What is Approximation: Definition and 763 Discussions

An approximation is anything that is intentionally similar but not exactly equal to something else.

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  1. P

    Approximation to an average of integer square roots

    I have stumbled upon an approximation to the average of integer square roots. \sum^{n}_{k=1}{\sqrt{k}/n} \approx \sqrt{median(1,2,...,n)} Sorry I am not very good at LaTeX, but I hope this comes across okay. Could anyone explain why this might be happening? In fact, I just discovered that...
  2. Q

    What is the Riemann Sum Approximation for this Homework Problem?

    Homework Statement https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/1456973_10201043975243279_1765184125_n.jpg?oh=05b39611ad70d28d837ed219e1b0f2aa&oe=52838593 Homework Equations The area can be approximated by using the sum of the areas of the rectangles. Area of rectangle = change...
  3. Lebombo

    Taylor/Polynomial Approximation Question

    If I have a polynomial function f(x) and I want to find an approximate polynomial g(x). I can apply the Nth order Taylor Polynomial of f centered at some value a. So suppose I have f(x) = 5 - 6x + 20x^3 + 10x^5 and I want to find an approximate function, g(x), centered at 5. From what I...
  4. Lebombo

    Local Linear Approximation vs Linearization

    Are Local Linear Approximation, Linear Approximation, and Linearization all the same thing? Question is, I learned about something called Local Linear Approximation in Calc 1. Now in Calc 2, the topic of Linearization from Calc 1 was mentioned. But I never did anything that was referred...
  5. karush

    MHB Linear Approximation: Intro to Physics Problem

    https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/1614 never done this before so this is an intro problem it mentioned that LA is used in Physics a lot hopefully correct no ans in bk(Speechless)
  6. K

    MHB Verification of poisson approximation to hypergeometric distribution

    How can I verify that $\lim_{N,M,K \to \infty, \frac{M}{N} \to 0, \frac{KM}{N} \to \lambda} \frac{\binom{M}{x}\binom{N-M}{K-x}}{\binom{N}{K}} = \frac{\lambda^x}{x!}e^{-\lambda}$, **without** using **Stirling's formula** or the **Poisson approximation to the Binomial**? I have been stuck on...
  7. Seydlitz

    Proof of the Alternating Series Approximation Theorem

    Homework Statement Problem taken from Boas Mathematical Methods book, Section 14 page 35. Prove that if ##S=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n## is an alternating series with ##|a_{n+1}|<|a_n|##, and ##\lim_{n \to \infty} a_n=0##, then ##|S-(a_1+a_2+...+a_n)|\leq|a_{n+1}|##. The Attempt at a...
  8. PsychonautQQ

    Linear Approximation of (xy)/z at (-3,2,1)

    Homework Statement Find the linear approximation of (xy)/z at the point (-3,2,1) The Attempt at a Solution So the example my book gives has 2 variables so I'm struggling a bit with this, But I started off by taking the partial derivative with respect to each variable and solving for...
  9. N

    Statistics problem-exponential approximation

    Statistics problem---exponential approximation Homework Statement A box contains 2n balls of n different colors, with 2 of each color. Balls are picked at random from the box with replacement until two balls of the same color have appeared. Let X be the number of draws made. a) Find a...
  10. R

    StatMech: Binomial approximation

    Homework Statement The question requires me to approximate binomial distribution to get poisson distribution. Show that N!/(N-n)!=N^n. Homework Equations N!/n!(N-n)! p^n q^(N-n)=Binomial distribution The Attempt at a Solution I expanded N!/(N-n)! and got...
  11. weirdoguy

    Steepest-descent approximation

    Hello everyone, my first post :shy: I'm reading Zee's 'QFT in a Nutshell' and I came to one thing that bothers me - he's short discussion of steepest-descent approximation. I've known this thing for quite a long time now, but I've never seen the approximation of the corrections. Here is what...
  12. P

    MHB Approximation and Logarithm Problem

    I just need some help with some basic questions I can't remember from a long time ago, just started up school again... 1) Given a function f(x) = (quadratic on top)/(quadratic on bottom) When at x=1, I am given a tangent line to the function f(x), and also given the equation of the tangent...
  13. A

    Something better than a patched conic approximation?

