What is Error: Definition and 999 Discussions

An error (from the Latin error, meaning "wandering") is an action which is inaccurate or incorrect. In some usages, an error is synonymous with a mistake.
In statistics, "error" refers to the difference between the value which has been computed and the correct value. An error could result in failure or in a deviation from the intended performance or behavior.

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  1. B

    I Cathode-ray tube: Error in a book?

    Hello. I was studying magnetism with the 9th edition of the Serway book and I think that I've found a mistake. In the cathode ray tube example (one of the uploaded pictures) it is said that the force acting on a electron goes downward, but using both right hand rules that they provide in the...
  2. S

    Help me find my error in a relativistic kinetic energy calculation

    Hi everyone. Given: an asteroid with the mass of 50,000,000 kg, which is moving with the velocity of oh-my-god particle -- 99.99999999999999999999951% of c. Due to relativistic effects, its total kinetic energy will be 1.44 E+36 Joules (Lorentz factor = 3.2 E+11). A hypothetical particle...
  3. P

    Ansys Maxwell: Boundary definition

    Hello, I am trying to find a Magnetostatic(3D) solution for my design. My design consist of a coil embedded in Ceramic material developed by LTCC technology. I am below queries: 1. Is it important to define a material"Insulating"? How it will affect the Inductance of the system and the...
  4. ohwilleke

    I Why do particle physicists use Gaussian error estimates?

    There is solid empirical evidence that error in particle physics measurements is not actually distributed in a Guassian manner. Why don't particle physicists routinely use student t error distributions with fat tails that fit the reality of errors in experimental measurement more accurately...
  5. C

    Python Numerical integration 'quad' error

    I have defined a series of functions below with the end function `fA` being inserted for a numerical integration. The integration is with respect with one variable so the other arguments are passed as numeric so that the integration method (quad) may proceed import numpy import...
  6. S

    "Lump count inconsistency" error message in ANSYS Maxwell

    Hello there Im really stucked with my model in ansys Maxwell. it has an important error saying the following : [error] Separate operation failed due to lump count inconsistancy. Found 1 lumps instead of expected 20 and I don't really know what does it mean! I have searched all over the...
  7. Pattarasak

    A Qubit error rate of QKD BB84 protocol

    Hello everyone, I don't know how to measure the QBER of BB84 protocol in a realistic experiment.In the most paper show the data which is only the number but do not show the unit of data, what is the unit of these data?
  8. M

    MHB System of equations - Relative error

    We have the linear system of equations $Ax=b$ with \begin{equation*}A=\begin{pmatrix}0 & 1 & 1 \\ 0.5 & 1.0001 & 3 \\ 1 & 2 & 4\end{pmatrix} \ \ \ \text{ und } \ \ \ b=\begin{pmatrix}2 \\ 3 \\ 4\end{pmatrix}\end{equation*} First, I want to calculate the solution using the Gauss algorithm with...
  9. W

    Writing integrals in terms of the error function

    Homework Statement I have the following integral, $$\frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi} t} \int_{-\infty}^{0} \exp[\frac{-1}{2\sigma ^2} (\frac{x-x_0}{t} - p_0)^2]dx$$ that I wish to write in terms of the error function, $$erf(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-g^2}dg$$ However, I can't seem...
  10. T

    Magnetic field experiment confusion with error calculations

    Homework Statement I am having a issue with calulating my errors for this particular experiment the reason I will detail below. I have also print sceend in the section of my lab report to show the experimental setup etc. Lab Script So in the lab during the experiment the tesla meter...
  11. S

    I Identifying Identical Points Using Overlapping Error Ellipses

    I'm not very familiar with statistics, so that's my main problem. I use a least squares software to generate the coordinates of points and their associated 95% error ellipses. If the error ellipses meet a certain pre determined tolerance then I'm done. However, I have a situation where I have...
  12. Guilherme Franco

    I Error in the average of same-value measures

    My question is simple, and I'm only asking it because most places talk about more advanced problems than this one: I've measured the radius of a sphere (a very regular one) with a micrometer of 0.01 mm resolution. I took 3 measures (rotating it between each measure), and all of them were...
  13. Merlin3189

    LaTeX Math Processing Error: Solve the Mystery

    Anyone recognise this problem? When looking at posts with (presumably) Latex formulae, I get [Math Processing Error] instead of the formula. It looks like everyone else can read them ok and even stranger, I sometimes see the formula for a brief moment before it is replaced by the message...
  14. CricK0es

    Using STdev wrong or apparatus error?

