Let us use the img tag everywhere

  • Thread starter ShawnD
  • Start date
In summary, the image attachment feature on the forums is not sufficient because it allows for posts containing inappropriate images.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Can you please enable the img tag on all the forums and not just the off topic forum?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
How does it strain the server's bandwidth if the image is hosted by geocities or tripod?
  • #4
yes I suppose your right, I guess it comes down to moderation. Suppose some sicko registers and posts a bunch of photos of child porn
  • #5
Ok well maybe if you see it my way. Images can be remotely hosted from tripod and geocities if the extension is changed to something arbitrary like .txt or .dat or any other extention that is not an image extension. If that url is posted as an image using either forum code ([ img ]) or html code (which is not allowed for obvious reasons), it appears as an image. If the url is posted as a link where it has to be clicked; the image will not show up. The image will be loaded as a text file which will just appear to be garbage.
  • #6
Selecting for IMG priviledge

Greg Bernhardt said:
Suppose some sicko registers and posts a bunch of photos of child porn
Then IMG priviledges might be reserved for registered persons with over 100 posts, or for financial contributors; in the latter case, people would then have one more reason to financially contribute.
  • #7
Well actually it wouldn't encourage too much because there's a workaround for the img tag (it's just a pain in the butt though). Instead of linking to the image itself, link to an html page which only has the img tag for that image.

So basically what I'm saying is that it won't bring in more income; it will only make me work harder. Of course we all know how much it sucks to have to work :wink: .
  • #8
another instance where the freedoms that one might have by virtue of being an internet community are restricted based on the assumption that we need protection from the kiddie porn contingency

moderation = good, censorship = bad
  • #9
I'll watch for inappropriate images if you want me too. Just tell me how to do it efficiently.
  • #10
Is there any reason why the attachment option is insufficient?

As it stands now, attachments get put in the queue until the forum moderator or an administrator can check it and approve it. As it stands now we axe over a dozen spammers and cranks per week, and it still takes us some time to catch them. With attachments, assuming you're not posting kiddie porn (etc.), you get to post your picture, and we don't have to worry about breaking any laws inadvertently.
  • #11
-Attachments can't be really really big. On several occasions, I've posted images that are over 200kb.
-Attachments take space on the server; that's not good
-Attachments require a lot of bandwidth if the images are big (like the ones I post)
  • #12
lethe said:
another instance where the freedoms that one might have by virtue of being an internet community are restricted based on the assumption that we need protection from the kiddie porn contingency

moderation = good, censorship = bad
No, it is not.

You are still allowed to post links to pictures, the picture won't show up directly though, the link has to be followed to the site on which it is hosted. Images can also be uploaded to this site and viewed in that way.
  • #13
I think I just thought of a dynamic workaround. What I could do is make a PHP page on my home server (which I don't like having bogged down by forum people) then post links to that page as variables like mypage.php?image=picutre.txt then I could have the page load that variable as an inline frame of the tripod picture. It's so crazy it might just work.
  • #15
Point being? We're already able to post image URLs, find an image, go into properties, find the specific URL and post it.. http://mardiweb.com/web/psp6/sculpture/kitten.jpg the only 'problem' is that it is not displayed directly as an image on this website for reasons that Greg stated.
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  • #16
Try loading this image.
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  • #17
Sorry, but the page or the file that you're looking for is not here.
• Please check to see that you've entered the correct URL.
• The owner of this site may have chosen to delete their membership.
• The site may have been removed due to a violation of Tripod's Terms of Service.
• The site may have been moved to a different URL.

Please search again for this page, or others like it with the search box above.

thats what I got.
  • #18
ShawnD said:
So basically what I'm saying is that it won't bring in more income; it will only make me work harder. Of course we all know how much it sucks to have to work :wink: .

The entire basis of capitalism is that people will pay money to avoid doing work themselves.
  • #19
Greg Bernhardt said:
yes I suppose your right, I guess it comes down to moderation. Suppose some sicko registers and posts a bunch of photos of child porn

I do not know of this might seem applicable here, but can some intranet resources software stop the abuses you have stated?

Also demonstrating links from other servers might hold copyright issues, why it might be important to write the url links as directly taken from those sites and leads back too?

<a h r e f = " "><I m g s r c =" ">< /a>

Having fun with http://www.homesforfee.com/sphere2.jpg url by reducing to .com, you can see how this works

I believe images are very important here in moving forward online resources for consideration? If we do not do this, we stifle the internet capabilities, from the road it is currently seeking to express. Full motion images.

We have to move with the times. Think about digital cameras. What a wonderful tool on your own site developement.
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Related to Let us use the img tag everywhere

What is the "img" tag and how does it work?

The "img" tag is an HTML tag used to display images on a webpage. It requires the "src" attribute to specify the image source and the "alt" attribute to provide alternative text for the image.

Why is it important to use the "img" tag everywhere?

Using the "img" tag everywhere ensures that all images on a webpage are properly displayed, making the webpage more visually appealing and user-friendly.

Can the "img" tag be used for any type of image?

Yes, the "img" tag can be used for any type of image, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG.

Is there a limit to the number of "img" tags that can be used on a webpage?

No, there is no limit to the number of "img" tags that can be used on a webpage. However, using too many images can affect the webpage's loading time and performance.

Are there any alternative methods for displaying images on a webpage?

Yes, there are alternative methods such as using CSS background images or embedding images using the object or embed tags. However, the "img" tag is the most commonly used and recommended method for displaying images on a webpage.

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