Gas consumption to overcome drag force

In summary: Then use the definition of fuel consumption (gallons/mile) to get an expression for Q that will give you the units you need (gallons/s).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A car moving with speed [itex]v[/itex] is subject to a drag force [itex]F_{d}=0.5\rho A c_{d}v^{2}[/itex], where [itex]\rho[/itex] is the density of air ([itex]1.25 kg/m^{3}[/itex] at STP), A is the cross sectional area of the car, and [itex]c_{d}[/itex] is the drag coefficient.

A Honda Civic has [itex]A=1.9 m^{2}[/itex] and [itex]c_{d}=0.36[/itex].

Assuming gasoline contains 125 MJ/gallon of energy, and that the car's engine is 25% efficient, calculate the gasoline consumption (in miles per gallon) needed to overcome this drag force if the car is traveling 75 mi/h (=33.3 m/s). Hint, 1 mile = 1600 m.

B. What is the power output of the engine needed to overcome this drag force at 33.3 m/s? Hint, 1 horsepower = 750 watts.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

From the given information, I know that the drag force is equal to 474 N (using MKS units), and the power needed to overcome the drag is approximately 15,800 W.

From unit analysis, I have to somehow convert MJ/gal into mi/gal, which would mean multiplying by mi/MJ, but I am not sure how to get that.

I know from the efficiency of the engine, that you can only extract a maximum of 31 MJ/gal of gas.
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  • #2
If I might make a suggestion, try solving it symbolically first using, for instance:
\eta = \frac{P_{out}}{P_{in}} \,, P_{in} = u Q
- η is the efficiency of the car engine in converting fuel to mechanical work.
- Pout is the mechanical power supplied by the engine.
- Pin is the chemical power supplied by the fuel.
- u is the energy density of the fuel.
- Q is the volumetric flow rate of fuel into the engine.
  • #3
But how would the volumetric flow rate factor into miles/MJ? VFR would give me m^3 /s or gallons/s
  • #4
warfreak131 said:
But how would the volumetric flow rate factor into miles/MJ? VFR would give me m^3 /s or gallons/s
If you know the velocity of the car (assume it's constant), you know how far it travels in some period of time.
If you know the flow rate of fuel, you know how much fuel it'll use in that same period of time.

To clarify, can you use this to find an expression that relates the fuel flow rate [m3/s], the fuel consumption [m/m3] and car velocity [m/s]?

You can use the dimensions of the units to give you a hint. Try coming up with a symbol for the fuel consumption and relate it to the fuel flow rate Q and car velocity v.
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  • #5
Therefore, I can calculate the maximum distance the car can travel with 1 gal of gas, which is approximately 248 mi.

To calculate the gasoline consumption (in miles per gallon) needed to overcome the drag force, I would need to divide the distance traveled by the car by the distance traveled with 1 gal of gas, which gives a value of approximately 0.3 miles per gallon.

To calculate the power output of the engine, I would need to use the equation P=W/t, where W is the work done (474 N x 1600 m = 758,400 J) and t is the time it takes to travel 1600 m at a speed of 33.3 m/s, which is approximately 0.048 s. This gives a power output of approximately 15,800 W, which is consistent with the initial calculation.

In conclusion, the gasoline consumption needed to overcome the drag force at a speed of 33.3 m/s is approximately 0.3 miles per gallon and the power output of the engine needed is approximately 15,800 W. This highlights the importance of reducing drag in order to increase fuel efficiency and decrease gasoline consumption.

Related to Gas consumption to overcome drag force

1. What is gas consumption to overcome drag force?

Gas consumption to overcome drag force refers to the amount of fuel or gas needed to counteract the force of air resistance, also known as drag, on an object. This is commonly seen in vehicles such as cars, planes, and boats.

2. Why is gas consumption affected by drag force?

Gas consumption is affected by drag force because as an object moves through the air, the air molecules exert a force in the opposite direction of motion, creating drag. This drag force requires additional energy to overcome, resulting in increased gas consumption.

3. How does the shape of an object affect gas consumption to overcome drag force?

The shape of an object greatly affects the amount of gas consumption needed to overcome drag force. Objects with streamlined and aerodynamic shapes experience less drag, resulting in lower gas consumption, while objects with larger surface areas and blunt edges experience more drag and require more gas to overcome it.

4. Does speed affect gas consumption to overcome drag force?

Yes, speed plays a significant role in gas consumption to overcome drag force. As an object increases its speed, the drag force also increases, requiring more gas to overcome it. This is why vehicles traveling at high speeds tend to have higher gas consumption than those moving at lower speeds.

5. How can we reduce gas consumption to overcome drag force?

There are several ways to reduce gas consumption to overcome drag force. One way is to use aerodynamic designs and materials to reduce the drag force on an object. Another way is to reduce the speed of the object, as drag force increases with speed. Additionally, regular maintenance and proper tire pressure can also help improve fuel efficiency and reduce gas consumption.

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