What is Field: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, a field is a set on which addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined and behave as the corresponding operations on rational and real numbers do. A field is thus a fundamental algebraic structure which is widely used in algebra, number theory, and many other areas of mathematics.
The best known fields are the field of rational numbers, the field of real numbers and the field of complex numbers. Many other fields, such as fields of rational functions, algebraic function fields, algebraic number fields, and p-adic fields are commonly used and studied in mathematics, particularly in number theory and algebraic geometry. Most cryptographic protocols rely on finite fields, i.e., fields with finitely many elements.
The relation of two fields is expressed by the notion of a field extension. Galois theory, initiated by Évariste Galois in the 1830s, is devoted to understanding the symmetries of field extensions. Among other results, this theory shows that angle trisection and squaring the circle cannot be done with a compass and straightedge. Moreover, it shows that quintic equations are, in general, algebraically unsolvable.
Fields serve as foundational notions in several mathematical domains. This includes different branches of mathematical analysis, which are based on fields with additional structure. Basic theorems in analysis hinge on the structural properties of the field of real numbers. Most importantly for algebraic purposes, any field may be used as the scalars for a vector space, which is the standard general context for linear algebra. Number fields, the siblings of the field of rational numbers, are studied in depth in number theory. Function fields can help describe properties of geometric objects.

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  1. N

    Relativistic motion of an electron in a uniform electric field

    dv/dt is the acceleration, so I thought I could find the acceleration from F = qE = ma = dp/dt. But this is a relativistic case, so the proper acceleration is a = F/mγ3, where v in the gamma is the v of the electron and F = eE. However, I'm not sure if this is correct, because the constant τ...
  2. Shacking

    Help with a magnetic field problem

    Does this remain constant and what is direction
  3. Adesh

    Can a magnetic field ever cause a translation motion?

    Lorentz Law says that for a charged particle moving with a velocity v in a magnetic field B then the force on it is given by $$ \mathbf{F} = q (\mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}) $$ Now, if I say that particle’s velocity and the magnetic field are aligned then according to Lorentz Law there will be...
  4. Luke Tan

    On-Axis Field of a Uniformly Magnetized Sphere

    Since I am only required to find the on-axis field, I tried directly integrating the biot savart to find the field, rather than integrating to find the vector potential before taking the curl. However, on integration (by mathematica) it seems that the solution is an elliptic integral, very...
  5. PrimoCosta

    Eletromagnétic field representation

    Hello so my doubt is when i are teaching about eletromagnétic filds the frist time a do a representatios is of a full field i Draw the two waves, ume perpendicular to another, and istill i know that's not the best representatios because i should have to rolate the wave while a draw. Later in...
  6. N

    Electric Field of a Point Charge

    [moderators note: moved from technical forum, so no template] Summary: I can't tell where the mistake in my process is. The computer keeps telling me I am wrong. The Question: What is the electric field at point 1 in the figure? Give your answer in component form.(Figure 1)Assume that a =...
  7. Math Amateur

    MHB Operator norm .... Field, Theorem 9.2.9 ....

    I am reading Michael Field's book: "Essential Real Analysis" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 9: Differential Calculus in \mathbb{R}^m and am specifically focused on Section 9.2.1 Normed Vector Spaces of Linear Maps ... I need some help in fully understanding Theorem 9.2.9 (3) ...
  8. patrykh18

    Magnetic field outside a solenoid

    In his book on electrodynamics, Griffith talks about the magnetic field outside a solenoid. Firstly instead of dealing with a typical solenoid with closely wound loops, he instead works with a cylinder with a surface current that has no z-component. To get the angular component of the B-field...
  9. BabyHueyTAW

    Definition: What is meant by port "CARP" ASIC functionality in a Field Programmable Gate Array?

    Summary: What is meant by port CARP ASIC functionality to a field programmable Gate Array FPGA. And what is Acronym CARP? What is meant by port CARP ASIC functionality to a field programmable Gate Array FPGA. And what is Acronym CARP?
  10. Math Amateur

    MHB Operator Norm .... differences between Browder and Field ....

