Some exercises on relativistic doppler shift?

In summary, my physics teacher has informed us that for our mock waves exam we are going to be given some relativistic questions on doppler shift, as an experiment by our loving masters. We derived the Lorentz factor and some shift equations, but we haven't done anything else and I'd really like some practice applying them before the real thing, however I've been unsuccessful finding any exercises. Could anyone point me in the right direction, or perhaps scan/photograph some questions they've had to do? If the latter, answers under spoiler tags (or whatever they're called) would be appreciated too.
  • #1
Mr. Heretic
My physics teacher has informed us that for our mock waves exam we are going to be given some relativistic questions on doppler shift, as an experiment by our loving masters.
We derived the Lorentz factor and some shift equations, but we haven't done anything else and I'd really like some practice applying them before the real thing, however I've been unsuccessful finding any exercises.

Could anyone point me in the right direction, or perhaps scan/photograph some questions they've had to do?
If the latter, answers under spoiler tags (or whatever they're called) would be appreciated too.

Note: The exam is fairly nigh (within 4 days of me posting this) sooner would be better than later, not to be demanding or anything. :-/

Note 2: I may end up writing myself some questions, then putting my working/answer up here seeking naught but confirmation.
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  • #2
Are you asking how to derive the Relativistic Doppler Factor from the Lorentz Transform or are you asking how to use the Relativistic Doppler Factor to solve a problem?
  • #3
I was bored so I went with my own problem (see Note 2).

But before I go into that, this isn't a particularly creative or difficult problem, so I'd just like to say I'm definitely still interested in more.
And I have an important question. What is the formula for moving-observer/stationary-source? Is it the same as the formula for moving source? I can't find it stated anywhere.

Problem goes as follows:

A 532.000 nm laser is mounted on the front of an experimental relativistic spacecraft , which then accelerates towards a distant, stationary observer until it reaches a velocity of 0.750000c.

a) What is the peak frequency observed?

b) Say next the laser is mounted on the back of the craft, and this time it accelerated in the opposite direction to the same top speed of 0.750000c, what is the peak wavelenth observed?

b. ii) How many nm longer would this peak be if the craft could and did achieve 0.990000c?

My answers:

a) 299792458/(532*10^-9)*√(1 +0.75)/√(1 -0.75) = 1.49093 x10^15 Hz

b) 532*√(1 +0.75)/√(1 -0.75) = 1407.54 nm

b. ii) 532*(√(1 +0.99)/√(1 -0.99) -√(1 +0.75)/√(1 -0.75)) = 6097.24 nm.
  • #4
Neither, ghwellsjr, I'm simply looking for examples of problems involving use of said factor/method to solve, such as above.
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  • #5
Mr. Heretic said:
And I have an important question. What is the formula for moving-observer/stationary-source? Is it the same as the formula for moving source? I can't find it stated anywhere.
The only thing that matters is the relative velocity between the two observers. The effect is reciprocal so it doesn't matter if you use a frame to define one as stationary and the other as moving or vice versa. But if are using a frame in which they are both defined as moving then you can't just add or subtract their velocities, you have to use the relativistic velocity addition formula to calculate their relative velocity. And keep in mind that this simple Relativistic Doppler Formula only applies for two observers that are traveling along the same line. For transverse motion, it gets a lot more complicated.

And one more thing, you also have to consider the time it takes for the light to travel between the observers so if they are relatively at rest, separated by a great distance and then one of them accelerates, the change in frequency/wavelength will not immediately be observed.

I didn't work through your examples in detail to see if you did them right but it looks like you have a good understanding of what you are doing.

An excellent problem to solve using Relativistic Doppler is the famous Twin Paradox.
  • #6
Thank you, I had a feeling they might be reciprocal.
I'm fairly sure we won't go into the more complex stuff in the exam so it doesn't matter too much, but be I'll looking into relativistic velocity addition and the twin paradox.

Related to Some exercises on relativistic doppler shift?

1. What is the relativistic doppler shift?

The relativistic doppler shift is a phenomenon in which the observed frequency of a wave (such as light or sound) is affected by the relative motion of the source and the observer. It takes into account the effects of special relativity, which means that the observed frequency will change if either the source or the observer is moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light.

2. How is the relativistic doppler shift different from the classical doppler shift?

The classical doppler shift only takes into account the relative motion of the source and the observer, while the relativistic doppler shift also considers the effects of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction. This means that the observed frequency can be significantly different in the relativistic case, especially at high speeds.

3. What are some real-life examples of the relativistic doppler shift?

An example of the relativistic doppler shift can be seen in the light emitted from stars. As the stars move relative to Earth, their light is shifted to longer or shorter wavelengths, which allows scientists to determine their speed and direction of motion. Another example is the redshift of light from galaxies, which is caused by the expansion of the universe and the resulting relative motion between Earth and the galaxies.

4. How is the relativistic doppler shift calculated?

The relativistic doppler shift can be calculated using the following formula: fobs = fsource * (c + vobs) / (c + vsource), where fobs is the observed frequency, fsource is the frequency of the source, c is the speed of light, vobs is the speed of the observer, and vsource is the speed of the source. This formula takes into account both the classical and relativistic effects of the doppler shift.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding the relativistic doppler shift?

Understanding the relativistic doppler shift is crucial in various fields of science and technology, including astronomy, cosmology, and telecommunications. It allows scientists to accurately measure the speed and direction of celestial objects and to study the expansion of the universe. In telecommunications, the relativistic doppler shift is taken into account to ensure accurate communication and navigation systems for satellites and spacecraft.

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