Why is the KE operator negative in QM?

In summary: It's just a convention that is needed to make the equations work out correctly. But the physical interpretation of the kinetic energy is always positive, regardless of the mathematical representation. In summary, the negative sign in the kinetic energy operator for an H2+ molecule is a result of the convention and mathematical derivation in quantum mechanics, but it does not change the physical interpretation of the kinetic energy as always being positive.
  • #1
In the Hamilonian for an H2+, the kinetic energy of the electron (KE of nucleus ignored due to born-oppenheimer approximation) has a negative sign in front of it.

I understand the signs for the potential energy operators but not for the KE apart from the strictly mathematical point of view. Can someone explain this please?
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  • #2
sungholee said:
In the Hamilonian for an H2+, the kinetic energy of the electron (KE of nucleus ignored due to born-oppenheimer approximation) has a negative sign in front of it.
Do you mean the minus sign in ##p = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d}{dx}##? It is a general momentum operator, it looks like this for all quantum systems, not only restricted to H2+. Speaking of the minus sign, ##p## is an operator, it's not a number, it's not yet a measured physical quantity. Therefore, whether it contains negative signs or imaginary number does not make it peculiar.
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  • #3
Oh right. Then I assume there is no other explanation except for the mathematical derivation, as it's not technically got a physical meaning until the operator has been "operated" on a function, is that right?

Thanks so much
  • #4
sungholee said:
as it's not technically got a physical meaning until the operator has been "operated" on a function, is that right?
Yes, an operator becomes physical if it's measured. Only then, a question of whether negative signs or complex number are allowed make sense.
  • #5
Great. Thank you!
  • #6
blue_leaf77 said:
Do you mean the minus sign in ##p = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d}{dx}##? It is a general momentum operator, it looks like this for all quantum systems, not only restricted to H2+. Speaking of the minus sign, ##p## is an operator, it's not a number, it's not yet a measured physical quantity. Therefore, whether it contains negative signs or imaginary number does not make it peculiar.

I too was wondering about this. The equation T = -(ħ/2m)∇^2 seems to imply that the energy of a system decreases with ∇^2, which is counter intuitive. As the second spatial derivative is increased, the spatial frequency of a wavefunction should increase.
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  • #7
Steven Hanna said:
the spatial frequency of a wavefunction
What is that?
Steven Hanna said:
The equation T = -(ħ/2m)∇^2 seems to imply that the energy of a system increases with ∇^2, which is counter intuitive.
Applying the kinetic energy operator on a wavefunction does not give a value of kinetic energy, be it the measured one or the average one. Instead, it will just give you another wavefunction. If you want to calculate the quantum mechanical kinetic energy for a given wavefunction, you should calculate the expectation value ##\langle \psi |P^2/(2m)| \psi \rangle##. This will in general give you the "simulated" value of the average kinetic energy had the measurement is repeated infinite of times.
  • #8
blue_leaf77 said:
What is that?

Applying the kinetic energy operator on a wavefunction does not give a value of kinetic energy, be it the measured one or the average one. Instead, it will just give you another wavefunction. If you want to calculate the quantum mechanical kinetic energy for a given wavefunction, you should calculate the expectation value ##\langle \psi |P^2/(2m)| \psi \rangle##. This will in general give you the "simulated" value of the average kinetic energy had the measurement is repeated infinite of times.

Thanks for your quick reply! First, I edited my original post to say that the negative sign seems to imply that energy decreases with ∇2. So if you act the kinetic energy operator on an eigenfunction, wouldn't the eigenvalue be equal to the kinetic energy? If so, wouldn't this mean that energy decreases with ∇2?. Also, why is there no negative sign next to P2/(2m) in the expected value formula?