    Homework Statement I have 3 (n) measurements of the radius of a capillary tube, and I'm wondering whether I should take the STDev of these values and then divide by sqrt(n-1) to obtain a standard error, and use this as my error on the mean... or Do I propagate the apparatus error through and...
  15. Hi Im Paul

    Graphing Data in Excel: Error Bar Confusion

    I'm currently writing a paper over an experiment I did for class and I have a very stupid question over I need clarification on before I continue. I am using excel to graph out data, and I have determined that the error in my Length is .001 m. However, I am graphing the inverse of length to...
  16. EastWindBreaks

    Error propagation, is this correct?

    Homework Statement given E is constant, find the uncertainty in the angular frequency, ω. can someone please check my work? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  17. N

    Simple Kinematics Problem, unsure of my error

    Homework Statement Object launched vertically with v initial =20 m/s. No air resistance. How long does it take to reach its max height? Homework Equations 1/2 at^2 + vot = dy .5mv^2=mgh The Attempt at a Solution I began by using conservation of energy to find the max height. .5mv^2 = mgh...
  18. andresfirman

    How to calculate the propagation error for a tricky Eq

    Hello Please help me, my function is; alpha = [ i1.g2 / (i2.g1) - 1 ] / ( t1-t2 ) I will have to measure i1, i2, g1, g2, t1 and t2 them I made classical error porpagation, but I don't know if this is ok. How is the proper way to calculate the propagation error for alpha?
  19. J

    I Error Propagation in Transcendental Equation

    Hey guys, I'm in a class where we're learning about waveguides, and without going into too much depth, we often solve an equation $$ \tan{(\kappa (\frac{a}{2}))} = \frac{\gamma}{\kappa} $$ for ##\kappa## numerically since there isn't an analytic solution for ##\kappa##. I'm doing a project...
  20. L

    What error did i make? (stoichiometry)

    So my answer is off by about 1.16 grams and am wondering if i did something wrong? Question: What mass of silver iodide precipitates when 25.0 ml of 2.30 M silver acetate solution is mixed with 10.0 ml of 2.35 M calcium iodide solution? Given: 0.025 L of 2.30 M AgC2H3O2 = 0.0575 mols acetate...
  21. S

    I Error Propagation (Percentage) - sin(x)^2 / x^2

    Hey, I'm trying to propagate my percentage errors through some hefty equations and come up on a bit of snag: I've got a percentage error for x and know how to deal with it for trig functions and powers, however since both errors are from the same source: y = sin(x)^2 / x^2 Should I just...
  22. B

    MHB Using differentials to estimate error

    one side of a right triangle is known to be 12 cm long and the opposite angle is measured as 30°, with a possible error of ±1°. (a) Use differentials to estimate the error in computing the length of the hypotenuse.
  23. K

    Why Does My E/M Experiment Graph Have an Unexpected Y-Intercept?

    So I am doing the charge to mass experiment and determining the relationship between: 1. accelerating voltage and radius formed by the electron beam 2. magnetic field strength and radius formed by electron beam Theoretically I should obtain an equation of the form: r = (1/B) *sqrt(2mV/e) where...
  24. Allan McPherson

    Using Maxima to plot error in Fourier series

    I'm trying to use Maxima to examine the error in a Fourier series as the number of terms increases. I've figured out how to produce a Fourier series and plot partial sums, but this has me stumped. If anyone experienced with the Maxima CAS has some insight into this, I would greatly appreciate...
  25. J

