What is Constant: Definition and 1000 Discussions

The molar gas constant (also known as the gas constant, universal gas constant, or ideal gas constant) is denoted by the symbol R or R. It is the molar equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, expressed in units of energy per temperature increment per mole, i.e. the pressure–volume product, rather than energy per temperature increment per particle. The constant is also a combination of the constants from Boyle's law, Charles's law, Avogadro's law, and Gay-Lussac's law. It is a physical constant that is featured in many fundamental equations in the physical sciences, such as the ideal gas law, the Arrhenius equation, and the Nernst equation.
The gas constant is the constant of proportionality that relates the energy scale in physics to the temperature scale and the scale used for amount of substance. Thus, the value of the gas constant ultimately derives from historical decisions and accidents in the setting of units of energy, temperature and amount of substance. The Boltzmann constant and the Avogadro constant were similarly determined, which separately relate energy to temperature and particle count to amount of substance.
The gas constant R is defined as the Avogadro constant NA multiplied by the Boltzmann constant k (or kB):





{\displaystyle R=N_{\rm {A}}k.}
Since the 2019 redefinition of SI base units, both NA and k are defined with exact numerical values when expressed in SI units. As a consequence, the SI value of the molar gas constant is exactly 8.31446261815324 J⋅K−1⋅mol−1.
Some have suggested that it might be appropriate to name the symbol R the Regnault constant in honour of the French chemist Henri Victor Regnault, whose accurate experimental data were used to calculate the early value of the constant. However, the origin of the letter R to represent the constant is elusive. The universal gas constant was apparently introduced independently by Clausius’ student, A.F. Horstmann (1873)
and Dmitri Mendeleev who reported it first on Sep. 12, 1874.

Using his extensive measurements of the properties of gases,

he also calculated it with high precision, within 0.3% of its modern value.

The gas constant occurs in the ideal gas law:





{\displaystyle PV=nRT=mR_{\rm {specific}}T}
where P is the absolute pressure (SI unit pascals), V is the volume of gas (SI unit cubic metres), n is the amount of gas (SI unit moles), m is the mass (SI unit kilograms) contained in V, and T is the thermodynamic temperature (SI unit kelvins). Rspecific is the mass-specific gas constant. The gas constant is expressed in the same units as are molar entropy and molar heat capacity.

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  1. J

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  10. C

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  11. Cerenkov

    B How does the cosmological constant affect gravitational collapse?

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  12. T

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  13. R

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  14. A

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  16. greg_rack

    Time constant of a discharge RC circuit, capacity and charge

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  17. W

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  18. WMDhamnekar

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  19. E

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  20. I

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  21. K

    Constant 1 g acceleration problem

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  23. E

    Calculating Earth's Effective Spring Constant for its Orbit Around the Sun

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  24. aspodkfpo

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  28. G

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  29. A

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  31. P

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  32. Like Tony Stark

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  33. Paul Stowe

    I The Non Constant Gravitational Constant (G)?

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  34. F

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  35. anemone

    MHB Evaluate the constant in polynomial function

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  36. R

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  37. R

    Show that Tv^(R/c_v) = constant

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  38. S

    Force to make 2 blocks move relative to each other at constant speed

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  40. T

    External pressure when internal pressure is constant

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  41. J

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  42. chwala

    Finding this constant in a quartic polynomial

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  43. S

    Normalization constant A of a harmonic oscillator

    I've worked through it doing what I thought I should have done. I normalized the original wavefunction(x,0) and made it = one before using orthonormality to get to A^2(1-1) because i^2=-1 but my final answer comes out at 1/0 which is undefined and I don't see how that could be correct since A is...
  44. E

    B Confused about holding variables constant during integration

    For a double integral, we might treat the "inner integral" separately and be able to compute something like ##\int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(x,y) dx## by holding ##y## constant during the integration. The same technique is applied in other places too, like for solving exact differential equations. I haven't...
  45. jk22

    I Nomenclature : global or constant phase

    Is the phase factor in : ##e^{i\phi}\Psi(x)## a constant or a global phase factor called ?
  46. E

    Proving time constant formulas of a capacitor using Kirchoff's laws

    the attached files are a diagram of the circuit. also I believe I figured out how to proof equation (7) but I'm lost on how to proof (8)
  47. omega_minus

    A Effective Spring Constant of a Chain Polymer

    Hi All, I'm doing research in magnetic nanoparticles that are coated with chain molecules (oleic acid, I believe) and I am trying to model these molecules' effective spring constant. The basic scenario is this: When a water-based ferrofluid is evaporated, it leaves behind only dried...
  48. S

    B Is there a thought experiment to show that the speed of light is constant?

    I know the amazing thought experiment by Albert Einstein with the two light clocks. (The observer at the train station has a light clock and the person in the train.) It's amazing because you can even deduce the formula to calculate how fast the clock in the train goes. But this experiment...
  49. T

    Java Changing the Universal Gravitational Constant: A Java Applet

    Hello folks, I am working on Java program just for fun to model an n-body problem using 3-dimension graphics. I'm looking for a way to speed up the model. Suppose for example that I decide to increase the speeds of all objects by a factor of, say, 2. To compensate, I would also increase the...
  50. S

    Measuring Agreement Between Experimental Values of Constant k

    Hello folks, Not strictly a homework question, but thought this might be the best place for it. If I determine (experimentally) two values for some constant k, is there a simple meaningful way to state their (percentage) agreement. For example, imagine I carry out two different experiments and...