What is Density: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The density (more precisely, the volumetric mass density; also known as specific mass), of a substance is its mass per unit volume. The symbol most often used for density is ρ (the lower case Greek letter rho), although the Latin letter D can also be used. Mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume:



{\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {m}{V}}}
where ρ is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume. In some cases (for instance, in the United States oil and gas industry), density is loosely defined as its weight per unit volume, although this is scientifically inaccurate – this quantity is more specifically called specific weight.
For a pure substance the density has the same numerical value as its mass concentration.
Different materials usually have different densities, and density may be relevant to buoyancy, purity and packaging. Osmium and iridium are the densest known elements at standard conditions for temperature and pressure.
To simplify comparisons of density across different systems of units, it is sometimes replaced by the dimensionless quantity "relative density" or "specific gravity", i.e. the ratio of the density of the material to that of a standard material, usually water. Thus a relative density less than one relative to water means that the substance floats in water.
The density of a material varies with temperature and pressure. This variation is typically small for solids and liquids but much greater for gases. Increasing the pressure on an object decreases the volume of the object and thus increases its density. Increasing the temperature of a substance (with a few exceptions) decreases its density by increasing its volume. In most materials, heating the bottom of a fluid results in convection of the heat from the bottom to the top, due to the decrease in the density of the heated fluid. This causes it to rise relative to more dense unheated material.
The reciprocal of the density of a substance is occasionally called its specific volume, a term sometimes used in thermodynamics. Density is an intensive property in that increasing the amount of a substance does not increase its density; rather it increases its mass.

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  1. M

    I The Acceleration and the density of galaxies

    In the Lambda-CDM model, the density of galaxies goes decreasing and should even vanish in the far future. I would be grateful if someone could point me to a paper where this is calculated.
  2. Paulpaulpa

    Spacetime translations and general Lagrangian density for Field Theory

    In Sydney Coleman Lectures on Quantum field Theory (p48), he finds : $$D\mathcal{L} = e^{\mu} \partial _{\mu} \mathcal{L}$$ My calulation, with ##\phi## my field and the variation of the field under space time tranlation ##D\phi = e^{\mu} \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial x^{\mu}}## ...
  3. Haorong Wu

    I Improper density matrix with negative eigenvalues

    Hi, there. I am working with a model, in which the dimension of the Hilbert space is infinite. But Since only several states are directly coupled to the initial state and the coupling strength are weak, then I only consider a subspace spanned by these states. The calculation shows that the...
  4. cwill53

    Capacitor and Surface Charge Density Question

    When I plug in the numbers I get ##2.9513\cdot 10^{-5}C/m^2##, not ##17.6\cdot 10^{-6} C/m^2##. Can someone point out where I'm going wrong?
  5. P

    I Find P(X+Y>1/2) for given joint density function

    Hey everybody, :smile: I have a joint density of the random variables ##X## and ##Y## given and want to find out ##P(X+Y>1/2)##. The joint density is as follows: $$f_{XY}(x,y) = \begin{cases}\frac{1}{y}, &0<x<y,0<y<1 \\ 0, &else \end{cases}$$ To get a view of this I created a plot: As...
  6. P

    Current generated by plasma of uneven density in a Magnetic Field

    I am only asking about part (b)(i) and (b)(ii). Below is the explanation for (b)(i). What is going on in the above? I understand up till the 3rd line, about the left/right hand circular motion. What is the "upward motion" the solution mentioned? Is it suggesting that ions are moving...
  7. A

    Writing the charge density in the form of the Dirac delta function

    Hey guys! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm having some trouble to express this charge distribution as dirac delta functions. I know that the charge distribution of a circular disc in the ##x-y##-plane with radius ##a## and charge ##q## is given by $$\rho(r,\theta)=qC_a...
  8. G

    I How do I calculate density given height and volume?

    I’m trying to calculate how many Joules are stored in the Hyperion tree, the worlds tallest (115.84 m). However, I cannot find the mass of said tree, and am trying to find it by multiplying density by the volume (530 m^3) because if p=m/V then p•V=m, but I cannot find the density of the tree, so...
  9. L

    Help calculating the current from the density and a rotating frame

    hi need help in physics HW: given current density [J][/→]=[J][/0][x][/Λ] and rotating frame with given surface vector: $$ A^→ = A_0(cos(wt)x^Λ + sin(wt)y^Λ$$ in need to calculate I(t) i tried I = ∫J*dA but i don't know i to technically do the math please help me
  10. J Silva

    Is the magnetic flux density B constant?

