Modelling a Falling Slinky w/ Lagrangian

In summary, a person posed a problem about modeling a falling slinky with physical equations after watching a YouTube video. The problem involves a slinky suspended in the air with a uniform mass distribution and following Hooke's law. The person derived two equations using Lagrangian and Euler-Lagrange equations, but encountered difficulties in solving the problem accurately due to the non-uniform mass distribution. Some suggestions were given to improve the model, but the person plans to revisit the problem at a later time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi everyone! This is not actually a homework problem, but I thought it was similar to one so I am putting it here.

Basically I was watching this youtube video of a falling slinky and I decided I wanted to try modelling it with physical equations:

The problem I have posited is as follows:

A slinky is suspended in the air so that its top is at height [itex]h[/itex]. The slinky has a uniform mass distribution and its total mass is [itex]m[/itex]. Assume the slinky perfectly follows Hooke's law and has spring constant [itex]k[/itex]. The equilibrium length of the slinky is [itex]l_{eq}[/itex]. This experiment is done on Earth so gravity is just [itex]g[/itex].

Derive two equations. One that gives the distance of the top of the slinky to ground wrt time, and another that gives the distance of the bottom of the slinky to ground wrt time.

First question I have is: did I pose the problem correctly? Tell me if I am doing something wrong. I think it is good to ask for the position of the top and bottom of the slinky, although an alternative setup would be to ask for the bottom and the total length of the slinky.

2. The attempt at a solution

I have chosen two generalized coordinates [itex]q_t[/itex] and [itex]q_b[/itex] which are the distance of the top and bottom of the slinky to the ground, respectively.

Then the center of mass is: [itex]q_c = \frac{1}{2} (q_t+q_b)[/itex]

So the kinetic energy is: [itex]T = \frac{1}{2} m \dot{q_c}^2 = \frac{m}{8} (\dot{q_t}+\dot{q_b})^2[/itex]

Potential energy is
[itex]V = mgq_c + \frac{1}{2} k (l_{total} - l_{eq})^2[/itex]
[itex]V = \frac{mg}{2}(q_t+q_b) + \frac{1}{2} k (q_t-q_b - l_{eq})^2[/itex]

So Lagrangian is
[itex]\cal{L} = T - V[/itex]
[itex]\cal{L} = \frac{m}{8} (\dot{q_t}+\dot{q_b})^2 - \frac{mg}{2}(q_t+q_b) - \frac{1}{2} k (q_t-q_b - l_{eq})^2[/itex]

Euler Lagrange Eqns are:
[itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\frac{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial \dot{q_i}} = \frac{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial q_i}[/itex]

[itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\frac{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial \dot{q_t}} = \frac{m}{4}(\ddot{q_t}+\ddot{q_b})[/itex]
[itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\frac{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial \dot{q_b}} = \frac{m}{4}(\ddot{q_t}+\ddot{q_b})[/itex]
[itex]\frac{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial q_t} = -\frac{1}{2}mg - k(q_t-q_b-l_{eq})[/itex]
[itex]\frac{\partial \cal{L}}{\partial q_b} = -\frac{1}{2}mg + k(q_t-q_b-l_{eq})[/itex]

[itex]\frac{m}{4}(\ddot{q_t}+\ddot{q_b}) = -\frac{1}{2}mg + k(q_t-q_b-l_{eq})[/itex]
[itex]\frac{m}{4}(\ddot{q_t}+\ddot{q_b}) = -\frac{1}{2}mg - k(q_t-q_b-l_{eq})[/itex]

This is where I run into a road block. What do I do from here. If I add the two equations I get:
[itex]\frac{m}{2}(\ddot{q_t}+\ddot{q_b}) = -mg [/itex]
[itex]\ddot{q_c} = - g [/itex]

Wow great! I could have derived that in two lines with Newtonian mechanics. I want an separate equations for [itex]q_t[/itex] and [itex]q_b[/itex], but I am not sure how to separate [itex]\ddot{q_t}[/itex] and [itex]\ddot{q_b}[/itex] from my Euler-Lagrange eqns.