    Hi guys, I've made a Mathematica n-body simulation of the first few planets in our Solar System and thought it would be a good idea to try and simulate a spacecraft transfer from Earth to Mars. I've thought about using a patched conic approximation, but I was wondering if there is anything...
  14. P

    How Is the Permutation Approximation Proven for Large N?

    How can I prove that, for N\gg n \frac{N!}{(N-n)!}\approx N^{n} I've tried doing \frac{N!}{(N-n)!}=\exp\left(\ln\frac{N!}{(N-n)!}\right)=\exp\left(\ln N!-\ln\left(N-n\right)!\right) \underset{stirling}{\approx}\exp\left(N\ln N-N-\left(N-n\right)\ln\left(N-n\right)+N-n\right)...
  15. G

    What is the value of θ when the error in sinθ ≈ θ is approximately 5%?

    Homework Statement In order to simplify problems in physics, we often use various approximations. For example, when we investigate diffraction and interference patterns at small angles θ, we frequently approximate sinθ and tanθ by θ (in radians). Here you will calculate over what range these...
  16. jfy4

    Low-Dimensional Matrix Approximation

    Hi, Lets say that I have a 4x4 matrix, and am interested in projecting out the most important information in that matrix into a 2x2 matrix. Is there an optimal projection to a lower dimensional matrix where one keeps most of the matrix intact as best as possible? Thanks.
  17. G

    Book suggestions for WKB approximation and Perturbations in Cosmology

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if you guys could suggest me some good books in cosmology with finely explained WKB method and Perturbations especially in Structure formation area. I have "The early universe" by Klob and Turner and "Cosmology" by Weinberg , but they seem unpalatable at first...
  18. MarkFL

    MHB Courtney's question at Yahoo Answers regarding Error Bound for approximation methods

    Here is the question: I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
  19. P

    Linear approximation of a nonlinear component.

    Hello, I am trying to find the effective resistance of the NLR in the attachment (to the first order). It is given that IL = gVL2 + I0. I understand that this is normally achieved via ∂g/∂V at V=V0, but when I do so I get that R should be 1/(2gV0), and not 1/2g as shown in the solution. Could...
  20. C

    What is the Best Approximation for Heat Transfer in Two-Dimensional Systems?

    Hi there. At first I tought of posting this thread on the homework category, but this is a conceptual doubt rather than anything else. While revisiting Heat Transfer I stumbled upon a simple problem, that yet got me thinking. It is as follows: Before anything else, let me show...
  21. S

    Capacitance approximation of a non parallel plate capacitor

    I am in process of designing a homemade capacitance sensor and I'd like to have an approximation of the resulting capacitance of the following geometry. The plates are placed on the outer surface of a food grade plastic cylinder. The distance z between their edges is many times smaller than the...
  22. M

    Integration through approximation

    There is no analytical solution of the integral below. Can we approxiamate the analytical solution? \int_{k}^{K} \frac{exp(-log^2 (x))}{x(x-A)}dx
  23. A

    Eigen Value Approximation algorithms?

    Hi Guys, I have just started studying about this field. Can you give me some ideas about some best eigen value estimators? Both for SPD and non-SPD matrices. Thanks you. :-)
  24. M

    In derivative as linear approximation why does E(h)/h->0 as h->0

    When I started learning Multivariable calc first we went back and developed a new notion of derivative as a linear approximation. And what we came up with was F(a+h)=F(a)+mh+E(h) * where m is the derivative. Basically the function minus the line tangent to point a. However there is a...
  25. Q

    Relativity with Charged Particles & Fluid Approx.

    Hello community, I'm new here. I'm using FORTRAN to model the motion of electrons and ions when accelerated under a high voltage potential. I'm using a fluid approximation and MHD-like equations (conservation of mass, energy, momentum) and a finite volumes numerical method to solve the...
  26. C

    Proving formula for approximation of a plane tangent to Z

    I think I've got the basics of forum notation now, thanks to Fredrick from my other thread. Here goes: Show: Z = z_0 + a(x-x_0) + b(y-y_0) where a = f_x = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} and b = f_y = \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} I'm attempting this using the coordinate method, but how...
  27. T

    Numerical Approximation of a 4D System of ODE's

    What is the most general method of approximating arbitrary systems of ODEs of 4 variables(x,y,z,t) that fit these conditions? The conditions that are assumed true of the ODEs are: 1) that I require differentials to be explicitly defined (but they can be defined in terms of other...
  28. A

    Dirichlet's Approximation Theorem not working for n=8 and α= pi?

