Non-uniform universe model with expansion and simultaneous compression

In summary: It can be seen as a form of self-organization that exceeds the spontaneous process of molecules. The contraction of the universe can be seen as the effect of potential mass coalescing in all directions. It can be seen as a form of self-destruction that exceeds the spontaneous process of molecules.This model allows for the perception over time of accelerated expansion within OUR time horizon. The existence of the LIM gives us a way to measure the accelerated expansion. The accelerated expansion within OUR time horizon can be seen as the result of the kinetic mass spreading out and the potential mass coalescing.
  • #1
eric nixon
visualize a model of the whole universe as a wobbly mass of gooey fluid,
like a very loose jelly in zero gravity. A model of the universe with these
characteristics of a liquid would allow for the perception over time of
accelerated expansion within OUR time horizon.

therefore that same universe perceived from somewhere beyond our horizon,
may within their horizon appear to have redshift or blueshift, possibly
accelerating or decellerating, or patches of red and blue within the

It is difficult to visually imagine this model whilst allowing for the time
it takes light to reach the viewer... but not impossible

such a unviverse would fluctuate in density within a range like a spongy
bouncy liquid so would need some kind of anitgravity or dark energy to
regulate that...

therefore no big bang, this model could be infinite also...

please tell what's wrong with this theory...
Space news on
  • #2
"A wobbly mass of gooey fluid" would have a well-defined edge to it. Presumably at least some observers within it would be able to see the edge, as though it were some sort of cosmic wall off in the distance in a certain direction. That seems kind of strange to me. Or am I taking your analogy too literally?
  • #3
dear janitor, wether the universe is infinite or not (wether it has an edge or not) is always hard to imagine, my theory leaves that issue wide open, I suspect we will never know what lies beyond the universe and we cannot imagine infinity so its not really worth worrying about.

to clarify one point: this model of the universe is basically a steady state with a random pulsing rhythm of localised expansion or contraction, so it has no beginning or end (in time).

I think this theory should be called local expansion theory... maybe I've just thought up something that's been disproved before, if anyone has heard of a similar theory please let me know... thnx ERIC
  • #4
re. "A wobbly mass of gooey fluid" would have a well-defined edge to it."

maybe I should have said; visualise an INFINITE wobbly mass of gooey fluid...
  • #5

I am working on a local model of the universe as the existence local infinitesimal motion (LIM) of one dimensional space. The symmetry and conservation of the LIM allow for two structures that are not topologically equivalent. One structure is the potential mass. One is the kinetic mass. The potential mass tends to coalesce although the Pauli Exclusion Principle prohibits this tendency of the potential mass. The kinetic mass tends to spreadout although the superposition principle says that they can come together. Each of these masses are doing the exact opposite of what the physical principles allow them to do.

The expansion of the universe can be seen as the effect of kinetic mass spreading out in all directions.

Related to Non-uniform universe model with expansion and simultaneous compression

1. What is the non-uniform universe model?

The non-uniform universe model is a theoretical model that suggests the universe is not uniform in density and is expanding and contracting simultaneously. It proposes that the universe is made up of regions with varying densities and that these regions are constantly expanding and contracting, rather than the entire universe expanding at a uniform rate.

2. What evidence supports the non-uniform universe model?

One of the main pieces of evidence for the non-uniform universe model is the observation of large-scale structures in the universe, such as galaxy clusters and superclusters. These structures indicate that the universe is not uniform in density, as they are made up of regions with varying densities. Additionally, the observed fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation also support the idea of a non-uniform universe.

3. How does the non-uniform universe model explain the expansion of the universe?

The non-uniform universe model proposes that the expansion of the universe is driven by a combination of dark energy and dark matter. Dark energy is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, while dark matter plays a role in the formation of large-scale structures. The non-uniform model suggests that these two components work together to cause the expansion and contraction of different regions of the universe.

4. Can the non-uniform universe model coexist with the Big Bang theory?

Yes, the non-uniform universe model can coexist with the Big Bang theory. In fact, the Big Bang theory provides the framework for the non-uniform model, as it explains the initial expansion of the universe and the formation of matter. The non-uniform model adds to this by proposing that the expansion is not uniform and that there are regions of simultaneous expansion and contraction.

5. What are the implications of the non-uniform universe model for the future of the universe?

The non-uniform universe model suggests that the universe will continue to expand and contract indefinitely, with regions of expansion and contraction constantly shifting. This could lead to a cyclic universe, in which the universe goes through periods of expansion and contraction repeatedly. However, more research and evidence are needed to confirm this model and its implications for the future of the universe.

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