What is Creation: Definition and 323 Discussions

Creationism is the religious belief that nature, and aspects such as the universe, Earth, life, and humans, originated with supernatural acts of divine creation.
In its broadest sense, creationism includes a continuum of religious views, which vary in their acceptance or rejection of scientific explanations such as evolution that describe the origin and development of natural phenomena.The term creationism most often refers to belief in special creation; the claim that the universe and lifeforms were created as they exist today by divine action, and that the only true explanations are those which are compatible with a Christian fundamentalist literal interpretation of the creation myths found in the Bible's Genesis creation narrative. Since the 1970s, the most common form of this has been Young Earth creationism which posits special creation of the universe and lifeforms within the last 10,000 years on the basis of flood geology, and promotes pseudoscientific creation science. From the 18th century onward, Old Earth creationism accepted geological time harmonized with Genesis through gap or day-age theory, while supporting anti-evolution. Modern old-Earth creationists support progressive creationism and continue to reject evolutionary explanations. Following political controversy, creation science was reformulated as intelligent design and neo-creationism.Mainline Protestants and the Catholic Church reconcile modern science with their faith in Creation through forms of theistic evolution which hold that God purposefully created through the laws of nature, and accept evolution. Some groups call their belief evolutionary creationism. Less prominently, there are also members of the Islamic and Hindu faiths who are creationists. Use of the term "creationist" in this context dates back to Charles Darwin's unpublished 1842 sketch draft for what became On the Origin of Species, and he used the term later in letters to colleagues. Asa Gray published a 1873 article in The Nation saying a "special creationist" who held that species "were supernaturally originated just as they are, by the very terms of his doctrine places them out of the reach of scientific explanation."

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  1. N

    Does Born rigidity describe particle creation?

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  2. J

    Particle creation in an accelerating Universe?

    Hi, I am interested to hear what people think of the following argument that in an accelerating Universe virtual particles that are separated by the Hubble radius R(t) or more cannot annihilate and thus become real particles. Thus, by the uncertainty principle, particle pairs with energy E...
  3. T

    Virtual Particle Creation Rate Near an Event Horizon

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  4. J

    Mechanism for matter creation in an expanding Universe?

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  5. P

    Does Creation of Energy in Universe Violate Conservation of Energy?

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  6. N

    Particle annihilation and creation

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  7. I

    Create Boson: Know Pion vs Other?

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  8. K

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  9. T

    QFT as pilot-wave theory of particle creation and destruction

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  11. M

    Conjugation of creation and annihilation operators - Fock's

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  12. V

    Analytic function, creation and annihilation operators proof

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  13. T

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  14. N

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  15. M

    Creation of space what exactly does this mean

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  16. MattRob

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  17. BWV

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  18. H

    QFT: Understanding Creation & Destruction Operators

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  19. M

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  20. C

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  21. Evo

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  22. S

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  23. J

    Laws of Physics not applicable at the 'moment of creation'?

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  24. S

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  25. W

    News Job Creation - the Key To Protecting Entitlements

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  26. N

    Can creation and annihilation operators be used in interaction case?

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  27. A

    In diode why there is creation of depletion region?advanced thanks.

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  28. C

    Derivation of creation and annihilation operator commutation relations

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  29. F

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  30. S

    Creation or destruction of particol in the state function

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  31. H

    Anti-matter vs matter at creation.

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  32. L

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  33. A

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  34. T

    Annihilation and Creation operator problem

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  35. A

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  36. H

    Magnet with single pole creation

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  37. PainterGuy

    Creation of sequence 1, 12, 123,

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  38. A

    Quantum mechanics - creation and annihilation operators

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  39. nomadreid

    Creation of singlets: charge conservation?

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  40. M

    Minimum Surface Charge Density for Spark Creation

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  41. Y

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  42. B

    Non-existence of God, Hawking, Spontaneous creation, law of gravity

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  43. M

    Stars: Creation, destruction and impact on the universe

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  44. U

    Why does this Bra Ket (with creation and annihilation operators) equal zero?

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  45. D

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  46. S

    Formation of Stars: How Gas Spins to Fuel Birth

    If a typical star is created by a spinning ball of gas, how does the gas start spinning in the first place to fuel that birth?
  47. atyy

    String creation and destruction

    Can strings be created and destroyed (like particles)?
  48. M

    Question about spontaneous creation.

    Hey, everyone. This is my first post. I am a physics and science lover with little university level schooling in those fields. I was reading the new hawking/mlodinow book "The grand design",a nd had a question about the spontaneous creation on the quantum level. The book states that...
  49. C

    Balancing equation for creation of Potassium benzoate

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  50. D

    Fermion creation and annihilation operators

    Hi. If c and c^\dagger are fermion annihilation and creation operators, respectively, we know that cc^\dagger+c^\dagger c=1 and cc=0 and c^\dagger c^\dagger=0. I can use this to show the following [c^\dagger c,c]=c^\dagger cc-c c^\dagger c=-cc^\dagger c=-c(1-cc^\dagger)=-c But on the...