    I am reader Andrew Browder's book: "Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction" ... ... I am currently reading Chapter 8: Differentiable Maps and am specifically focused on Section 8.1 Linear Algebra ... I need some help in fully understanding the differences between Andrew Browder and Michael...
  11. D

    How to find the magnetic field and magnetic force due to a solenoid loop

    I'm not so sure how to begin with this problem. I was thinking of usign superposition. I think that the field on the conductor due to the parallel segments of the coil is zero, since Ampere's Law tells us that the field outside the solenoid is zero, right? For the perpendicular segments, I used...
  12. BickySmalls

    What would happen to a charge that is placed in an Electric Field = 0?

    If a charge was placed inside an electric field, where the electric field was equal to zero, what effect would the charge have?
  13. M

    Electromagnetics question - magnetic field and electrolysis

    Hi everyone, I am most likely the least scientifically minded person to ever have visited these forums! I'm here with a question that I hope someone more scientifically minded can answer for me. If a pair of plastic coated axial neodymium magnets are installed either side of a sheet of alloy...
  14. E

    B Change in field strength if two variables are incremented at the same time

    Given the example g = \frac{GM}{R^{2}}, we may compute the change in field strength if the mass is changed by a small amount dM to be$$dg = \frac{G dM}{R^{2}}$$and also if R is changed by dR,$$dg = \frac{-2 GM dR}{R^{3}}$$If, however, both the mass and radius are changed by a small amount at the...
  15. K

    I Is a Vector Field Equal to Zero if Its Contour Integral is Zero?

    I was thinking about this while solving an electrostatics problem. If we have a vector ##\vec V## such that ##\oint \vec V \cdot d\vec A = 0## for any enclosed area, does it imply ##\vec V = \vec 0##?
  16. Math Amateur

    MHB The Elusive Field Structure of $\mathbb{R}^n$ Beyond $n=2$

    \mathbb{R}^n is a vector space but not a field because it lacks a suitable multiplication operation between pairs of its elements ... Why don't mathematicians define a multiplication operation between a pair of elements and investigate the resulting field ... For example ... why not define...
  17. CrosisBH

    I Why does this needle get an E field while this disk gets a D field?

    So I'm reviewing old lectures to prepare for an exam soon. This is about polarization. E fields, D Fields, etc. My professor labeled this diagram like so. The figures my professor drew are cavities in a dielectric if you can't read her handwriting. However, I can't seem to figure out why the...
  18. PainterGuy

    B Electrons in a nonmoving conductor and non-varying magnetic field

    Hi, My understanding of quantum physics is very basic. I have read that each electron has its own magnetic field; in other words, each electron acts like a mini bar magnet. I was reading about Lenz's law and an unrelated point started confusing me. I was reading this text about Lenz's law...
  19. Z

    Evaluate the electric field for two slabs of charge

    Thus I assume that one slab has positive charge Q1 and the other slab has negative charge Q2 = -Q1 There are 4 cases for the electric field: 1. x <= -a 2. -a <= x <= 0 3. 0 <= x <= a 4. a <= x The general case: Charge Density ##\rho = \frac {Q} {V}## Flux of E ##\phi_e = \oint \vec E \cdot d...
  20. E

    Electric field in a spherical shell

    Hi, been a while since I last asked here something. I am restudying electrostatics right now, and I am facing difficulties in the following question: My attempt: I tried to use Gauss' law, what I got is the equation in the capture but that doesn't lead me anywhere as I am unable to find a...
  21. V

    Increase in plasma energy from the increase in an ultraweak field

    As B increases, a circular E-field is setup by Faraday's Law, which accelerates the ions/electrons into a gyrating motion. The gyrating electrons/ions have an effective magnetic moment that opposes the applied B-field (Lenz's Law). When the B-field is decreased, a circular induced E-field...
  22. Z

    Find the electric field of a cylindrical charge

    I begin by calculating the flux to be the flux of the cylinders lateral surface, which equals E*2*pi*p*h (p is the radius) The other two surfaces have E ortogonal to dA, so their flux is 0. Using Gauss law together with the calculated flux above, I get Flux = Q/e Flux = E*2*pi*p*h Solve for E...
  23. M

    Electron with circular trajectory in a magnetic field

    I'm not sure how I'm able to calculate the velocity of the particle using the formula without knowing the force exerted on it. Also, I don't understand why the question also provides the mass of the electron.
  24. garthenar

