Recent content by Nathi ORea

  1. N

    I don't get a step with this quadratic question

    Ahhhh.. so that’s why they did it! Thank you very much 🙏
  2. N

    I don't get a step with this quadratic question

    Oh. I see. I haven't got to that section yet. Thank you!
  3. N

    I don't get a step with this quadratic question

    What rule says you can bring the 2 outside of it?
  4. N

    I don't get a step with this quadratic question

    Yup. So I used b2 - 4ac to find 28. All good. but I am not sure why they factorised 28?
  5. N

    Simplifying (b-a)/(a-b): A Scientific Approach

    I appreciate all the replies here guys. Heaps of different ways to think about it! You have all been a huge help!
  6. N

    Simplifying (b-a)/(a-b): A Scientific Approach

    Thanks for the reply. Doesn't multiplying the numerator twice equal 1 again? -1 x -1 x (b-a)
  7. N

    I don't understand this step in turning this negative into a positive

    Is it just neater to have a positive as the numerator or something?
  8. N

    I don't understand this step in turning this negative into a positive

    Ok.. that’s what they did aye Is there a reason why they did that?
  9. N

    I don't understand this step in turning this negative into a positive

    So I have this question. I get all the working out, but then I feel like the answer should be; -2/(b-a). Then I thought -2/(-a+b) must just be the same thing... all good so far.. Then they somehow just to 2/(a-b) as the final answer.. I'm lost there. How does that conversion happen...
  10. N

    Solving a⁻¹ - b⁻¹ = b - a /(ab)

    Thanks for that. I went back and learnt how to do it. I appreciate you gave it a name, because it makes it easier to search it up.
  11. N

    Solving a⁻¹ - b⁻¹ = b - a /(ab)

    Yup. I stuffed up there ;)
  12. N

    Solving a⁻¹ - b⁻¹ = b - a /(ab)

    Sorry. I am not good with the lingo. I'll remember that. Thanks.
  13. N

    Solving a⁻¹ - b⁻¹ = b - a /(ab)

    I appreciate your answer. I am a pretty untalented 43 year old who is slowly (very slowly) making his way though a year 11 NSW textbook.. That sentence goes completely over my head.. lol. I do understand that logical pathway though (if that is the correct usage at all), just the leap from...