Is Space-Time Continuous or Quantized?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantization and its application to space and time. There is debate over whether space and time are fundamentally discrete or continuous, and the possibility of a quantum theory of gravity may shed light on this. The conversation also touches on Godel's Incompleteness Theorem and its relation to physics. Additionally, there is mention of Lee Smolin's recent proposal to disprove Godel's theory.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
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A free photon can have any wavelength and energy; no discreteness there. Just because something is quantized, or fundamentally quantum in nature, doesn’t mean everything about it must be discrete.

The idea that space (or space and time, since they’re inextricably linked by Einstein’s theories of relativity) could be quantized goes way back to Heisenberg himself. Famous for the Uncertainty Principle, which fundamentally limits how precisely we can measure certain pairs of quantities (like position and momentum), Heisenberg realized that certain quantities diverged, or went to infinity, when you tried to calculate them in quantum field theory. Space and time are both continuous. It’s possible that the problems that we perceive now, on the other hand, aren’t insurmountable problems, but are rather artifacts of having an incomplete theory of the quantum Universe. It’s possible that space and time are really continuous backgrounds, and even though they’re quantum in nature, they cannot be broken up into fundamental units. It might be a foamy kind of spacetime, with large energy fluctuations on tiny scales, but there might not be a smallest scale. When we do successfully find a quantum theory of gravity, it may have a continuous-but-quantum fabric, after all. Taken from an article in Forbes by
I am a Ph.D. astrophysicist, author, and science communicator, who professes physics and astronomy at various colleges. I have won numerous awards for science writing…
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  • #2
They are not "quantized" in the sense of there being only a countable number of "space units" or "time units".
But there is a lower limit on what is meaningfully discernible.
  • #3
.Scott said:
there is a lower limit on what is meaningfully discernible

Actually we don't know that for sure. The hypothesis that the Planck length sets a lower bound on meaningful lengths (and times) is a speculative hypothesis. Many physicists think it is plausible, but we have no evidence either way (since the Planck scale is many orders of magnitude smaller than the smallest scale we can currently probe experimentally).
  • #4
PeterDonis said:
Actually we don't know that for sure. The hypothesis that the Planck length sets a lower bound on meaningful lengths (and times) is a speculative hypothesis. Many physicists think it is plausible, but we have no evidence either way (since the Planck scale is many orders of magnitude smaller than the smallest scale we can currently probe experimentally).
I read that the energy we would need to probe these small scales is about the energy density of the universe. And if Kurt Godell is right we will never be able to totally understand our universe because we cannot observe it from the outside.
  • #5
GregoryC said:
I read that the energy we would need to probe these small scales is about the energy density of the universe.

I'm not sure what you mean by "the energy density of the universe". The average energy density of the universe is tiny, about ##10^{-29}## grams per cubic centimeter.

The Planck energy is the energy that would be needed to probe the Planck scale of length and time. It's not an energy density, it's an energy per particle, like the energies quoted for accelerators like the LHC. The Planck energy is about ##10^{19}## GeV, or about 15 orders of magnitude larger than the LHC energy.
  • #6
I miss stated my thought. I meant to say it would take the energy contained in all the universe to see those details. That still does not change the incompleteness theorem. Unless we can view the whole of any system we can never know everything about the system. We are as Sabine says "LOST IN MATH"...
  • #7
GregoryC said:
I meant to say it would take the energy contained in all the universe to see those details.

I take it you mean all the energy in the observable universe. That's still way, way off, since the Planck energy, while very large in terms of energy for a single particle, is a small amount of energy in ordinary terms--it's the equivalent of about ##10^{-5}## grams of mass.

GregoryC said:
That still does not change the incompleteness theorem.

Godel's Incompleteness Theorem doesn't say anything about physics. It's about math.
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  • #8
PeterDonis said:
I take it you mean all the energy in the observable universe. That's still way, way off, since the Planck energy, while very large in terms of energy for a single particle, is a small amount of energy in ordinary terms--it's the equivalent of about ##10^{-5}## grams of mass.
Godel's Incompleteness Theorem doesn't say anything about physics. It's about math.
Lee Smolin just thinks he discovered a way to disprove Godels theory. Just today. Have not had time to read yet. More to come when I finish reading it.👍
  • #9
GregoryC said:
Lee Smolin just thinks he discovered a way to disprove Godels theory.

Do you have a reference?
  • #11
@GregoryC, the reference you give is a pop science article. It's interesting, but not a valid basis for PF discussion.

The OP question has been answered, so this thread is closed.

Related to Is Space-Time Continuous or Quantized?

1. What does it mean for space and time to be quantized?

Quantization refers to the idea that space and time are not continuous, but instead are made up of discrete units or "chunks." This means that both space and time can only exist in specific, measurable increments.

2. How does the concept of quantization apply to the universe?

According to some theories, the fabric of the universe is made up of tiny, indivisible units of space and time. This means that the universe itself is quantized, and everything within it is composed of these fundamental units.

3. What evidence supports the idea of quantized space and time?

One piece of evidence comes from the study of light and its behavior. The fact that light can only exist in discrete packets, or photons, suggests that space and time may also be quantized. Additionally, some theories in quantum mechanics and relativity also support the idea of quantization.

4. Are there any experiments that have been conducted to test the quantization of space and time?

Yes, there have been several experiments conducted to test the idea of quantized space and time. One notable experiment is the Michelson-Morley experiment, which aimed to measure the speed of light and its variation with the Earth's motion through space. This experiment provided evidence for the theory of relativity, which supports the idea of quantized space and time.

5. How does the concept of quantization impact our understanding of the universe?

The concept of quantization has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the universe is not continuous, but instead is made up of discrete building blocks. This can help us better understand phenomena such as gravity, black holes, and the behavior of particles on a quantum level.

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