    Summary:: Is the magnetic flux density B constant? Is the magnetic flux constant? I am working on a project design for Uni and I am stuck. In a magnetic circuit is either the magnetic flux or the magnetic flux density B constant? This magnetic circuit has all different cross section areas and...
  11. Haorong Wu

    I Applying Heisenberg picture to density operator

    Suppose that a particle evolves from point A to point B. The state of the particle can be written as $$\rho=\sum \left | m\right >\rho_{mn}\left< n\right | .$$ Because the basis is evolving as the particle travels, I am considering applying the Heisenberg picture to the density operator. Let...
  12. GhostLoveScore

    Calculating flux density of radio telescope

    Hello I've made a small program that does FFT, Fast Fourier Transform on a signal from radio receiver (RTL SDR), and parabolic antenna. Of course, the output is amplitude depending on frequency. I want to use it to detect and measure 1420MHz radiation from space. But I'm not sure on what's the...
  13. P

    I Is the current density operator derived from fundamental considerations?

    Hello, I found this article. In equation (1) the authors wrote that the current operator is given by : ## - \frac{\delta H}{\delta A} ##. I just would like to know if this relation is a just definition or if it can be derived from more fundamentals considerations ? Thanks !
  14. I

    Compacting particles to add density

    Hi, I was wondering if compacting a particle p, you could create an even more dense one. In my theory, you would have a particle of any material, (for example: copper) and you combine it with another copper particle, if you compacted it enough, would the density of the two particles be added up...
  15. C

    Uniform Density Stars: Struggling with Understanding

    I don't know where to start. This chapter is incredibly confusing for me.
  16. patric44

    Derivation of the density of states?

    hi guys i have a question about the derivation of the density of states , after solving the Schrodinger equation in the 3d potential box and using the boundary conditions ... etc we came to the conclusion that the quantum state occupy a volume of ##\frac{\pi^{3}}{V_{T}}## in k space and to...
  17. I

    I Relation between spectral intensity and spectral energy density

    In Principles of Lasers by Svelto, while deriving the Planck radiation formula, equation 2.2.3 says $$I_{\nu} = \frac {c_0} {4n} \rho_\nu$$ where ##I_\nu## is the spectral intensity at some hole in the cavity wall (energy per time per area per frequency), ##c_0## is the speed of light in...
  18. yourheartandsoul

    Finding blood pressure from density and height difference

    I did (1300)(9.81)(0.67) and got 8544.51 N/m^2 but unsure if that was the correct route to take. Please confirm or deny if I was approaching it in the correct way!
  19. J

    Find rate of temperature change using heat capacity, density and area

    So first I found rate of heat change using the above equation, with T=883K, e=1, SA= 6*l^2=21.66 Now dQ/dt=746593.71 W Now I am not sure entirely what to do next. They give density so I likely have to get the mass from that, M=pV,=1.9^3*4037=27689.783 kg. My issue is that I don't know how to...
  20. redtree

    I Separation of variables for Named Probability Density Distributions

    Given a probability density distribution ##P(\vec{x})##, for what named distributions is the following true: \begin{equation} \begin{split} P(\vec{x}) &= P_1(x_1) P_2(x_2) ... P_n(x_n) \end{split} \end{equation}
  21. LeoChan

    I When was the matter density equal to the vacuum energy density?

    In ΛCDM, H(t0) = 70km/s/Mpc, Ωd(t0) = 0.3, Ωr(t0) = 0 and ΩΛ(t0) =0.7, so that Ω(t0) = Ωd(t0) + Ωr(t0) + ΩΛ(t0) = 1and the universe is spatially flat. I want to know the t and z when the matter density equal to the vacuum energy density. By total energy density equation, I think Ωd(t) +...
  22. E

    Average Energy density and the Poynting vector of an EM wave

    Hi, In Problem 9.12 of Griffiths Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th edition (Problem 9.11 3rd edition), in the problem, he says that one can calculate the average energy density and Poynting vector as using the formula I don't really understand how to do...
  23. I

    Chemistry How Do You Measure the Density and Sugar Content of 7-Up?

    I know I need to measure the density of 7-Up. I can measure its volume, but I don't know how to find its mass. I also need to determine the composition of sugar in water, and compare 7-Up solution to the known sugar/water mixtures -- I don't know how to do these. Thanks.
  24. K

    B Could Archimedes' problem have been solved a little differently?

