The correlationship between Salinity and Temperature in sea water?

In summary, the relationship between the physical and chemical parameters and the red tides occurrence is still unknown.
  • #1
Can you guys please kindly tell me about that as shown of the topic?
What is the relationship about it?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
First of all - you should show some effort at finding the answer before asking.

Second - your question is so vague it is impossible to answer. The simplest answer - one which probably doesn't suit you - is that there is no correlation. If you take a pot of sea water and heat it up to boiling, water salinity would not change.
  • #3
sorry i think i should explain more in detail.
As investigating about the correlation between the physical and chemical parameters with the red tides occurrence.

The physical parameters including temperature, salinity, pH value, turbidity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a.

and I would like to know about that
1. why in different depth of the sea region ,the salinity will be changed and meanwhile the temperature also get changed?

2. why the red tides occurrence is raising when the salinity is low set if other physical parameters and chemical parameters are in constant state.

3. it is known that the chlorophyll-a represents the biomass of algal species such as dinoflagellates or diatoms. does it mean if high concentration of chlorophyll-a exists reflect the positive relationship of red tides occurrence? and why? if no, what is the reason?

4. why dissolved oxygen (DO) content will get resulted in two different kind of relationship with red tides blooms which are positive and negative? is it due to photosynthesis in daytime so DO is in enrichment and in the evening the respiration occurs so DO is depleted? what is the main relationship between DO and red tides blooms?

5. How can pH values can vary the occurrence in red tides? is that most algae species inhabiting in about pH range of 6~8 that slightly alkaline condition?

Sorry if there's maybe too more question. Thank you very much if all of you could help me!
  • #4
OK, so at least we know what you are looking for. Where have you tried to locate the information so far?
  • #5
all the information above are combined by myself.
and I search those information from journal, reviews journal and books related to algal and red tides.

could anyone answer my question? thank you

Related to The correlationship between Salinity and Temperature in sea water?

1. What is the relationship between salinity and temperature in sea water?

The relationship between salinity and temperature in sea water is known as the density effect. As the temperature of sea water increases, the density decreases, causing the water to expand and become less saline. Conversely, as the temperature decreases, the density increases and the water becomes more saline.

2. How does salinity affect the temperature of sea water?

Salinity affects the temperature of sea water by influencing its density. Higher salinity levels make the water denser, which makes it more difficult for the water to change temperature. This means that areas with higher salinity levels will experience smaller temperature changes compared to areas with lower salinity levels.

3. What factors can influence the correlationship between salinity and temperature in sea water?

The correlationship between salinity and temperature in sea water can be influenced by various factors, such as ocean currents, wind patterns, and evaporation rates. Additionally, the location and depth of the water can also affect this relationship, as different regions and depths may have varying levels of salinity and temperature.

4. How is the correlationship between salinity and temperature in sea water measured?

The correlationship between salinity and temperature in sea water can be measured using a variety of methods, such as collecting water samples and analyzing their salinity and temperature levels in a laboratory setting. Another common method is using oceanographic instruments, such as CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) sensors, to continuously measure and record these parameters in real-time.

5. What is the importance of understanding the correlationship between salinity and temperature in sea water?

Understanding the correlationship between salinity and temperature in sea water is crucial for various reasons. It can help scientists better understand ocean circulation patterns, which can impact weather and climate patterns. It also plays a significant role in marine life and ecosystems, as changes in salinity and temperature can affect the survival and behavior of various marine species. Additionally, this relationship is also essential in industries such as fisheries and shipping, as it can impact the quality and safety of their operations.

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