Good books that explain the Why element.

In summary, the conversation discusses frustrations with traditional teaching methods in mathematics and recommendations for resources that focus on understanding and application rather than rote learning. The suggested resources include books on discrete mathematics, algebra, calculus, and complex analysis, as well as online lecture notes. These resources emphasize the "why" element of math and require effort to fully understand.
  • #1
Darth Frodo
Good books that explain the "Why" element.

Hi there, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm currently in what I think is the equivilent to the American Senior year. I am kind of angry with my maths teacher. While she is good she "Teaches to the exam". It really nettles me.

Does anyone know any good "Freshman" textbooks that explain the concepts behind the maths as opposed to rote learning. (Topics include, Calculus, Trig, Algebra)

Does anyone else have any experience with teachers and forced rote learning? Does this typically continue to college?
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  • #2

I think you will find that most teachers (at least in high schools) will just teach you how to do well in exams rather than how to understand and apply the subject to interesting or new problems. Most people view the outcome of school as the numbers on test sheets rather than as a chance to learn, sad but true.
If you're really interested in mathematics go find something you enjoy about it; give complex numbers a go, maybe look at a book on maths proofs and try to write some of your own or find some high school maths competitions and look at the previous papers.
  • #3

You'll find that many undergraduate texts in math explain the "Why" of math. Indeed, if one of your books don't (when you're an undergrad), then it's probably a bad book. It would help to know exactly what you're interested in, as I'm sure a lot of people can recommend some very interesting books.

Here's one I really like: Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction, Scheinerman
It's great for self-studying; there are solution to odd problems, the exercises are challenging and fun, and there are end of chapter exams with complete solutions. Perfect! It's basically an introduction to proofs and to number theory/graph theory, and logic.
  • #4

Most of us has been bastardized at least a little from our own high school math education. These books may help undue them:

Algebra by Gelfand justifies everything, from showing that multiplication commutes (three times five gives the same answer as five times three) to proving that the quadratic mean.

Calculus Made Easy by Thompson. This book can be bought very cheap. It is probably in your library (my small library has a dozen of them). You can also get it online for free because the copyright is long expired for the earlier editions (which were the better ones). The book is not 'rigorous' but very intuitive. Nothing goes unjustified.

Elementary Real and Complex Analysis by Shilov. This can be bought for only about $20. Despite its title, I do believe it was meant as an introductory text of calculus. However, it is far more rigorous than any calculus texts available (even Apostol). It treats fundamental concepts with care. It even gives a gorgeous analytical definition of the trigonometric function. There is plenty of motivation for everything. I would definitely recommend this.

William Chen's lecture notes are also helpful. They may be a bit more standard than the above texts, but Chen never fails to leave out any wonderful insight.

None of these books are easy. They require a lot of effort. However, if you really want to have a deep understanding of basic mathematics, then here you go!
  • #5

I completely understand your frustration with teachers who focus on teaching to the exam rather than explaining the underlying concepts of a subject. In order to truly understand and excel in math, it is important to have a strong foundation in the "why" behind the equations and formulas.

There are many great books out there that explain the "why" element of math. Some of my personal recommendations include "A Mathematician's Lament" by Paul Lockhart, "The Joy of x" by Steven Strogatz, and "How Not to Be Wrong" by Jordan Ellenberg. These books delve into the beauty and logic of mathematics, providing a deeper understanding of the subject rather than just memorizing equations.

In terms of textbooks, "Calculus: Early Transcendentals" by James Stewart and "Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus" by Sheldon Axler are both highly recommended for their emphasis on understanding concepts and problem-solving rather than rote memorization.

It is unfortunate that some teachers prioritize teaching to the exam, but it is important to remember that this approach may be due to external pressures such as standardized testing. However, in college, you will have more control over your education and can seek out professors who prioritize understanding over memorization. I encourage you to continue seeking out resources and asking questions to deepen your understanding of math. Best of luck in your studies!

Related to Good books that explain the Why element.

1. What is the importance of understanding the "why" element in a book?

The "why" element in a book refers to the underlying reasons or motivations behind the events and actions in the story. Understanding the "why" helps readers to make sense of the plot and characters, and can deepen their emotional connection to the story.

2. How can a book effectively explain the "why" element?

A book can effectively explain the "why" element through well-developed characters, clear and consistent character motivations, and a strong central conflict that drives the story forward. The author should also provide enough context and background information for the reader to understand the characters' actions and decisions.

3. Can non-fiction books also have a "why" element?

Yes, non-fiction books can also have a "why" element. In non-fiction, the "why" element may refer to the author's purpose for writing the book, the underlying causes or motivations behind real-life events, or the implications and consequences of certain actions or decisions.

4. How does understanding the "why" element contribute to a deeper analysis of a book?

Understanding the "why" element allows readers to analyze the themes, symbolism, and messages in a book with a deeper understanding of the author's intentions and underlying meanings. It also allows readers to make connections between different elements of the story and draw their own conclusions.

5. Are there any specific genres or types of books that focus on explaining the "why" element?

The "why" element is a crucial aspect of all types of books, but it may be emphasized more in certain genres such as literary fiction, historical fiction, and psychological thrillers. Non-fiction books that focus on psychology, sociology, and philosophy may also delve into the "why" element in a deeper way.

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