    Power related to the EMF of an adjustable coil in a magnetic field

    I'm already stuck on A. I'm hoping once I figure that out the rest will just fall into place but be prepared for this to take awhile. I understand how to use Faraday's law to get the current or voltage of the system based off the movement of the bar but I have no Idea how to relate the rate of...
  25. Vyrkk

    A Covariant derivative and connection of a covector field

    I am trying to derive the expression in components for the covariant derivative of a covector (a 1-form), i.e the Connection symbols for covectors. What people usually do is take the covariant derivative of the covector acting on a vector, the result being a scalar Invoke a product rule to...
  26. M

    Covariant derivative of a (co)vector field

    My attempt so far: $$\begin{align*} (\nabla_X Y)^i &= (\nabla_{X^l \partial_l}(Y^k\partial_k))^i=(X^l \nabla_{\partial_l}(Y^k\partial_k))^i\\ &\overset{2)}{=} (X^l (Y^k\nabla_{\partial_l}(\partial_k) + (\partial_l Y^k)\partial_k))^i = (X^lY^k\Gamma^n_{lk}\partial_n + X^lY^k{}_{,l}\partial_k)^i\\...
  27. karush

    MHB 9.2.2 AP Calculus Exam -- slope field for which DE

    ok probably if one did a lot of these this could be solved by observation others separate the variables and take to Integral to get the equation
  28. Diracobama2181

    Rigid Rotator in an Electric Field

    Since E_i=0 for the ground state, and $$E_f=\frac{(\hbar)^2l(l+1)}{2I}$$, $$w_{fi}=\frac{E_f-E_i}{\hbar}=\frac{(\hbar)l(l+1)}{2I}$$. So, $$d_f(\infty)=\frac{i}{\hbar}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}<f|E_od_z|0>e^{\frac{i\hbar l(l+1)t}{2I}+\frac{t}{\tau}}dt$$ My question is in regards to...
  29. bryanso

    Why is the Electric Field outside this wire not zero?

    Not a homework. Just self-studying electromagnetism. I am stuck at understanding the very beginning of the solution steps in this example: The E as given in the solution is the field away from a long straight line with charge Lambda. That's clearly not the current configuration. E should...
  30. Moara

    Flux of Electric Field through a cone

    Since there is no charge inside the cone, the total flux through its surface is zero, hence Ø(lateral surface)+∅(base surface)=0. But ∅(base surface)=E.πR².cosΩ, because electric Field is homogenous. But by the figure, Ω is just arctg(h/R). So Ø(lateral surface)=-E.π.R².R/√(R²+h²). This is not...
  31. S

    Effect of a charge's own field on itself (Feynman Lec. Vol. [I]-28 )

    From Feynman's Lectures, Part I , Ch. 28 Purely in terms of predictive success and useful applications, what kind of physical / practical problems are we not able to calculate because of this gap in our understanding? Have things become clearer in any way, as of 2019?
  32. binbagsss

    A Hamiltonian background magnetic field, perturbed by electric field

    Hi I'm looking at Tong notes http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qhe/two.pdf deriving the Kubo Formula, section 2.2.3, page 54,I don't understand where the Hamiltonian comes from (eq 2.8). I tried a quick google but couldn't find anything. I'm not very familiar with EM Hamiltonians, any help/...
  33. T

    A Numerically Solving Scalar Propagation in Curved Spacetime

    Hey everybody, Background: I'm currently working on a toy model for my master thesis, the massless Klein-Gordon equation in a rotating static Kerr-Schild metric. The partial differential equations are (see http://arxiv.org/abs/1705.01071, equation 27, with V'=0): $$ \partial_t\phi =...
  34. J

    I Does Moving a Wire Increase its Magnetic Field?

    Folks, I'm not sure if this is the correct forum topic for my question, but it seems to be close or related. Question: If you have a wire carrying current then it creates a magnetic field as in the diagram in the link below...
  35. Riotto

    A Canonical momentum ##\pi^\rho## of the electromagnetic field

    In David Tong's QFT notes (see http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qft/qft.pdf , page 131, Eq. 6.38) the expression for canonical momentum ##\pi^0## is given by ##\pi^0=-\partial_\rho A^\rho## while my calculation gives ##\pi^\rho=-\partial_0 A^\rho## so that ##\pi^0=-\partial_0 A^0##. Is it...
  36. B