By spatial frequency I mean the number of cycles undergone by the wavefunction per unit distance. I believe this should increase with the second spatial derivative, e.g. sin(2x) vs. sin(x).
  • #9
Steven Hanna said:
why is there no negative sign next to P2/(2m) in the expected value formula?
The minus sign appear when you subtitute ##\mathbf{P}=-i\hbar \nabla##.
Steven Hanna said:
the negative sign seems to imply that energy decreases with ∇2
Mathematically, saying that something is decreasing or increasing with an operator, in this case the nabla, does not bear any well-defined meaning. You have to make it act on something before saying about a particular behavior of the resulting function. Moreover, for a wavefunction which goes to zero as it approaches infinity and is square-integrable, the expectation value of kinetic energy is always real and positive,
\langle \psi |P^2/(2m)| \psi \rangle = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \int \psi^*(x) \frac{d^2}{dx^2} \psi(x) dx \\
= -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \left( \psi^*(x)\frac{d}{dx} \psi(x)\Big|_{-\infty}^\infty - \int \frac{d}{dx} \psi(x) \frac{d}{dx} \psi^*(x) dx \right) \\
= \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \int \Big|\frac{d}{dx} \psi(x)\Big|^2 dx \geq 0
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  • #10
blue_leaf77 said:
The minus sign appear when you subtitute ##\mathbf{P}=-i\hbar \nabla##.

Mathematically, saying that something is decreasing or increasing with an operator, in this case the nabla, does not any well-defined meaning. You have to make it act on something before saying about a particular behavior of the resulting function. Moreover, for a wavefunction which goes to zero as it approaches infinity and is square-integrable, the expectation value of kinetic energy is always real and positive,
\langle \psi |P^2/(2m)| \psi \rangle = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \int \psi^*(x) \frac{d^2}{dx^2} \psi(x) dx \\
= -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \left( \psi^*(x)\frac{d}{dx} \psi(x)\Big|_{-\infty}^\infty - \int \frac{d}{dx} \psi(x) \frac{d}{dx} \psi^*(x) dx \right) \\
= \frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \int \Big|\frac{d}{dx} \psi(x)\Big|^2 dx \geq 0

thanks so much! I think I get it now: the expected value of kinetic energy is never negative, and the negative sign in the KE operator is there because (-i)*(-i) = -1.
  • #11
Steven Hanna said:
thanks so much! I think I get it now: the expected value of kinetic energy is never negative, and the negative sign in the KE operator is there because (-i)*(-i) = -1.
Yes exactly.

Related to Why is the KE operator negative in QM?

1. Why is the kinetic energy operator negative in quantum mechanics?

The kinetic energy operator in quantum mechanics is negative because it is derived from the Hamiltonian operator, which is a sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy operators. The kinetic energy operator is represented by the square of the momentum operator, which is itself represented by the derivative of the wave function. This derivative introduces a negative sign, resulting in the negative value of the kinetic energy operator.

2. Can you explain the significance of the negative kinetic energy operator in quantum mechanics?

The negative kinetic energy operator is significant in quantum mechanics because it represents the principle of uncertainty. In classical mechanics, the kinetic energy of a particle is always positive, but in quantum mechanics, the negative kinetic energy operator allows for the possibility of negative kinetic energy values, which reflects the inherent uncertainty and probabilistic nature of quantum systems.

3. How does the negative kinetic energy operator affect the behavior of quantum particles?

The negative kinetic energy operator affects the behavior of quantum particles by allowing for the possibility of negative kinetic energy values, which leads to phenomena such as quantum tunneling and the wave-like behavior of particles. These behaviors are not observed in classical mechanics, highlighting the unique and counterintuitive nature of quantum mechanics.

4. Is the kinetic energy operator always negative in quantum mechanics?

No, the kinetic energy operator is not always negative in quantum mechanics. It can be positive in certain cases, such as when the potential energy is zero or when the wave function is constant. However, in most cases, the kinetic energy operator will have a mixture of positive and negative values, reflecting the probabilistic nature of quantum systems.

5. Can the negative kinetic energy operator be measured in experiments?

No, the negative kinetic energy operator itself cannot be measured in experiments. However, its effects can be observed indirectly through experiments that demonstrate the wave-like behavior of particles or quantum tunneling. The negative kinetic energy operator is a mathematical concept used to describe the behavior of quantum particles, rather than a physical quantity that can be directly measured.

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