Limit Adverts on Google Ads for Forums

  • Thread starter Vagn
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of inappropriate adverts appearing on the PhysicsForums site, specifically links to creationist and crackpot websites. The moderator suggests reporting these advertisements and potentially blocking them, and also mentions the use of an AdBlocker. The issue of ad revenue for the site is also mentioned.
  • #1
Is there anyway of limiting the adverts that come up on the forums? I keep getting links to creationist and crackpottery sites in various threads.

For example" seemingly innocent thread's adverts linked me to this (edit by Borek: link removed) website which openly flaunts the fact that it is a crackpot site, as shown by the image below. It's a bit concerning as it could be seen by some as PhysicsForums recognising such sites as legitimate, which is obviously not true.

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  • #2
Why don't you just use an AdBlocker?
  • #3
Vagn said:
Is there anyway of limiting the adverts that come up on the forums? I keep getting links to creationist and crackpottery sites in various threads.

Yes, it is possible, problem is, it has to be done manually - one site at a time when they appear. Feel free to report such cases.

If you could resize the picture, or at least crop it so that it doesn't break formatting when showing, that would be great (widths up to about 700 pixels are acceptable). Please contact me by PM if that will require editing of the post and you will be not able to do it.

Niles said:
Why don't you just use an AdBlocker?

From what I understand that's not what the problem is. Vagn has nothing against ad in general, but thinks this type of ads should not appear on PF.
  • #4
Gold members don't get ads.
  • #5
Please report any unreasonable adverts and we can look into blocking them. PF survives off adverts so it is a necessary evil, but we certainly want them to be appropriate.

Related to Limit Adverts on Google Ads for Forums

1. How do I limit adverts on Google Ads for forums?

To limit adverts on Google Ads for forums, you can use the "Ad Settings" feature in Google Ads. This allows you to set specific criteria for your ads, such as a maximum number of ads per page or a certain frequency of ad displays. You can also use the "Ad Exclusion" feature to block certain categories or types of ads from appearing on your forum.

2. Will limiting adverts on my forum affect my revenue?

It is possible that limiting adverts on your forum may affect your revenue, as there will be fewer ads displayed and therefore potentially less clicks and impressions. However, it is important to consider the overall user experience on your forum. If too many ads are present, it may deter users and decrease engagement, ultimately impacting revenue in the long run.

3. Can I choose which specific ads are displayed on my forum?

While you cannot choose specific ads to be displayed on your forum, you can use the "Ad Exclusion" feature to block certain categories or types of ads. This can help ensure that only relevant and appropriate ads are shown to your forum audience.

4. Is there a limit to how many ads I can have on my forum?

There is no set limit to how many ads you can have on your forum, but it is important to consider the overall user experience. Too many ads can be overwhelming and may deter users from engaging with your forum. It is recommended to limit the number of ads and utilize the "Ad Settings" and "Ad Exclusion" features to control the type and frequency of ads displayed.

5. Are there any other ways to limit adverts on my forum?

Aside from using the features in Google Ads, you can also directly communicate with your advertisers and negotiate the number and type of ads displayed on your forum. Additionally, you can offer premium ad-free memberships for users who prefer to browse your forum without any advertisements.

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