    Not necessarily homework help but I do not understand Field lines

    Homework Statement: This is not for homework but I have an AP physics exam on field lines and am confused about the proportionality between the charges of objects and the number of field lines. Homework Equations: E=(k*q)/r^2 I am struggling with the number of field lines to put based on the...
  37. M

    Work/Energy in a Magnetic Field

    Sorry if I am asking in the wrong fashion as I am new. The above questions are easily solvable: 1) U = -μBcos(0) 2) U = -μBcos(180) 3) W = ΔU = 2) - 1) My question is more related to some theory: where is this work/energy coming from since a magnetic force, to my knowledge can't do "work"...
  38. A

    Plasma current direction in the presence of an external field

    A simple question, I read that the particles in a plasma (protons , electrons) travel along the B field lines in a plasma which I know and they loop around the field lines each in opposite direction (clockwise, anticlockwise ) but both in the same direction. My question then is this. If I have...
  39. B

    Electric field of light emitted by atom, given the intensity

    For t < 0 , all I can think of is a qualatative " the field is zero because the intensitity is 0 when the burst of light hasn't been emitted yet " For t >= 0 , I've tried squaring the given E and that let's me say the amplitudes are proportional (with a cos^2 term in the mix) But I feel like...
  40. D

    Find the electric field inside and outside of a spherical shell superposition

    Hi! I need help with this problem. I tried to solve it by saying that it would be the same as the field of a the spherical shell alone plus the field of a point charge -q at A or B. For the field of the spherical shell I got ##E_1=\frac{q}{a\pi\epsilon_0 R^2}=\frac{\sigma}{\epsilon_0}## and for...
  41. F

    Engineering Determine the shunt field current in a magnetic circuit

    Problem Statement : Here's my attempt : * By assuming that the fringing and leakage effects are ignored. I find the flux density , the permeability and the reluctance of the iron , but then I get stuck . Any help would be greatly appreciated .
  42. jisbon

    Rotating cylinder rolling without slipping in a B field

    Firstly, I need to determine what the electric field is causing. Using left hand rule, the force due to the field is acting down the slope. Hence my FBD looks like: Where the two arrows pointing towards the right represent the force due to the field and weight of the cylinder. Since ...
  43. saadhusayn

    Expanding an action about a background field

    If we expand the action ##S[\phi]## about ##\varphi(x)##, ## S[\phi] = S[\varphi] + \int d^d x \frac{\delta S[\varphi]}{\delta \varphi (x)} f(x) + \frac{1}{2!}\int d^dx_1 d^d x_2 \frac{\delta^2 S[\varphi]}{\delta \varphi(x_1) \delta \varphi(x_2)} f(x_1) f(x_2) + \mathcal{O}(f^3)## But...
  44. S

    Correct statement about coils moving in and out of a magnetic field

    Option B is correct. Using Lenz's law, the direction of current flowing in coil 1 is counter clockwise while in coil 2 is clockwise. Option A is correct. Using Fleming's left hand rule, the resultant magnetic force acting on the both coils is to the left. I am not sure about option C and D. I...
  45. P

    A Einstein Tensor and Stress Energy Tensor of Scalar Field

    Hi All. Given that we may write And that the Stress-Energy Tensor of a Scalar Field may be written as; These two Equations seem to have a similar form. Is this what would be expected or is it just coincidence? Thanks in advance
  46. S

    Correct statement about gravitational force, field and potential

    I think choice B is correct because when I draw the free body diagram of each object, there are three forces acting on each of them and the resultant force is towards the center. Choice C is wrong because the net field at center is zero. I think choice D is also correct because if the...
  47. M

    Field axioms - is there an axiom for multiplication with zero?

    Please refer to the screenshot below. Every step is justified with an axiom. Please see the link to the origal document at the bottom. I am trying to understand why the proof was not stopped at the encircled step. 1. Is there no axiom that says ## x \cdot 0 = 0 ## ? 2. Isn't the sixth...
  48. J

    A How can a spin moment align parallel to an external field?

    Hello everybody, Lets say we have an atom with an electron that have a spin. That spin can only pointing in 2 directions, in s_1=\hbar*1/2 and s_1=-\hbar*1/2 and therefore the magnetic moment of an electron is pointing on the opposite site. My Problem here is appearing when whe apply an...