1. What am I doing wrong here? Or is it impossible to get [itex]q_t[/itex] and [itex]q_b[/itex] from my setup?

2. Is using a Lagrangian the best way to go about solving this problem? Is there a much easier way that I am missing?

(edit: fixed a minus sign, but it doesn't help me solve the problem)
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  • #2
It is a very interesting experiment! But you can not model the slinky with two point masses and a massless spring, I am afraid. It is an extended elastic body, and a wave starts in it when dropped. As the old man said, the bottom end needs some time till it gets know that the upper part has been released. The bottom part is in equilibrium and the tension is equal to its weight. The upper part starts to fall when released as it has tension downward and gravity. As it moves, it changes the tension gradually along its length. It takes some time when this change of tension reaches the very bottom. It looks that the bottom ring gets know that it should fall only when the slinky has almost its equilibrium shape - with almost no tension. So the bottom would not fall till there is an upward tension higher than the mass of the last ring. That means the speed of propagation of a disturbance in the slinky is slow, compared to its fall.

  • #3
Funny, I just read something about that a while ago...
Apparently their explanation in the video is kind of iffy - you don't need to invoke the bottom end not knowing that the top has been released.

Anyway, the point is that according to the numerical results in that post, the oscillations aren't symmetric in the CM frame, so you can't assume that [itex]q_c = \frac{1}{2}(q_t + q_b)[/itex].
  • #4
Welcome to PF, rusty! :smile:

I'm not so sure you can model the slinky this way (as ehild and diazona said), but I can point out a mistake you made.

I'm afraid your kinetic energy is wrong.
Each mass has its own kinetic energy. Those 2 kinetic energies must be added.
[tex]{\cal T} = \frac{1}{2} \frac m 2 \dot{q_t}^2 + \frac{1}{2} \frac m 2 \dot{q_b}^2[/tex]
(You can only use the center of mass if the body is stiff.)

Btw, you can define an extra boundary condition:
[tex]k l_0 = k(q_{t,0} - q_{b,0}) = mg[/tex]

Oh, and besides adding your 2 final equations, you should also subtract them...To answer your other question, I believe the Lagrangian is the preferred method here.
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  • #5
Hey all,

Thank you for the comments.

As it turns out, I was not trying to model two point masses, but rather just use the top and the bottom of the slinky as generalized coordinates. As it was pointed out, this is still invalid because the center of mass is not at the center of those two points - there is a non uniform mass distribution.

I don't know how I would rectify this problem and still solve it with a Lagrangian. Currently I am thinking of just doing a bunch of point masses and taking the limit as N-> Inf (similar to classical waveform derivations) and solving this in a Newtonian way.

I have become really busy though, so I will probably revisit the problem in a couple of days and post if I can make some progress with it.


Related to Modelling a Falling Slinky w/ Lagrangian

1. How is the Lagrangian method used to model a falling slinky?

The Lagrangian method is a mathematical approach to solving problems in classical mechanics. It involves using the principle of least action to determine the equations of motion for a system. In the case of a falling slinky, the Lagrangian method can be used to calculate the trajectory of the slinky as it falls.

2. What factors are taken into account when modelling a falling slinky using Lagrangian?

When using Lagrangian to model a falling slinky, factors such as the mass of the slinky, its length, and the gravitational force acting on it are taken into consideration. Additionally, the initial conditions of the slinky, such as its position and velocity, are also important in determining its motion.

3. How does the Lagrangian method differ from other methods of modelling a falling slinky?

The Lagrangian method differs from other methods, such as Newton's laws of motion, in that it does not require the use of forces to determine the equations of motion. Instead, it relies on the principle of least action, which states that the path of a system is the one that minimizes the action integral.

4. Can the Lagrangian method be applied to other systems aside from a falling slinky?

Yes, the Lagrangian method can be applied to a wide range of systems in classical mechanics, including pendulums, springs, and rigid bodies. It is a powerful tool for solving problems involving complex systems with multiple degrees of freedom.

5. What are the limitations of using Lagrangian to model a falling slinky?

One limitation of using Lagrangian to model a falling slinky is that it assumes the slinky is a continuous, idealized system. In reality, a slinky is made up of individual coils and may experience non-ideal behavior such as friction and air resistance. These factors may affect the accuracy of the model. Additionally, the Lagrangian method may become more complex when applied to systems with a large number of particles or degrees of freedom.

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