Thermodynamics: heat-conduction problem

In summary: Summary: In summary, a diver wearing a 3 mm thick neoprene wetsuit with an area of approximately 2 m2 can stay in 2°C water for about 3 hours and 6 minutes before experiencing hypothermia, assuming their initial body temperature is 37°C and they have a specific heat of 3480 J/kg-K. This is due to the suit's thermal conductivity of 0.03 W/m-K, the diver's weight of 80 kg, and the core temperature threshold of 35°C.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In order to stay warm, divers often wear some sort of thermal protection, like a "wetsuit". Often this is a neoprene "foamed" material, which traps gas bubbles as the insulating material. For this problem, assume:

•the thermal conductivity is that of air (κ = 0.03 W/m-K)
•the suit thickness is d = 3 mm
•the area of the suit is A ~2 m2
•the diver's initial body temperature is Td,i = 37°C (98.6°F)
•the water temperature is Tw = 2°C
•the diver "weighs" m = 80 kg
•the specific heat of the diver is cd = 3480 J/kg-K (this is slightly less than the specific heat of water 4184 J/kg-K due to the presence of protein, fat, and minerals)
•the diver will start to experience loss of motor skills due to hypothermia when his core temperature cools to below Td,f = 35°C (95°F).

Homework Equations

Not given, but the ones I used are H=JA, H=dQ/dt (small t is time, big T is temp.), Rth=d/kA (where d is distance between contact, k is thermal cond constant), from those we can pretty much manipulate and get the other ones needed,

The Attempt at a Solution

This problem is split into several sections, first it asks for R of the suit, simple enough I calculated it from d/kA to be 0.05 K/Watt

second it asks for heat capacity of the diver, we can find from the specific heat and mass, which turns out to be 278400 J.

Third it asks for amount of heat exchanged to lower diver's temperature from 37-35 C, we multiply it by 2 to get 556800 J.

Now it asks for the amount of time the diver can stay in the water before experiencing hypothermia (AKA 35C), in minutes.

Looking at H, the heat current per area (in watts per second), we can find H, then divide it from the total heat transfer needed (which is found from third part as 556800) but I can't seem to get the right answer (its one of those online physics homeworks that tells you right away). There are a few similar posts on other website which I also tried but did not seem to work, I am probably missing something pretty fundamental here, any help is greatly appreciated!

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  • #2

Dear Dergar,

Thank you for your detailed explanation of your attempts at solving this problem. It seems like you have a good understanding of the concepts involved, but may have made a small mistake in your calculations.

To find the amount of time the diver can stay in the water before experiencing hypothermia, we can use the formula H=dQ/dt, where H is the heat current per area, d is the distance between contact, Q is the total heat transfer needed (556800 J in this case), and t is the time. We can rearrange this equation to solve for t, which gives us t=Q/H.

From your previous calculations, it seems like you have correctly found H (0.05 K/Watt) and Q (556800 J). Plugging these values into the formula, we get t=556800/0.05=11136000 seconds.

To convert this to minutes, we divide by 60 and get approximately 186, or 3 hours and 6 minutes. This means that the diver can stay in the water for about 3 hours and 6 minutes before experiencing hypothermia.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if you need clarification on any part of the problem.


Related to Thermodynamics: heat-conduction problem

1. What is the definition of heat-conduction in thermodynamics?

Heat-conduction is the transfer of thermal energy between two objects or systems that are in physical contact with each other. This transfer occurs when there is a difference in temperature between the objects, and it continues until thermal equilibrium is reached.

2. How is heat-conduction related to the Second Law of Thermodynamics?

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that heat will naturally flow from a hotter object to a colder one, and not the other way around. This principle is what drives heat-conduction, as the warmer object will transfer its thermal energy to the cooler one until both objects reach the same temperature.

3. What factors affect the rate of heat-conduction?

The rate of heat-conduction is affected by several factors, including the temperature difference between the two objects, the thermal conductivity of the materials involved, the surface area of contact between the objects, and the distance between them. A larger temperature difference, higher thermal conductivity, larger surface area, and shorter distance will result in a faster rate of heat-conduction.

4. How does heat-conduction differ from convection and radiation?

Heat-conduction, convection, and radiation are three different mechanisms of heat transfer. While heat-conduction involves the direct transfer of thermal energy between objects in contact, convection involves the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids, and radiation involves the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves. Heat-conduction is the most common form of heat transfer in solids, while convection and radiation are more prevalent in fluids and gases.

5. What are some practical applications of heat-conduction?

Heat-conduction has many practical applications in our daily lives, such as cooking food, heating buildings, and cooling electronic devices. It is also used in industrial processes, such as metalworking and refrigeration. In thermodynamics, heat-conduction is an important concept in understanding the behavior of heat and energy in various systems.

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