    Dirichlet's Approximation Theorem not working for n=8 and α= pi? I am reading a number theory textbook that states Dirichlet's Approximation Theorem as follows: If α is a real number and n is a positive integer, then there exists integers a and b with 1≤ a ≤ n such that |aα-b|< 1/n . There...
  29. G

    Fermi energy approximation for white dwarfs

    Hello, I have read several articles/websites which talk about modelling white dwarfs, In all of these papers they state that it can be assumed the electrons have temperature zero, i.e. T<<T_fermi. I haven't been able to find a solid explanation of why this is approximation is possible...
  30. L

    Approximation of specific heat, Debye model

    Hi everyone I have trouble with this task Homework Statement the specific heat cv is given by c_v =\frac {N_A k_b \hbar^2}{{\Omega_D}^3 {k_b}^2 T^2} \int \limits_{0}^{\Omega_D} \! \frac {\Omega^4 exp\frac{\hbar \Omega}{k_b T}}{{(exp\frac{\hbar \Omega}{k_b T}-1})^2} \, d\Omega I...
  31. Mentallic

    Probability approximation

    Homework Statement Take 50 free throws in basketball, and record the number of successful shots. 1) Use this data to estimate your free throw percentage. 2) Construct a 95% confidence interval for this estimated quantity.Homework Equations X ~ Binomial(n,p) The Attempt at a Solution I...
  32. D

    Double Harmonic Approximation IR intensties

    This feels silly asking but I have a question about units using the double harmonic approximation to determine IR spectral intensities. In the double harmonic approximation the intensity is given by the square of the derivative of the dipole with respect to a normal mode coordinate times a...
  33. tomwilliam2

    Shallow water wave approximation

    I'm working through a solved problem in a fluid mechanics textbook. In it, the group velocity of a dispersive wave is calculated as: $$c_g = \frac{1}{2}c\left (1 + 2kh\ \text{cosech} (2kh) \right)$$ Where k is the angular wavenumber, and h is the depth of the water, which is fine. Now for...
  34. E

    Which Asymptotic Equation is More Accurate for Large Values of Rho?

    Hello all, Which of the following asymptotic equations (as rho goes to infinity) correct: 1-\prod_{m=1}^M(1-\rho^{-x_m})\doteq \sum_{m=1}^M \rho^{-x_m} or 1-\prod_{m=1}^M(1-\rho^{-x_m})\doteq \rho^{-\underset{m}{\min}x_m} Thanks
  35. H

    How to solve for allowed energies with the WKB approximation?

    Hello, I'm trying to solve for the allowed energies with the WKB approximation of the Schrodinger equation, using the Morse potential. So I have (as per equation 35 at http://hitoshi.berkeley.edu/221a/WKB.pdf), \int_a^b \sqrt{2m(E-V(x))}dx=\left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right)\pi\hbar However, how do I...
  36. T

    IPA Potential Energy Approximation

    Homework Statement The IPA potential-energy function ##U(r)## is the potential energy "felt" by an atomic electron in the average field of the other ##Z-1## electrons plus the nucleus. If one knew the average charge distribution ##p(r)## of the ##Z-1## electrons, it would be a fairly simple...
  37. W

    Stochastic approximation applied to fixed source problem

    Dear forum members, I am trying to solve the following system of equations. ψ(x,y,z)=∫∫ψ(x',y',z)K(x',y',z)dx'dy' z=f(ψ) What I do is to solve the integral equation with a Monte Carlo method, evaluate "z" and do a loop until convergence. My question to you is whether it is...
  38. F

    Where does this approximation come from?

