Lucid Dreaming: Technique and Difficulty

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In summary, lucid dreaming is a state of being in which one is fully conscious that they are dreaming, but dreams anyways. It is a technique that is easy to accomplish, mainly because one has an active imagination and can remember dreams easily. It is also a very powerful experience, as it allows one to do anything they want in the dream world.
  • #36
i had one yesterday.
in that i was being chased by some people. infront of me was a cliff and behind me, death. then i realized that i had this dream before too(that one was not lucid and i am not sure how it ended).
it was like playing with my memories of other dream life in a dream itself and veryfiying that i have had this before. i told myself that i have had this dream before, it is only a dream, and i can jump off the cliff nothing wil happen to me. i jumped.
i was also aware of my real life body. i had been wanting lucid dreams before and told myself not to open my real eyes. it was like being aware of my real body and the darkness of the bed-room and not wanting it.
after that i woke. as soon as i thought of the bedroom i was in and my real body, i woke up.

Beginner's Tips:

-Keep a Dream Diary.
-Set your alarm for six hours from when you go to sleep, look up at your "third eye" (the middle of your forehead) for a minute or so, and go back to sleep.
-Ask yourself several times a day "am I dreaming?" even when you know you're not. Think about it and find reasons why.
-Before you go to sleep tell yourself "I AM going to have a lucid dream" and believe it.
-Sleep as long as possible, 8 hours or more. (your alarm is at 6 hrs.)
-To trigger lucidity, try to find something that's broken. A common one is a broken lightswitch.
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  • #37
___ said:
i was also aware of my real life body. i had been wanting lucid dreams before and told myself not to open my real eyes. it was like being aware of my real body and the darkness of the bed-room and not wanting it.
after that i woke. as soon as i thought of the bedroom i was in and my real body, i woke up.
I thought this was really weird.

Once instance, I was dreaming, dreaming a nice lucid dream. *thunder lashes outiside the window* in reality. I can feel my body try and wake up, for fear or inspection of this sudden loud noise. I say no way José, I'm having a nice dream here. We mingle (fourth person?), my instinct wins, I wake up, and yell "Dammit!" I get mad every time it happens. Dammit!
Keep a dream diary
This is important to raise your awareness of lucid dreaming. And its possibilities. You can look back and think about what you would have done differently, or changed. Also, so you can remember your dreams better. They can escape you rather quickly.
-Ask yourself several times a day "am I dreaming?" even when you know you're not.
This works very well, I am a much more frequent lucid dreamer now, and with a higher degree of lucidity. Ask yourself that as much as possible.
-Sleep as long as possible, 8 hours or more. (your alarm is at 6 hrs.)
Try and sleep like 10+ hours on one day a week. Or two or three. Just sleep in blocks as long as possible. And dammit when you have a dream lucid or not you want to remember, outline the events in your head twice, then write it down if you can. If you finish writing the dream (it doesn't have to be a great work), you'll remember it more vividly, and for much longer (x?).

They work, try them out. Reap the benefits. :biggrin:
  • #38
Mk said:
I thought this was really weird.

Once instance, I was dreaming, dreaming a nice lucid dream. *thunder lashes outiside the window* in reality. I can feel my body try and wake up, for fear or inspection of this sudden loud noise. I say no way José, I'm having a nice dream here. We mingle (fourth person?), my instinct wins, I wake up, and yell "Dammit!" I get mad every time it happens. Dammit!

that was what i was trying to say. i was wanting it and i knew i was in it(my wishes realized). i was aware of my room, my earlier dreams, my body and the dream and also the power over it (being god of that universe).
and i got up with this realization.
  • #39
Good site about lucid dreamign
I had a lucid dream once I was able to control anything in it all I could do was wake up.When I did wake I felt really weird(I'am not sure to describe)
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  • #41
I don't understand what all of the fuss is about. All my life I have been aware when I dream. I direct all of my dreams. I control them, it's like I'm directing a movie. If I don't like the way a dream is going, I can stop, rewind, and change it.

I also have dreams that continue after I wake up. Those are weird. The last one I had, a man was sitting at the end of my bed and offered me a drink. I was lying down and he held the glass out to me, so I sat up and reached my hand out to take the glass, but everytime I tried to close my fingers around the glass to hold it, my fingers went through the glass instead. I then realized that the man was becomming transparent and so was the glass. I realized I was trying to take and hold a glass that was actually in a dream and hold it in real life, I couldn't. I was wide awake watching the deame scene which was superimposed over what was real in the room slowly vanish.
  • #42
you want the most vivid lucid dreams of your life, take antipsychotic medication 4 hours before you sleep. :wink:
  • #43
Evo said:
I don't understand what all of the fuss is about. All my life I have been aware when I dream.
Yar, in all dreams I eventually become lucid, its just a matter of time really. But the more intense the dream is, the quicker I become lucid. I feel sorry for people with nightmares :( I don't have any. I always become lucid if the dream starts to get scary.
I also have dreams that continue after I wake up. Those are weird. The last one I had, a man was sitting at the end of my bed and offered me a drink. I was lying down and he held the glass out to me, so I sat up and reached my hand out to take the glass, but everytime I tried to close my fingers around the glass to hold it, my fingers went through the glass instead. I then realized that the man was becomming transparent and so was the glass. I realized I was trying to take and hold a glass that was actually in a dream and hold it in real life, I couldn't. I was wide awake watching the deame scene which was superimposed over what was real in the room slowly vanish.
A false awakening? A kind of dream where you thought you woke up from a lucid dream, and you may even move around, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water (or in your case an alcoholic drink), but later you wake up again. What is really strange is if you wake up from a dream where you thought you woke up. If I woke up from a dream where I thought I woke up from a dream in which I thought I woke up my head would explode from the insanity.
  • #44
mugsby said:
you want the most vivid lucid dreams of your life, take antipsychotic medication 4 hours before you sleep. :wink:
I was thinking... one of my friends recently had an appendectomy, she said the morphine caused terrible nightmares. This maybe a side-effect or just that she made a connection, but maybe I should take some morphine for lucid dreams. :biggrin:
  • #45
EVO I believe those dreams that continue when you are awake are known as nightterrors for some people these nightterrors can be horrible expeirences. The reason is usually since when people wake up they assume the dream is over but then they see a vision such as the man you saw and assume its real. This can be vary bad for the person sometimes because he/she assumes the vision is actually a burgler or murderer in their house but its just remant of the dream. One of my friends went several weeks were he saw a shadowy figures walking through his house with a knife or some kind of weapon. He almost went insane until he convinced himself it was just a nightterror.
  • #46
  • #47
I remember when I had night terrors. I was like five. I'm very sure I learned lucid dreaming from them.

I was just in a hypnogougic state today. Beautiful. Reds and blues and purples and greys, oranges. Wow. I also saw a women's face, and a man's upper torso + head and neck. He was pleasently disfigured. (for lack of better terminology) He was like spitting out decks of cards too...

I tried to focus in on a part of what I was *seeing* when I did, it quickly grew faint, and turned grayscale.

I also one time noticed I was falling too asleep for comfort. My objective was to get past the hypnogougic state, into dreamworld. Like I read at the lucidity institute, I pictured myself climbing up stairs. It worked! I stayed awake.

I was also almost fully awake in terms of the audio world, that's what kicked me out of hypnogougia. The power went out (happens too frequently in Guam), and scowling, I got up. Had to turn all the stuff on backup battery off. Like my computer. I really love my computer. :biggrin:
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