What happens after a theory of quantum gravity is found?

In summary, after a theory of quantum gravity is found, physicists may focus on solving the cosmological constant problem and the hierarchy problem. These issues involve the energy of the vacuum of space and the mass of the Higgs boson, respectively. The potential discovery at the Large Hadron Collider may support the idea of a multiverse or a stand-alone universe. However, most physicists believe that our universe is among the least fine-tuned for supporting life, which remains a confusing concept.
  • #1
trees and plants
Hello there. What will physicists do after a theory of quantum gravity is found?Will they ask, if it is found ,more questions about it and try to develop it?What other questions will they make probably?Thank you.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's always difficult to predict the future. But one thing I think is quite probable is that if a theory of quantum gravity is found, it may be used to try to determine what happens inside black holes.
  • #3
As no one knows for sure, i will add my guess:

Once a proper QG including full unification is in place, I am totally convinced that insights and frameworks learned from that accomplishment will have dual use, and i am specifically thinking about that it is likely to revolutionize AI research, with not just fitting and training neural networks with statistical methods, but have a more clever design of evolutionary models with agents living on specific hardware, and how hardware(matter) and instructions sets(actions) are coupled.

  • #4
universe function said:
What will physicists do after a theory of quantum gravity is found?
Most of them will do the same as they are doing now. They will work on something that has nothing to do with quantum gravity. :oldbiggrin:
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Likes MathematicalPhysicist, dlgoff, Vanadium 50 and 3 others
  • #6
Demystifier said:
Most of them will do the same as they are doing now. They will work on something that has nothing to do with quantum gravity. :oldbiggrin:
Haha, that was a hoot!
  • #7
infinitely small said:
Hello there. What will physicists do after a theory of quantum gravity is found?Will they ask, if it is found ,more questions about it and try to develop it?What other questions will they make probably?Thank you.

I found this article a while ago but there was one paragraph that I couldn't grasp so let me mention the article since it's related to your question:

New Physics Complications Lend Support to Multiverse Hypothesis - Scientific American

After or when they got into a theory of quantum gravity, they may need to ask or solve the cosmological constant problem and the hierarchy problem. Respectively.

" The energy built into the vacuum of space (known as vacuum energy, dark energy or the cosmological constant) is a baffling trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion times smaller than what is calculated to be its natural, albeit self-destructive, value. No theory exists about what could naturally fix this gargantuan disparity. "


"The Higgs boson has a mass of 126 giga-electron-volts, but interactions with the other known particles should add about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 giga-electron-volts to its mass. This implies that the Higgs’ “bare mass,” or starting value before other particles affect it, just so happens to be the negative of that astronomical number, resulting in a near-perfect cancellation that leaves just a hint of Higgs behind: 126 giga-electron-volts. "

Physicists should answer the trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion and 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 stuff.

The article was written in 2013 and has this paragraph.

"What the LHC does or doesn’t discover in its next run is likely to lend support to one of two possibilities: Either we live in an overcomplicated but stand-alone universe, or we inhabit an atypical bubble in a multiverse. “We will be a lot smarter five or 10 years from today because of the LHC,” Seiberg said. “So that’s exciting. This is within reach. "

I chose the overcomplicated but stand-alone universe anytime because it's obvious most physicists have missed something big.

The sentences that confused me is this:

"Of the possible universes capable of supporting life — the only ones that can be observed and contemplated in the first place — ours is among the least fine-tuned. "

Did she mean "most fined-tuned" or "least"? why "least"? I couldn't get it.

Related to What happens after a theory of quantum gravity is found?

1. What is quantum gravity and why is it important?

Quantum gravity is a theoretical framework that aims to unify the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It is important because it seeks to explain the fundamental nature of the universe and how gravity works at the smallest scales.

2. How will finding a theory of quantum gravity impact our understanding of the universe?

Finding a theory of quantum gravity would have a profound impact on our understanding of the universe. It would potentially resolve some of the biggest mysteries in physics, such as the nature of black holes and the origin of the universe.

3. What are the current challenges in finding a theory of quantum gravity?

There are several challenges in finding a theory of quantum gravity, including the difficulty of reconciling the principles of general relativity and quantum mechanics, as well as the lack of experimental evidence to guide the development of the theory.

4. Will a theory of quantum gravity lead to new technologies?

It is possible that a theory of quantum gravity could lead to new technologies, as it may provide insights into the fundamental workings of the universe. However, it is difficult to predict what specific technologies may arise from this theory.

5. How long will it take to find a theory of quantum gravity?

It is impossible to accurately predict how long it will take to find a theory of quantum gravity. It is a complex and ongoing area of research, and it may take many years or even decades before a definitive theory is found.

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