    When I was reading this page to understand Archimedes' 'story' I got a question: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/pbuoy.html#buoy According to the example shown, Archimedes found the density of crown by finding the apparent weight. What if he had just measured the volume of water...
  25. H

    If the wave function is normalized, what is the probability density at x?

    The wave function ψ(x) of a particle confined to 0 ≤ x ≤ L is given by ψ(x) = Ax, ψ(x) = 0 for x < 0 and x > L. When the wave function is normalized, the probability density at coordinate x has the value? (A) 2x/L^2. (B) 2x^2 / L^2. (C) 2x^2 /L^3. (D) 3x^2 / L^3. (E) 3x^3 / L^3 Ans : D
  26. A

    I Change of variables in the Density of States function

    I have a problem where I am given the density of states for a Fermion gas in terms of momentum: ##D(p)dp##. I need to express it in terms of the energy of the energy levels, ##D(\varepsilon)d\varepsilon##, knowing that the gas is relativistic and thus ##\varepsilon=cp##. Replacing ##p## by...
  27. S

    B What is the true density of the Asteroid Belt?

    Hello All Typical 'artist's impressions' of the Asteroid Belt show a large density of matter, see the attached view. Many unmanned spacecraft (and hopefully soon some manned ones) have crossed this belt, without encountering any asteroids, so how close is this view to the truth? Is there any...
  28. C

    Density of balls submerged in a liquid and connected by a hard rod

    Performing force balance on the two balls, I obtain ## T+\frac{4\pi}{3}g \rho_3 R_1 ^3 = \frac{4\pi}{3}g \rho_1 R_1^3 ## ## T+\frac{4\pi}{3}g \rho_2 R_2^3 = \frac{4\pi}{3}g \rho_3 R_2^3 ## from which I obtain ## \rho_3 = \frac{\rho_1 R_1^3 + \rho_2R_2^3 }{R_1^3 + R_2 ^3 }## and ## 2T...
  29. brotherbobby

    Scale height ##z_0## of atmosphere's density profile

    I want to begin by writing the problem and drawing its sketch to make things clearer on what is being asked for. Given : In the sketch shown to the right, the density profile of air with increasing ##z## is given by ##\rho=\rho_0 \exp(-z/z_0)##. Since we know the value of atmospheric pressure...
  30. MahdiI84

    I Obtain the Density of State using the Green function

    Hi everyone. Using the Green function, I want to obtain the density of states of a one-dimensional (linear) lattice. Depending on the problem conditions, we will have an iterative loop with 4,000 data for the energy component and a iteration loop with 2,000 data for the wave number component. In...
  31. MahdiI84

    Fortran Density of state of a linear lattice

    PROGRAM DensityOfState IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: omega , t0 , a0 ,kx omega=1 ; t0 =1 ; a0=1 REAL :: kx , eta , w , ek eta=0.0015 REAL,PARAMETER :: pi=3.14 COMPLEX , PARAMETER ::i=(0,1) COMPLEX :: Energy COMPLEX :: Density COMPLEX :: GreenFunc...
  32. brotherbobby

    B Variation of air density with height

    Using the ideal gas equation ##PV = nRT\Rightarrow PV = \frac{m}{M} RT## where ##m,M## are the mass and molecular weights of the gas respectively. This yields ##\frac{m}{V} = \frac{PM}{RT} = \rho##, the density of the gas at a point with pressure ##P##. If only we can obtain the variation of...
  33. M

    Probability Density Functions: Transformation of Variables

    Hi, I have a question about probability transformations when the transformation function is a many-to-one function over the defined domain. Question: How do we transform the variables when the transformation function is not a one-to-one function over the domain defined? If we have ## p(x) =...
  34. M

    Finding marginal distribution of 2d of probability density function

    Hi, I have question about finding marginal distributions from 2d marginal pdfs that lead to the probabilities being greater than 1. Question: If we have the joint probability distribution ## f(x, y) = k \text{ for} |x| \leq 0.5 , |y| \leq 0.5 ## and 0 otherwise. I have tried to define a square...
  35. person123

    I Computing the Density of a Point Cloud

    Hi. For some background, I am running molecular dynamics simulations of silica fracture in LAMMPS. Each point represents the location of a broken bond. I would like to find regions where many bonds are breaking, which I speculate would be locations of crack formation. These computations are...
  36. PhysicsTest

    Finding the conduction current density

    The current density is given by the formula ##J_e = (n\mu_n + p\mu_p)qE = \sigma E; \sigma \text{=conductivity}## ->eq1 The resistivity of intrinsic germanium is 60 Ohm-cm, the equation 1 becomes ##J_i=n_i(\mu_n + \mu_p)qE## ->eq2 ##J_i=60 \text{ ohm-cm} ## Applying the standard equations...
  37. Y

    How does the saturation flux density affect magnetic field strength?