    Voltmeter Ammeter and percentage error in R

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I am not able to understand how percentage error in R is calculated using the given circuits. Should I assign currents in the branches and write KVL equations ?
  26. mkematt96

    Engineering Help finding error in my Circuit Analysis

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution My values for i1,i2,and i3 were: -.005179,-.002857 and .004857. When I ran the same circuit through LT Spice the values they gave me were .00059081,.000809628, and .00119037. Where did I make my error? * as a side not I...
  27. M

    Fortran Fixing Nonnegative and Positive Width Errors in Fortran Code Format Strings

    When compiling a fortran code (*.f90) i got these errors: 1- Nonnegative width required in format string. 2- Positive width required in format specifier D. In Code::Blocks Ide, these errors are referred in the code to : format( 1000i ) and format ( 1000d ) respectively. How can i solve this?
  28. Ranger Mike

    I Help with sample size to measure Form Error of a round metal part

    Hello all First time on the Math side of this great Forum. I need to do a correlation study. There are 3 methods to measure Form Error of a round metal part. The base line is the traditional measuring method that is laborious but of the highest accuracy. A cnc machine measurement machine...
  29. Math Amateur

    LaTeX Help with my post - Latex Error ....

    I have just completed a post in the Analysis Forum ... but unfortunately the post cntains a Latex eroor and I cannot determine what it is ... The Latex expression that is the problem is \left\lvert \int_a^b \lvert \gamma^' (t) \rvert \ dt - \sum_{ k = 1 }^m \lvert \gamma^' ( \tau_k ) \rvert...
  30. P

    I am off by one decimal and I cannot see the error in my work

    Here is a screenshot of the question I deleted on stack physics after they directed me to this forum. Eratta: FYI I have tried with g = -9.80 and 58.9 m when the correct solution (I think) is 5.9 rounded two significant figures. Thanks for any help!
  31. F

    CFD Fluent airflow simulation -- "Error: no periodic zones adjacent to grid interface"

    I have created a savonius turbine model with 2 blades using 3D gambit. I want to simulate the flow of air flowing so as to drive the turbine savonius spin (unsteady, incompressible). Geometry consists of 3 volume boxes (domain tunnel flow), cylinder (domain grid interface), blade savonius...
  32. Monsterboy

    Finding the surface RMS error using Zernike coefficients

    Hello, I am given 200,000 surface points in terms of x,y and z coordinates which is supposed to represent a circular paraboloid antenna reflector surface and another 200,000 points when the antenna surface is subjected to wind loads and gravity. I am supposed to find the surface RMS error of...
  33. S

    Error of integration in numerical methods

    Homework Statement So this is a problem for my numerical methods class. We are doing integration and derivation. The part that I am stuck on is why does the midpoint method and trapezoidal method both have error of order ##h^2##, when the first one is one point integration method while the...
  34. M

    Error on slope using LSQ method

    Homework Statement Three points are given with errors on y coordinates. (2.00,4.70±0.36); (4.00,6.8&±0.45); (5.00, 9.10±0.50) Using LSQ method, find the error on slope. Homework Equations σm = σy√(n/Δ), where σy = √(1/n-2(Σ(yk - y(xk))^2)) and Δ = nΣxk^2 - (Σxk)^2 The Attempt at a Solution I...
  35. Cosmophile

    How Many Sig Figs Given Error Range?

    Homework Statement "A calculator displays a result as 1.3250780 x10^7 kg. The estimated uncertainty in the result is +/- 2%. How many digits should be included when the result is written?" Homework Equations I'm not sure that there are any relevant equations here, aside from (maybe) Actual...
  36. J

    Practical Skills - Recording time with human error

    Homework Statement Please could someone help me with how raw data should be dealt with when using a human operated stop watch. I have attached the information we were given and it makes little sense to me. Homework Equations See attachement The Attempt at a Solution We are constantly reminded...
  37. A

    Calculating Error Bars for Height and Time in Ball Drop Experiment

    1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data Take the ball and drop it from chest level 5 times recording the times and the height. Do this same procedure once again for knee, waist, and eye level. You should now have four data points for your height and four data points for...
  38. Kirk Truax

    Any tips for debugging MCNP geometry errors?

    Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had any good tips on debugging mcnp geometry? I'm an intermediate user working on better understanding the program. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that go beyond simply reading the manual?
  39. K

    [MCNP5] Error when use Fm, De/Dm with Fmesh

    Hello everyone, I do need your help in this matter, please kindly help me solve this problem I use MCNP5 and i run a simple example using Fmesh4 and Fm, De / Df but I get an error: " fatal error. no tally associated with response function -1" " fatal error. no tally associated with fm card -1...
  40. L

    I Error in Series Approximations

    It has been defined that for an alternating series, the difference between the total sum of the series and the partial sum of the series through nth term is always less than or equal to the (n+1)th term. Can anyone explain the intuitive reason behind this?
  41. EEristavi

    An Error Formula for Linearization (involving second Derivative)

    Homework Statement In textbook i was given formula to calculate error. I know that: E(t) = f(t)- L(x) = f(t) - f(a)- f'(a)(t- a) [L(x) is linear approximation]; [Lets call this Formula 1] I understand that, but that I have formula: E(x) = f''(s)/2 * (x-a)^2 [lets call this Formula 2] Here...
  42. Q

    Rectangle optimization - possible text error

    Hi, I may have discovered a textbook error but I'm no calc whiz. I need an assist to find out if the question unintentionally described a square instead of a rectangle. I have attached the textbooks solution as well as my attempt at a solution. The numbers check out, I just want to make sure...
  43. S

    I The error bars of redshift drift

    Dear all, I am reading the paper "Cosmic dynamics in the era of Extremely Large Telescopes " by Liske et al. about redshift. I get the physical meaning of redshift drift, but when it comes to the error bars, I am confused. - Aren't the error bars given in equation (15) ? - Isn't this function...
  44. D

    LaTeX LateX error : I can't write on file 'Rapport.pdf'

    Hello, I am trying to compile my lateX document but errors appear: ! I can't write on file 'Rapport.pdf'. Please type another file name for output ! Emergency stop l.55 ... obj {<< /pgfprgb (/Pattern /DeviceRGB] >> ! Fatal error occurred, no output pdf file produced! Transcript written on...
  45. A

    Normalized error with two signals?

    Hi, I'm a new member in this forum. my question : How calculated the normalized error with two signals?
  46. O

    B Reporting length with error limits

    Hello all, I am in a total state of confusion with regard to this. Here is question. The length of a rod is [11.05 (+/-) 0.2]cm. What is the length of two rods? I want to know should the answer be reported like [22.1(+/-) 0.2] or [22.1(+/-) 0.4]. Regards:)
  47. D

    MCNP5 error: Source distribution in 2 volumetric cells (help please)

    Hello, can you help me? In my model, I have to simulate source distribution in two volumetric cells (30 and 31). For example, with a photon source of 356 keV, I have to simulate the distribution according 0.2 (20% in source 30: thyroid without nodule) and 0.8 (80% in source 31: nodule). I use...
  48. Ahmed Adly

    Srctp missing (MCNPX program error)

    Hi, I have a problem with MCNPX when running the file, a fatal error ( srctp missing: inpn1o ).
  49. Nikhil Rajagopalan

    Error Analysis of wall thickness

    Homework Statement The internal and external diameter of a hollow cylinder are measured with the help of a vernier calipers. Their values are (3.87 ± 0.01) cm and (4.23 ± 0.01) cm respectively. The thickness of the wall of the cylinder is ?Homework Equations Thickness of cylinder wall= 1/2...
  50. muthboravy

    How do I turn on model physics in MCNP6 to solve a fatal error?

    Hello everyone here, I do need your help in this matter, please kindly help me solve this problem. I am new to this forum and now am seeking for help. I am new to MCNP code, and I run MCNP6 code using BURN card and it give me fatal error say "Model required. Cannot use memory reduction...