Recent content by Chud

  1. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    thanks for all the help Wrichik (and TomG.) , I ended up calling manufacturer and it is an andoird system icon for hotspot options. I didnt think of this at the time but when you pull the drop down its right there and it says "android system" along with tethering info. But I think its overkill...
  2. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    thanks I just checked all the apps with system checked and still no match.. Wouldnt reseting get rid of malware? Also I looked on this exhaustive glossary and it didnt match anything. thanks if you have any more ideas
  3. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    Also I reset phone and it still shows up after turning on hotspot
  4. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    Thanks for the pdf! I didnt even think of looking in a manual. I just went through whole thing though and there is no icon that matches. Any other ideas by any chance? Thanks again!
  5. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    The phone is a NUU A5L.. thanks!
  6. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    thanks for replying. Its not privacy issue I just can't be bothered to sreenshot then upload. But the icon is precisely as i drew it. It shows up in upper left corner second after the hotspot icon appears. Kinda weird right?
  7. C

    Unknown android icon...what do you think?

    Whenever I turn on my hotspot, the hotspot icon appears but then second later this icon appears on upper left side. Anyone know what it is by any chance? (the pic isn't screenshot obviously, but the icon looks identical to this. (the grey background = phone wallpaper) I guess its related to...