, whose propagation is perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. Homework Equations This is more of a conceptional question, since the solutions are already developed and just needs to be...
  46. E

    Is There a Reliable Programming Forum for C++, Java, and Other Languages?

    Whenever I do a search on the web about something specific in C++, I get like tons of hits from many different forums. I want to join a forum that is like specifically for programmers to communicate and where there are lots of people who answer questions about C++ and Java and other languages...
  47. F

    Hi, New to the foruns. Great forum you got here

    I was wondering if questions about Integrals are best suited to be posted in the Differential equations forum? I didn't see a dedicated forum for it. Thanks, Steve
  48. marcus

    Common parlance for Cosmo forum, proposed

    Cosmology forum has an educational function, among others, and that will work better if we try to agree on terminology. I'm proposing some usages here---others may wish to offer different ones---a mentor may eventually write a sticky thread of suggested terminology. At least we can get our...
  49. L

    Where Does Group Theory Belong on Physics Forums?

    Hi, I'm not finding group theory listed in any of the other math forums on physicsforums.com... so I'm wondering if it belongs here in the General Math forum or in another?
  50. S

    Where can i find forum that solve these kind of questions

    its more of a logic question its used in my country in the "asat" exam i need to solve this kind of in a minute an a half the question is : mary bought ten books 5 pairs of books each pair of books has its own colors a yellow pair ,a purple pair ,a black pair ,a blue pair, a red...