    So I'm confused what the Saturation Flux Density is referring to. Defintion says it is when you no longer get an increase in H-field when increasing external B-field. So, does the satuation flux mean the core can only create fields UP TO that saturation flux, or that it can make a stronger...
  38. Arman777

    A What is the jerk parameter in terms of the Density parameters?

    In cosmology the deceleration parameter defined as the $$q_0 = \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\Omega_{i,0}(1+3w_i)$$ Is there a similar expression for the jerk parameter (##j_0##) ?
  39. Another

    Question about Lagrangian density

    this figure form ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effective_mass_(spring%E2%80%93mass_system) ) massive spring ; m K.E. of total spring equal to ## K.E. = \frac{1}{2} \sum dm_i v_i^2 = \frac{1}{2} \sum \rho dy (Vy/L)^2## V is the speed at the end of the spring and V are same speed of mass M...
  40. Another

    Problem about dot product in probability density problem

    I don't understand why ? ## \Psi ∇ ⋅ (A \Psi^ *) + \Psi ^* ∇ ⋅ (A \Psi ) = 2 ∇ ⋅(A \Psi ^* \Psi) ## form ## ∇ ⋅ (fg) = ∇f ⋅ g + f(∇ ⋅ g) ## Attempt at a Solution ## \Psi ∇ ⋅ (A \Psi^ *) + \Psi ^* ∇ ⋅ (A \Psi ) = 2 ∇ ⋅ (A \Psi ^* \Psi) - ∇\Psi ^* ⋅ A\Psi - ∇\Psi ⋅ (A\Psi ^*) ##
  41. PhysicsTest

    Find the electric field from charge density

    There is a section in the BJT explanation the charge density and the corresponding electric field graphs. But i was not sure how the electric field is derived and hence i started deriving it. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong in posting the question It is an ##npn## BJT. My...
  42. S

    Do equations for groundwater flow refer to water density?

    As I understand Darcy's law, it computes the flux of water through an area. The same value of flux can be the realized by different combinations of a density of water in the soil and the velocity of that water. So. as far as I can see, Darcy's law is ambiguous about which combination of...
  43. lelouch_v1

    Probability Density of ##x## (Wiener Process)

    Suppose that W(t) is just a Wiener process (i.e. a Gaussian in general). I want to know what the probability density for x, P(x), is. I started off by just assuming that I want to measure the expectation value of an observable f(x), so ##<f(x)>=\int_{W=0}^{W=t}{P(W)f(g(W))dW} \ \ ,\ \ x=g(W) ##...
  44. jk22

    I Question about density matrix

    With ##\rho=\sum_i p_i|\Psi_i\rangle\langle\Psi_i|##If the ##p_i=|\langle\Psi|\lambda_i\rangle|^2## are taken as joint probabilities given by quantum mechanics for the singlet state in EPRB then this cannot represent a statistical mix (classical) of those states because of Bell's theorem ?
  45. E

    Redshift & Total Energy Density

    1. If today vacuum and matter contribute 71 % and 29 % to the total energy density of the universe, at what redshift z were they contributing equally? 2. If today vacuum, matter, and radiation contribute 71 %, 29 %, and 0.01% to the total energy density of the universe, at what redshift z were...
  46. K

    Probability density in statistical Mechanics

    First of all, I've calculated the partition function:Z=1h3∫e−βH(q,p)d3pd3q=1h3∫e−β(p22m−12mrω2)d3prdrdθdz=2πL(2mπh2β)3/2e12βmω2R2−1ω2mβThe probability of being of one particle in radius $r_0$ is: p(r=r0)=1Z∫e−βHd3pd3q=∫1Z2πL(2mπh2β)3/2eβmrω22rdr So I've thought that because, by definition, the...
  47. D

    I Do we first determine the gravity or density of a celestial object?

    Do we first find out as to what is the gravitational strength of a celestial object and then with that determine its density or do we first know what is its density and then conclude with that as to what is its gravity? Also whether the knowledge about gravitational strength or density comes...

    Electrodynamics regarding volume charge density behavior

    In this explanation we need to involve the Dirac delta functions(maybe) but I clearly have a difficulty in understanding it can some one explain me the whole concept of constant or non constant volume charge density.