Introducing Complex Numbers to Engineers: Relevant Examples Explained

In summary, for engineers with weak mathematical skills, introducing complex numbers through roots of unity can be helpful as it provides a tangible and relevant example. Another application of complex numbers is in plotting sin and cos functions as rotating vectors, which is important in AC circuits and introductory calculus-based physics courses. Complex numbers are also essential in understanding impedance in electric circuits and responses of LRC circuits. Additionally, transfer functions, which are encountered by every engineering student, can be studied using complex numbers.
  • #1
What is the best way of introducing complex numbers to engineers who are weak at mathematics?
They normally want something tangible or relevant examples.
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  • #2
Roots of unity provide a nice geometrical use of complex numbers that is easy to follow.
  • #3
Not a great way perhaps to introduce them, but one use I can think of off the bat is plotting sin and cos functions as rotating vectors on the imaginary and real axes. This is important in AC circuits (via phasor diagrams). It's revelvant in the introductory calc-based physics sequence for most engineering programs.
  • #4
You can show them the use of complex number in electric circuits. When we talk about impedence due to inductors and capacitors complex numbers are indispensible. They are also used in studying responces of LRC circuits.
You may have to look up more things to appeal to non- EE majors as myself.

An example is in the study of transfer functions; which I believe every engineering student encounters.
  • #5

I understand the importance of making complex concepts accessible and relevant to those who may not have a strong background in mathematics. When introducing complex numbers to engineers, it is crucial to provide tangible and relatable examples that demonstrate the practical applications of these numbers.

One effective approach could be to start with the concept of impedance, which is commonly used in engineering and involves complex numbers. By explaining how impedance is calculated using complex numbers and how it relates to real-world situations such as electrical circuits, engineers can see the direct relevance and importance of understanding complex numbers.

Another approach could be to use examples from signal processing, which is also a commonly used application in engineering. By showing how complex numbers are used to analyze and manipulate signals, engineers can see how these numbers play a crucial role in their field.

Additionally, using visual aids and interactive demonstrations can also be helpful in conveying the concept of complex numbers to engineers. This can include plotting complex numbers on the complex plane or using animations to show how calculations involving complex numbers work.

Overall, the key to introducing complex numbers to engineers who may struggle with mathematics is to make the concept relatable and applicable to their field. By providing relevant examples and using visual aids, engineers can better understand the importance and practicality of complex numbers in their work.

Related to Introducing Complex Numbers to Engineers: Relevant Examples Explained

1. What are complex numbers and why are they relevant to engineers?

Complex numbers are numbers that contain both a real and imaginary component. They are relevant to engineers because they are used to represent quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as alternating currents in electrical engineering or vibrations in mechanical engineering.

2. How are complex numbers used in engineering applications?

Complex numbers are used in engineering applications in a variety of ways. They can be used to model and analyze electrical circuits, control systems, and signal processing. They are also commonly used in mechanical engineering for analyzing vibrations and in fluid dynamics for calculating flow patterns.

3. Can you provide an example of a real-world engineering problem that can be solved using complex numbers?

One example is the analysis of an electrical circuit with both resistive and reactive components. By representing the resistive component with a real number and the reactive component with a complex number, engineers can use complex number arithmetic to solve for the circuit's total impedance and current flow.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using complex numbers in engineering?

The main drawback to using complex numbers in engineering is that they can be more difficult to visualize and understand compared to real numbers. This can make it challenging for some engineers to apply complex numbers effectively in their work. Additionally, complex numbers may not always have a physical interpretation in certain engineering applications.

5. How can engineers learn to use complex numbers effectively in their work?

Engineers can learn to use complex numbers effectively through education and practice. Many engineering programs include courses on complex analysis and its applications. Additionally, there are numerous resources available online, such as tutorials and practice problems, that can help engineers improve their understanding and application of complex numbers.

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