    \frac{\sqrt{1-a}}{\sqrt{1-b}}\approx \left ( 1-\frac{1}{2}a\right )\left ( 1+\frac{1}{2}b\right ) I know that the binomial approximation is first used, \frac{\sqrt{1-a}}{\sqrt{1-b}}\approx \frac{1-\frac{1}{2}a}{1-\frac{1}{2}b} But how does one approximate...
  39. twoski

    Finding the Curve with Least Squares Approximation: 15 hrs

    Homework Statement Given this data: hours / value ----------- 2 | 1.6 4 | 1.5 6 | 1.45 8 | 1.42 10 | 1.38 12 | 1.36 fit a curve of the form Y ≈ ae^{-bx} What value can you predict after 15 hours? The Attempt at a Solution So i can rewrite the equation as Y ≈ log(a)-bx...
  40. R

    Scattering Amplitude for Many Particles (Born Approximation)

    Homework Statement Given that the scattering amplitude off of a single atom is f_{1}(\vec{q}), find the scattering amplitude for 1) four atoms each placed in the corner of a square of length a, and 2) two atoms a distance d apart Homework Equations The total scattering amplitude can...
  41. M

    Proof of vailidity of WKB approximation Please help

    Hi, I have been looking for rigorous mathematical conditions for when the WKB approximation may be applied. Here is my understanding of the topic. We start with the most general form that the wavefunction could take, i.e. exp[if(x)/h] , Where "i" stands for square root of -1, f(x) is...
  42. Fernando Revilla

    MHB Jacob's question at Yahoo Answers (Alternating series approximation)

    Here is the question: Here is a link to the question: Approx. series help please? - Yahoo! AnswersI have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  43. E

    Integral Approximation: Tau <<T

    Hello, If tau<<T which of the following relations are true: \int_{\tau/(1+a)}^{(T+\tau)/(1+a)}v(t)e^{-j2\pi f_0 at}e^{-j2\pi\frac{k}{T}t[1+a]}\,dt=\int_{0}^{T/(1+a)}v(t)e^{-j2\pi f_0 at}e^{-j2\pi\frac{k}{T}t[1+a]}\,dt or \int_{\tau/(1+a)}^{(T+\tau)/(1+a)}v(t)e^{-j2\pi f_0...
  44. MarkFL

    MHB Estefano's question at Yahoo Answers involving a linear approximation

    Here is the question: Here is a link to the question: Need help with calculus word problem? - Yahoo! Answers I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  45. G

    MHB How can I optimize numerical approximation with fewer samples?

    Hi all, i have a problem to solve that i want maybe to solve with MATLAB o excel. I have a numerical samples and with linear approsimation i have a function, but now i want to use less samples for example only 20 and i want to find the best set of samples to approsimate in the best way the...
  46. D

    Partial Sum Approximation for Alternating Harmonic Series

    Homework Statement Find a value for n for which the nth partial sum is ensured to approximate the sum of the alternating harmonic infinite series to three decimal places. Homework Equations Sn = Ʃ(-1)^k+1*1/k = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 - . . . S1 = 1 S2 = 1 - 1/2 S3 = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 S4...
  47. T

    Theremin Hand Capacitance Approximation Needed

    I've been working on a Theremin Excel simulation for the past couple of months. For those who don't know what a Theremin is, it was one of the very first electronic instruments to be invented, and has two "antennas" that independently change the pitch and amplitude of a tone via hand...
  48. A

    A question about the proof of the simple approximation lemma

    The Simple Approximation Lemma Let f be a measurable real-valued function on E. Assume f is bounded on E, that is, there is an M \geq 0 for which |f|\leq M on E. Then for each \epsilon > 0, there are simple functions \phi_{\epsilon} and \psi_{\epsilon} defined on E which have the following...
  49. A

    Are Newton's laws also an approximation?

    So are Newton's laws also an approximation to quantum phenomena. Can it be derived from quantum laws?
  50. B

    Linear approximation higher order terms

    My questions are from lecture 9, MIT OCW SV Calculus, Jerison, 2009; At 27:50 he is deriving the linear approximation for the function e^(-3x)(1+x)^(-1/2)≈(1-3x)(1-1/2x)≈1-3x-1/2x+3/2x^2≈1-7/2x, for x near 0. In the last step he drops the x squared term since it is negligible(no questions so...